Chapter 13: Go out with me

You Should Be Mine {HIATUS}


It’s been a few week since their breakup. Chanyeol ran to Baekhyun and cooed into his ear, “Baekie baby…” And Baekhyun jumped. He turned red as Chanyeol roared in laughter…

“YAH! PARK CHANYEOL COME BACK HERE!” Baekhyun shouted as he started to chase Chanyeol while Chanyeol stuck his tounge at him.

“Don’t think I will, thank you very much.” As he ran around and around the library, accidently bumping into someone.

“HEY WATCH I— Oh it’s you.” Chanyeol muttered as Kyungsoo backed away.

Kyungsoo glared at him, “I could say the same to you.”

Kai came up, and put his hand protectively over Kyungsoo. “Don’t hurt him, or I’ll hurt Baekhyun Chanyeol.”

Chanyeol snorted, “Why would I hurt Kyungsoo? He didn’t do anything wrong today.”

Baekhyun came over to Chanyeol, “Chanyeol, what’s going on… Oh it’s you.” He muttered in distaste, as Kyungsoo glared at him.

“Let’s go Kai.” Kyungsoo glared at Chanyeol before kissing Kai on the nose. They walk away.

*So, he moved on already huh…* Chanyeol could see his tears, but he shook them away. He had to remind himself several times that he and Kyungsoo were over, he wasn’t supposed to love him anymore. *Then why do I still have this feeling when I’m near him?* Chanyeol sighed, the happy atmosphere was now gone. He walked out of the library, completely forgetting that Baekhyun was there.

Baekhyun was fuming. *So Chanyeol still likes that piece of sh*** huh?* he thought silently. *Maybe I should give him a little time… It does take some time to get over someone after all.* His mood lightened up as he thought of that. Maybe he should give Chanyeol a little time.

Kyungsoo sighed, it was all Chanyeol’s fault that he ruined Kyungsoo’s day. Now, without Chanyeol, he was getting bullied by Chanyeol’s friends Chen, Luhan, and Sehun, but he couldn’t do anything about it since they have Xiumin, who gets them out of trouble. People try to stay away from him and Kai, since it was now considered bad luck to be near them. Not only that, but there was a feeling that was inside his stomach, whenever he saw Chanyeol with Baekhyun, or just Chanyeol himself. *He moved on already… It’s time I moved on too.* Kyungsoo looked at Kai, who was working on his homework. Kai’s concentration seemed to be very high, beads of sweat dripping off his forehead. Kyungsoo thought he looked a bit y like that, it was probably just him. He took a deep breath and said, “Kai?”

Kai seemed to snap out of his concentration, and he hated that. He was in the middle of how to ask Kyungsoo out, but some person had to interrupt it. “What?” He snapped, but his tone softened as he realized that Kyungsoo asked the question.

“Uhmmmmmmm Uhmmmmmmm” Kyungsoo didn’t know what to say, his brain was spitting random stuff that made no sense to him. *COME ON BRAIN.*

Kai chuckled, Kyungsoo was cute when he was tongue tied. “Come on, spit it out. I haven’t got all day you know~”

Kyungsoo took a deep breath and mumbled quickly, “ ijustwanttothankyouforstickingwithmewhenineedyouthemostthankyou”

Kai blinked. “What? Say it slower please?”

Kyungsoo gritted his teeth, it was hard to say this. “I just want to thank you for sticking with me when I need you the most. Thank you.”

Kai grinned, “I know, I heard it the first time.”

Kyungsoo smacked Kai on the head. “YAH THEN WHY DID YOU MAKE ME REPEAT IT?”

Kai rubbed his head, “Because you sound cute when you’re like that.” He teased, and whined. “Why did you hit my head, you made me loose brain cells!”

Kyungsoo stared at Kai and blushed. “Don’t say that…” He smacked Kai’s head again and Kai whined. He stuck his tongue out to Kai and in return Kai took his phone and ran away.

“WHYYOU LITTLE COME BACK HERE” Kyungsoo yelled as he chased Kai around.

Kai eventually gave up as he returned Kyungsoo his phone, and he sat back down to continue thinking.

*Why can’t you see that I love you Kyungsoo?*

Chanyeol stomped back home, sulking. He was having a pretty good day, no funny heart business until Kyungsoo came and ruined everything. He placed his hand over his heart, which was now beating quite fast, and sighed. *Even though I was the one who wanted to break up, how come I still love you?* He arrived to his house and found out that Baekhyun was waiting there, smiling. How he came there so fast he did not know but Chanyeol couldn’t help but smile at the older boy’s grin.

“I want to show you my house, do you want to come?” Baekhyun asked, hoping for the answer yes.

Chanyeol hesitated, but he didn’t want to break his hero’s heart so he nodded.

Baekhyun’s heart skipped a beat, and he took Chanyeol’s hand and started skipping. “Yay! LESGO!”

Chanyeol couldn’t help but notice that underneath Baekhyun’s cheerful, enthusiasm side was something fidgety, like Baekhyun was nervous. He smiled as he walked with Baekhyun to his house, and stopped when they arrived.


The house was huge, bigger than a mansion. *Is he rich or something?*

Baekhyun smiled, that was the reaction he anticipated. “ My parents are rich, and since they barely see me they gave me a house. Come on, I want to show you the inside.” He dragged Chanyeol inside, ignoring the maids that were gaping at Chanyeol. *That’s right, he’s mine.*

The inside was even bigger and fancier than the outside. Chanyeol’s mouth hung agape, not wanting to miss the chandelier, the paintings, everything. They stood there, looking until Baekhyun cleared his throat. “Erhem… I want to show you my room.”

They followed Baekhyun to the top floor, Chanyeol wanted to ask what was in the bottom floors. Baekhyun apparently read his mind and said, “Don’t ask, it’s private.” What exactly could it be?

They arrived at his room, and Chanyeol’s mouth dropped. Baekhyun’s room was bigger than everything Chanyeol saw, including his own home. There was a Jacuzzi, king size bed, everything a rich person needs. Chanyeol knew Baekhyun brought him here for a reason. He raised his eyebrow. “So what’s the occasion?”

Baekhyun bit his lip, wondering if he should confess or not…

“Spill it Bacon” He looked up and saw Chanyeol grinning, the grin he could never refused.

“I wanted to ask you something… We’ve been through a lot, including many hardships and breakups so I was wondering and it might be to early since you and Kyungsoo but… wouldyoupleasegooutwithme?”

Chanyeol started arranging the words in his mind.

Would. You. Please. Go. Out. With. Me.

Chanyeol didn’t know what to do, his mind was confused about this. Did Baekhyun expect him to get over Kyungsoo that quick? He was prepared to say no but he saw the look at Baekhyun’s face caught him unexpected. He suddenly knew why Baekhyun was rushing.

All Baekhyun wanted to do was to take Kyungsoo’s place in Chanyeol’s heart. So why not give him a try? Who knows, Baekhyun might succeed in that.

Chanyeol looked at the elder boy, and kissed him. Halfway through the kiss Baekhyun pulled away, panting, and asked “The answer?”

Chanyeol chuckled, Baekhyun sure was thick. He kissed Baekhyun’s neck, and mumbled, “The answer is yes you pabo.”

Baekhyun grinned, and kissed Chanyeol’s lips. *FINALLYY!!!*

Chanyeol walked home a few hours later, with his lips swollen, and Baekhyun’s bum hurted a lot. But they both enjoyed it.



How you rike it? o v o

The winner is Chansoo, but I can't let Kaisoo down so I'm going to do a couple stuff.. *Evil laughter*

But anyways, I can't update for the rest of the week since I have a overnight, so enjoy it with this chapter XD

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School is a killer on me >.>


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Chapter 23: you know author-nim, if you did not have inspiration, you could ask us to send you our ideas by private messages...
it is unfortunate to stop such an exciting story, I hope you will read this comment :)

KShum8049 #2
Chapter 24: Why did people pick chansoo than kaisoo,the story would have been smoother and now kyungsoo and chanyeol gotta suffer. T-T
Chapter 6: hey this is great why didn't u update anymore??
pururunka #4
Chapter 24: please complete this story -_-
So this was kind of story that never got completed?? You should have completed anyhow....or atleast you should have removed it
Chapter 16: Oh ....what is going on really??? I was just reading this chapter again & again because i wasnt getting the whole thing....Oh my baby why did you turned so evil.....aaahhhhh i hate seriously
Authernim you are great... just to make Chansoo together you turned my baby(Kai) into an evil.....aahhhh where the f**k did this Myungsoo came from??
Chapter 7: Wtf is going on?? Kyungsoo kissed Kai while he was in a relationship with Chanyeol? Didnt you said that Kyungsoo loved Chanyeol no matter what?? And Yeolli...what was he thinking? he liked kissing some random guy....this is just to abrupt.....!!
Is this a complete one?? coz i hate to wait for update....!!
CHANSOO please ~~~ :))))
ReiKoma #10