Untitled 2

Drabbles and stuff

Hearing him sing again, fingers flowing through the white keys, eyes closed and knowing that that song was written and composed while thinking on her made her heart jump in her chest and a wave of warm spread through her body.

Hyerin was gazing at him with love, her eyes filling with tears. She has to cupped her hands in to prevent the sobs were heard.

Sunggyu stops playing, opening his eyes and gazing the piano keys with a sad expression. The students started to clap enthusiastically, even a few were cheering loudly making him smile.

But the mode broke when a loud, choking sob echoed through the classroom, making all of the students, Sunggyu and the teacher to look at her with a shocked expression.

She was a mess. Eyes and nose red, wet cheeks and hands preventing another sob. Her eyes widened seeing that all eyes were on her and she took a deep breath, wiping her tears before clearing his throat.

“S-sorry, it just… that…” She took a deep breath of air. “That was… beautiful.” She whispered the last part.

All her classmates were eyeing her in disbelief, some of them snorts and turn to the front saying things like “weird”, “cry baby”, and “gay”, others were just laughing at her.

“Nam Woohyun, are you alright?” Yesung ssem was eyeing her with confusion. She nods.

“C-can I go out f-for a minute?” Hyerin asks, wiping her new tears that were making their way down her cheek.

“Sure, but don’t take too long.” He turns to write a few notes.

She immediately got up and walks towards the door. Hyerin took a last glimpse of Sunggyu and the look he was giving her makes her heart break. She stood frozen for a second before making her ways to the bathroom.

- - -

She was washing her face in the faucet, brushing her face hard trying to erase the dry tears. Images of Sunggyu’s eyes flashes in her head and she feel new tears forming in her eyes. He didn’t watch her with love like before, he didn’t give her that smile that she loves the most… he didn’t love her like she wants to anymore.

“What was that back there?” A voice startled her, making her jump and turns to look at Key over her shoulder.

“What are you doing here?!”

“What are you doing here?” He arched an eyebrow.

“This is the girl’s bathroom.” She says frowning. He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms, leaning against the wall.

“Exactly, and, if my eyes don’t deceive me, you are a guy, Hyerin.”

Her expression dropped and turns to look at her reflection in the mirror. No, his reflection. Sharp dark eyes, straight nose, plump lips and sharp jaw line stares back at her. No, this definitely wasn’t her.

“What was that back there?” Key asks again but softly this time.

“I miss him.” She whispers and now she can clearly hear the deep voice of hers. She watches how the eyes of the man in front were slowly filling with tears.

“I know you do, and he misses you too.” She closes her eyes and started to sob again.

“But why can’t he see me? I’m right here!” Hyerin hide her face in her hands, shoulders shaking uncontrollably.

“Hyerin-ah…” Key walks to her and puts a comforting hand in her shoulder. “Nobody tells you this was going to be easy.”

“He said he loves me, but why can’t he sees that I’m in this stupid, puffy body?” He chuckles and ruffles her hair.

“Hey, you should be thankful that they give you a hot body.” He cupped her face, wiping her tears. “I saw the others,” He made a face of disgust. “and trust me, this was the best.” Hyerin giggles a little.


“Yes! It was either an ugly woman in her thirties, an old, fat man or this hot body of yours.” He said, patting the others arms. “At least they give you a second chance, girl.”

“Yeah, they have to fix their mistake somehow.” She smiles, wiping her eyes.

“Now, don’t waste this chance and go get your man, Woohyun.”

Key turns her to the mirror again and pats her shoulders before leaving her in her own thoughts. Maybe it wasn’t that bad that they gave her a second chance to live her life, although it wouldn’t be like it was before. Maybe being in a man’s body wouldn’t be that bad after all. Al least she was handsome and young. Maybe it wouldn’t be that difficult to make him love her again, despite being in this Woohyun’s body.

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