Fall 01



 “Its time.”

It was 8 o’clock; class would start in 10 minutes.

The classroom was noisy, filled with slurring and propitious excitement and complaints. Of course. It was the first day of a new semester in Janel. There were new shoes, new clothes, new hair, and fascinating enough there were even newly shaped noses... Everyone changed, intrigued by the fashion appeal and beauty judgment these days.

I yawned, unable to control my feelings of dullness as my eyes shifted uncomfortably, trying to squint through the lines of students shuffling in. I managed to spot the tall brunette, busy combing through her locks as she shambled in through the flock of people.

I bent over my table on the fifth row and shouted through the clatter: “Hey Viey!”

The striking girl looked up at me and smiled, her white teeth showing through her pink lipstick. I nodded my head to the empty seat beside me and she immediately took the stairs, her curls flowing behind her.

“Jae!” She cooed excitedly as she got next to me, embracing me in a huge hug. I smirked and pulled my arms around her, responding to the greeting.

“New fashion style I see?” I mused once she pulled away. I looked at my best friend and shook my head. Her body was embodied in a light green vintage patterned shirt and a white lace pencil skirt, matched with basic black flats.

“Of course” Viey clapped her hands together energetically, “its summer!”

“And?” I raised my eyebrows, not catching the cue at all. I mean, what does summer have to do with dressing so catchy?

“And what? Its just summer!” She eyed my black crop top and denim jeans “Look at you” she shook her head exasperatedly. “Why isn’t there any summer color on you?”

“There is” I grinned and raised my feet, showing her my dark green converses. She raised her eyebrows at me in a way that told me indirectly I was a fool.

“That doesn’t count” she pursed her lips as she took out her notebooks and pencils and a beautifully wrapped parcel.

“Summer present” She pushed the parcel to me and leaned on the table on one of her elbows as she propped herself up to face me, in anticipation.

“Okay…” I arched my eyebrows upwards “didn’t you already send me one during the holiday?”

Just as Viey was about to answer, Dr. Jeh strode in with stacks of books in her hands, the classroom immediately quieted down within seconds. Dr. Jeh wasn’t one to mess with, and we all knew it.

“Okay class of Chemistry 2012” She announced, “I have a couple new students to introduce” her voice cold and monotone as usual. I shivered, remembering the unpleasant encounters with her last year. She nodded towards the back of the room, I could hear shuffles of the chairs as students swished around to check out the new incomers, I just didn’t bother.

There was a sudden wave of whisper from everyone in the room, especially the girls.

“Oh my gosh!” came a hushed murmur next to me “They look absolutely gorgeous”

“They look absolutely flawless” I heard another girl sigh.

“Boys, please introduce yourselves” Dr. Jeh’s voice motioned from the bottom of the big classroom. Does it sound less sarcastic than usual, or is it just my imagination. I cocked my eyebrows to one side as I turned to faced Viey, only to find that she was already staring at the back of the room, mesmerized.

I swiped my hands on the chair and turned around, attention immediately caught by three pale and impeccable guys. My eyes caught with the last one in row, a spasm of shivers ran down my spine and my body felt weak, like it was electrocuted. Something in me called out for danger. I managed to pull my gaze away from his brown eyes as the first of the three started to introduce himself.

“Hello everyone, I’m Huang ZiTao, but all of you can call me Tao. I’m 19 this year and I’ve just transferred from Northan High, please take care of me.” The tall guy bowed and sat down gracefully, every trace of muscle showing through his body hugging black T-shirt and jeans.

“Sup everyone, my name is Kim Jongin, people usually call me Kai. It would be fun spending one year with all of you in here. Take care of me, I’m 18, new and vulnerable” the guy in the middle winked and flopped back down charmingly on his seat, earning wild whispers from the crowd of girls.

“Hi guys, my name is Se Hun, I turned 18 this year and I’ve also transferred from Northan High. I’d enjoy some new refreshments, lets take care of each other.” He slurred each word sensually, playful with the tone, his eyes never left me. I looked away and swallowed hard, having a difficult time peeling my gaze away from his perfect stature wasn't a good start.

The class clapped enthusiastically as the introduction of the three new transfer students in our class ceased to an end.

Dr. Jeh started speaking again, it was then I realized that I was biting my lips; my heart sped from the corporeal gaze that I felt piercing through me from behind. The need to blush surged through me, but my blood ran stale. Suddenly I felt chilly enough until I couldn’t feel my fingers that were grasped around my pen.

It was mid summer. And I felt cold.

 “Kill me now” Viey suddenly whispered to me, it was then I noticed that Dr. Jeh had already got through half an hour of her lecture.

“Covalent bonding...” She continued...

“Why don’t you kill me first” I mouthed back, doodling on my notepad. Chemistry 2012.

The shriveling feeling had disappeared; I stole a glance back towards the seventh row, amused to find that the guy so called Se Hun wasn’t looking at me anymore. He was staring lazily out the window, a bored expression splayed out evenly across his face.

I felt my heart skip a beat

Shaking my head, I snapped out of my thoughts and turned back to Dr. Jeh’s intense oration, my eyes reluctantly focused on the circles and dots labeled as the lewis dot diagram. I plopped my head down on my arms.

It’s going to be hell surviving another year of Chemistry.

The time crawled by like snails; Miraculously, I counted every tick of the clock, drumming my fingertips lightly on the table to keep myself awake. I looked over at Viey, who was nodding off to sleep, her pen dropping on her notebook occasionally and she would wake to pick it up again.

I chuckled lightly, at least I’m not the only one feeling bored head over heels by all these covalent and ionic .

The bell rang, finally. After two hours of excruciating long first period chemistry of the very first day of junior year, I stretched my arms and legs out gingerly. Viey was still asleep.

I nudged her gently, closing up her notebooks and packing up her pencils. “Pighead, class is over already”

She wrinkled her nose together with her eyes still closed “Did I miss anything?” she mumbled incoherently

“You missed the three new guy’s strip show,” I whispered playfully

The sleepy girl was up immediately, turning her heads around in furious whips.

“Just kidding,” I laughed as I swung my backpack onto my shoulders, “Time to go, you slept for the past 1 hour and 30 minutes. I actually counted”

Viey shot me a death glare and packed her stuff into her leather bag. I lifted my hands up in surrender as I stepped out onto the stairs, waiting for her.

“Jae…” Viey began suddenly and stopped, her eyes widened, and I felt all eyes in the classroom on me. I looked up the stairs; the three mysterious new students stood on the steps one flight above me. I was in their way.

Tao seemed to be uninterested, slightly tapping his feet. Kai ran a hand through his hair as he waited. I shifted my gaze towards Se Hun and met his eyes, staring emotionlessly into mine.

I stepped away to let them past as I lowered my head to shield my eyes away from him. It was way too intimidating to feel his presence, not to mention looking at him.

The first two brushed past me lightly, their footsteps pondering down the stairs as they headed towards the doorway.

The last one lingered; I felt my muscles tense in the silence.

After the most excruciating couple seconds, I heard his footsteps famished down the stairs and he was gone, along with the other two mysterious new comers.

I heaved a sigh of relief as Viey looked up at me in excitement and squealed “You got so close to them! Oh my god!”

“Do you think its cold in here? Its cold” I muttered as I rubbed my hands on my upper arms, in attempt to warm them up.

Viey raised her perfect eyebrows, her lips twitched into action, “Uh No? Hello Miss, its summer” she waved her hands towards the window where the sunshine spilled through generously.

“Okay okay Lets head out, I don’t want to be late for my next class” I flopped down the stairs as Viey followed, smoothing out her white pencil skirt.

We walked through the familiar hallway of Janel High, heading towards the math classrooms when Viey said “Hey, I have English next, I’ll meet you later for lunch! Have fun in math. Don’t skip!” Viey gave me a rushed hug and skipped off.

Students were shuffling out of classes from everywhere, chatting and gossiping about new transfer students. I pulled my bag pack up as a spasm of shiver shot through my spine; it’s not a good sign that I have been feeling this so often lately. in a deep breath I rounded towards the girl’s bathroom, perspiration visible on my forehead as I clutched my body to myself, in pain.

I ripped up my crop top and studied the hexagon shaped pattern imprinted on my right pelvis. This stupid mark’s hurting me again.



~~~ Authors corner~~~

Hello readers! New or old :P this is the first chapter! hope ya'll liked it. Sorry i took so long to update!

Subscribe and comment! tell me how you guys feel. Thank you so much for reading! Greatly appreciated


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Chapter 5: ooooooooooooooh seems really interesting. And I love how she has that 'mark', that's something I've never read in a fanfic before. Or at all actually :P
Chapter 5: so far so good. keep up the good work.
KissMeAng5l #3
Chapter 5: OOHH THIS IS GOOD!! But its MAINLY going to be SehunxYou right? And KrisxYou is just going to be the second majorish pairing right?
sehunsarmpit #4
Chapter 5: if the sehun for out loud was in the same room as you, was that a BAD idea ????????
kellen_1825 #5
Chapter 5: Awww sehun such cute creep are you please update more soon im so excited to read the next chappie hwaiting!!
Light-baekhyun #6
Um...im not sure about it but is this based on Lauren Kate's Fallen series?? It somehow look alike to me
Chapter 4: This is interesting. :) hope you update soon! :)