Untitled 1

Drabbles and stuff

“You don’t need to stay, you know?” She picks up a fried potato and pass it over the ketchup before taking a bite. “I know this is your job but you don’t have to stay, I promised not to tell my dad.” She takes her hamburger and gave it a big bite, in delight. “This is so delicious! I haven’t had one in ages!” She continue to eat.

“I’m glad you like it.” He smiles and sip on his soda. She sees him and puts her food down.

“Is that all your going to eat?” She asks arching an eyebrow. “You’re paying so you can eat whatever you want.”

“I’m not hungry.” He shrugs a shoulder and keeps eyeing everything from his peripheral vision.

“Well, if you’re not hungry and you don’t want to stay, then go.” Hyerin lowers her gaze. “You don’t have to stay, really.”

“And what makes you think I don’t want to be here?” She raises her head, watching him with surprise. “I know this is my job but, still, I want to be here.” His smile was sincere.

She looks at him for a few seconds and a little smile started to form in her face. She recall all the other times when her classmates tended to say her names or simple ignoring her just because she came from a healthy family, and it . Hyerin didn’t want them to throw themselves at her just for having born on a golden cradle but she definitely didn’t want them to ignore her either. She has never had a true friend, despite the stubborn Haneul, but she just met her a few years ago.

“Thanks.” She says softly, lowering her gaze. “This meant a lot-“

Suddenly, there was screaming and a few gunshots. Sunggyu quickly stands up with a jump, drawing his gun and pointing to the front of the shop.

“Under the table, now!”

Hyerin quickly did as he said, covering her head. She could hear the screams of children and their mothers calling for them and she feels guilty, because they were here for her. She, too, hears Sunggyu saying something on his radio, and then a gunshut followed by a grunt. Sunggyu’s grunt. Hyerin’s eyes widened.

“Sunggyu!” She sees him back a few steps and she tries to go out to help him. And, as if sensing her, Sunggyu shouts at her.

“Don’t you dare to come out!” She freezes in her tracks, trembling with fear, but still, being the stubborn she is, she peek a little and her eyes widened. Sunggyu was bleeding from his shoulder, white shirt starting to turn a deep red and, despite having a jacket, she still could see the blood soaking it.

“Sunggyu…” She whispers, eyes watering at the sight of him being hurt.

In the next minute, more voices could be heard and then some man is standing in front of her sight, arms reaching for her under the table. She starts to scream and kick the man in panic.

“Let me go!! Sunggyu! Sunggyu!!”

“It’s me!” She instantly relaxes and stares at Woohyun in the eye. “Bend down and stay by my side, got it?”

Hyerin nods and Woohyun stands up, gun in hand, pointing to however is going to shot them. She got out from her hide and bend over, just like Woohyun told her, and both of them starts to move towards the kitchen. Woohyun stand in front of Hyerin, shielding her, and when they make it to the kitchen, he immediately pushes her towards the back door, where Dongwoo was waiting for her.

“Wait!” She stops and turns around. “What about Sunggyu? We can’t leave him here, he’s hurt!” She tries to go back to the front shop, where gunshots can still be heard, but Woohyun catches her by the waits and easily lifts her up, pushing her towards Dongwoo.

“I’m going back, you’re going with Dongwoo.”


“No, buts. We’ll see you in the house.”

He nods at Dongwoo and he nods back, taking Hyerin by the arms and leading her to the black car. They quickly got into the car and Hoya drove away. Dongwoo made her bend down in the seat, covering her head and glancing through the window to make sure no one is following them. Hyerin closes her eyes, a tear sliding down her cheek, praying for Sunggyu to be alright.

- - -

An hour later, Sunggyu and Woohyun made it to the house. Woohyun keeping an arm around the older’s waist to keep him from falling.

“Where is she?” Sunggyu asks once they were in the living room, voice tired.

“She’s in her room. Shoulder?” Sungyeol asks as he made his way over to the leader, aid kit in hand.

“I need to see her.” He tries to stand up but Woohyun and Sungyeol keeps him in place.

“She’s fine, I need to heal you first-“

But Sunggyu, despite being injured, he easily pushes them aside and made his way over the second floor. He sees Sungjong outside her door, keeping guard, and, once he sees Sunggyu, Sungjong nods and knocks on her door.

“Go away! I don’t want to see anyone!” She yells through the door, her voice was muffled, so Sunggyu assume she was lying in her bed, face buried in the pillows.

“Not even me?” He asks quietly and, immediately, he hears her standing up and running to open the door. Sunggyu catches a glimpse at her face before she buries it in his chest, hugging him tightly.

“Oh God, you’re alive.” Sunggyu hugs her trembling body and rubs her back with his good arm.

“Hey, you have that little fate in me?” She shakes her head, hugging him tighter.

“I was scared, but you’re here now.” Hyerin looks up at him with teary eyes, nose red and wet cheeks. Sunggyu softens and smiles at her, wiping her tears.

“Are you hurt?” She, unconsciously, leans to his hand.

“No, but you are.” Hyerin sees that he still has his bloody jacket and gasped, moving away from him. “You haven’t attended your wound yet!” He chuckles and smiles warmly at her.

“I just wanted to make sure you were fine.”

They both stare at each other, bright eyes and warm smiles. A loud cough startled them and both of them turns to look at Sungyeol by the stairs.

“Your shoulder isn’t gonna heal by his own, you know?” He says, aid kit still in hand.

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