Ch.11 Life as Parents

How I Shot Kim Jaejoong


Ch. 11: Life as Parents Something short and stupid (it’s seriously stupid), lol I just thought of this and had to write it down XD! If I think of more, I’ll add to a chapter, for now…enjoy, I hope you do TT^TT….

-She met a boy-

“Well you seem happy,” Jaejoong said as I sighed in relief, happy with my work.

“Of course I am.” I took off my sweater as I just finished vacuuming. “I just got the house clean.”

“Good job!” Jaejoong applauded. “Now here’s your reward.” He put his book away and patted his lap. I rolled my eyes, but made myself comfortable on him anyway.

We giggled like idiots and kissed each other shyly. It started from one peck, to another, to lip locking, to tongue mashing. I moaned in pleasure; we haven’t done this in a long time. Jaejoong took the next step as he pushed me down the couch and his lips hungrily before attacking my neck, making me yelp. I wrapped my legs around his waist and we were about to go for another passionate kiss when….

“I’m home~!” We shot up from the couch and fixed our slightly disorientated clothes. Our daughter Minjee was in the process of taking off her shoes and I really hope she didn’t see our deed.

“How was school, baby?” I asked and stood up, leaving Jaejoong to pout. I gave him apologetic face.

“Tonight,” he silently mouthed to me. I nodded in understanding. Yeah, ever since Minjee was born we didn’t have time to ourselves anymore. It’s been 5 ually deprived years for Jae (…ok, me too) and this year was finally the year when Minjee goes to school. We at least thought we’ll have time then, but with work also in the way *sigh*, we rarely make it through the night.

“School was fun today!” Minjee boasted as I took her bag from her and set it on the counter.

“Oh yeah, what happened?” I asked and peeked at Jaejoong, who managed to pick up his book again, but I knew he was listening.

“We were playing outside and look what a boy gave me.” She dug into her pocket and popped out a rock. “Look! It’s a symbol of our relationship!”

“What!?!” Jaejoong threw his book and stomped towards her with his hands on his hips. “What relationship!?!”

Minjee looked at her father in confusion, while I chuckled bitterly, trying to calm Jae down. “Well, that’s a, don’t you think Jae?”

“It is, isn’t it?” Minjee exclaimed, totally unaware of her fuming dad. “I’m going to keep it near me at all costs.”

“Minjee, I think we need to have the talk about boys—“

“Daddy, don’t you have some work to do?” I interrupted Jaejoong and pushed him to his studio.

“What!? It’s my day off!” He fought my resistance.

“Shut up Jae, she’s just five, don’t you dare corrupt her mind,” I whispered into his ear and shoved him into the room. I turned around to see a very confused Minjee staring at us.

A grumble echoed through the room. Minjee’s face turned slight red as I laughed. “Hungry?” I asked, crouching to her level. She nodded.

* * *

“She shouldn’t be seeing a man, she’s too young.” Jaejoong declared as we changed into our pajamas for the night. The day was finally coming to an end and he was still annoyed by that rock Minjee had. She even took a bath with it like a rubber ducky.

“She’s five, and that man happens to be boy,” I replied back to him, tiredly getting under the blankets.

He shook his head and plopped down on the bed, making it bounce. “Doesn’t matter, they’re moving too fast.”

I dully stare at him. “They’re kids, Jae. I don’t think they know anything about being in a relationship and the things a couple would do.”

“They better not.” He wiggled under the blanket next to me. “Because I’m not letting her date until she’s 40.”

My eyes bulged. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

“No, I’m serious.” And his face did show it.

I laughed and patted his cheek. “I actually find it very cute.”

Jaejoong scoffed and stared at me in disgust. “Yunmi!”

“What~?” I and closed my eyes from exhaustion. “There’s nothing to be worried about. Now, just go to sleep.” I blindly force his head down the pillow. I smiled in victory as I heard him sigh and turned off the lamp.

Minutes of silence settled in, but it was suddenly broken by Jae’s intake of breath. “!” He cursed.

I opened one eye and peeked at him. “What?”

“That’s what we forgot to do!”

I was confused for a bit until I finally got it. . “Oh, well I’m tired now but we can just....” I awkwardly shifted towards him, wrapping my arms around his waist and laying one of my legs on top of his. Jaejoong lifted my shirt up, laying one of his warm hands on my back and the other on the side of my , holding me close. And with that, we fell asleep.

* * *

-Explaining to her how babies are made-

“Daddy~!” Minjee giggled and whined as Jaejoong flicked flour at her nose. We were in the middle of making cookies, but Minjee and Jaejoong took this opportunity to just play around while I actually do all the work. They were the ones begging for cookies in the first place.

Jaejoong laughed as she smacked his face, leaving a small cute white handprint on his cheek.

“Wow, you guys are actually making me quite jealous.” I pretended to pout and try not to smile.

“Aw~ is my wife mad?” Jae teased, but I ignored him and turned around, bending down to put the tray in the oven. He bit his lip sensually and scooted out of his chair, coming behind me to give me a slap in the . I squeaked and stood straight up from my position. “If you want, we can always make you a boy,” he whispered a bit too loud, because before I can respond, Minjee dropped the dough she was rolling with her two hands and pointed at us.

“I knew it,” she gasped. “You do make babies!”

Jaejoong and I froze there, a bit stunned, not knowing what to do. I smacked his shoulder and as he cringed I gave him a look. Whatever happened to our talk that we wouldn’t mention anything near of how babies are born in front of Minjee?

Oblivious to our stance, Minjee clapped her hands excitedly. “I want a baby brother! How do we make one?” She picked back up the dough. “Is it like baking cookies?”

“Uh no, honey,” I finally broke away from my trance and sat across from her. “It’s…difficult to explain.”

“You have to make love, to make a baby.” Jaejoong joined, coming from behind me and laid a hand on my chair. I glanced up at him and he shrugged. I guess that’s a safe way to put it.

“Is it hard to make love?” she asked cutely, cocking her head to the side.

“No, not at all,” Jaejoong muttered in between coughs. I glared at him.

“Does it include ingredients like milk, eggs, and butter?” she continued to ask.

“All of the above!” Jaejoong coughed loudly. I elbowed Jae with my mouth opened wide in shock. “What? Butter can be used for ,” he whispered just for me to hear. I was worried Minjee could understand Jae’s outburst but she didn’t and only thought her father was really just having a bad cough at the moment.

“No, baby, making love is very…hard,” I explained.

“For the men,” Jae mumbled, but I closed my eyes and took a breath, ignoring him.

“It’s a very adult thing, and that’s all I can tell you. Do you understand?” I tried to end the conversation.

Her eyebrows furrowed and she shook her head. “But we give and say I love you all the time to each other, why aren’t babies born left and right then?”

By now Jaejoong was laughing hard and crouching down to hold onto his stomach.

“W-well,” I tried to put this nicely. “Because it’s a different kind of love.”

“How is it different?” Oh dear lord, her questions keep coming!

“Not much different, just more…” I was thinking for a safer word to use when Jaejoong exploded.


I just paused in surprise, looking at Minjee’s expression. Her lips were formed into a pout and she was thinking deeply. “I don’t know that word,” she finally said and I sighed in relief. “Is it just a mommy and daddy thing?”

Finally an easy question! “Yes,” I almost exclaimed. “It is. Mommies and daddies can only make this.”

“Not just mommies and daddies,” Jaejoong whispered in protest.

“Shut up playboy!” I whispered harshly back at him.

“Why am I being attacked?” he countered back quietly. “We did it way~ before our—“

I pulled him down to my level and cupped his mouth. “Yeah we did, and tonight you probably won’t get to do it.”

“So,” she drawls and we moved back to position. “The next time you do it,” she poked her dough. “Can I join?” she asked with hope filled in her eyes.

I turned to Jae. “Why don’t you answer this daddy?”

He cleared his throat awkwardly and stared straight at Minjee. “No.”

“Why~?” she whined and pounded her legs on the chair.

“Because it’s a secret, and mommy and I only know how to work it.” Jaejoong winked at me.

“Well, can you at least take my suggestion of what I want?” she asked.

“Sure,” Jaejoong replied with a confused face. What suggestion?

“I want a baby with blue eyes!” she shouted. “There’s a boy in my class and he has blue eyes and it’s so pretty!” she squealed. “And it makes me upset that mommy and daddy didn’t give me blue eyes.” She pouted. “So, can we get blue eyes this time?”

Me and Jaejoong just stare at her in shock. We slowly turn to each other, completely speechless. “I’ll wear contacts,” he said playfully and I went back to smacking his pretty face.

* * *

-Consequences of an argument-

“Shut up Jaejoong, you’re being an idiot!” I shouted at my husband. This argument started at last night’s dinner and it had continued to 2 in the afternoon today. Frankly, I had lost the meaning of why we’re ripping each other’s throat anyway.

“I did not just take a day off of work to spend with my PMSing wife,” he rolled his eyes. I threw a nearby pillow at his face.

“Who told you to take a break anyway?” I retorted. “You love to work, absolutely more than you love me.” So not true.

“Well, sorry~,” he said sarcastically. “It’s not my fault I’m the only one bringing home the bacon.”

I gasped. “You know I work as hard as you do, Jae. We practically have the same job!”

“I don’t see you performing every night.”

“Shut up, you know exactly why I can’t!”

“Oh yes, it’s because you haven’t gotten your body back after your pregnancy.”

“What!?!” I exclaimed. “That is not the reason, I’ve got it back years ago and you definitely know that! It’s because I actually make the sacrifices of staying home with our daughter, Jae! I care about my family.”

“And you act like I don’t!?!”

“No!” That was really a lie, I know he does. It’s just…when you’re in an argument you tend to say things you don’t mean. Like Jae calling me…wait, let’s a take a step back, “Did you just call me fat!?!”

“Oh my god,” he collapsed on the couch, obviously as tired as I am about this whole thing. “You’re as skinny as a in’ toothpick,” he shouted sarcastically. “It’s so hard to sometimes.”

I gritted my teeth. “Jae, I swear I have no problem throwing this vase at you right now.”

“Then do it,” he threatened. “You’ll be sorry though, for putting a scratch on me.”

 I scoffed in disbelief. “A complete !” I grabbed the pillow I threw him earlier and jumped on him. I continuously smack him hard with it. He knew I wouldn’t hurt him, I wouldn’t hurt anyone.

“Yah, yah!” he tried to block himself. “Yah, Lee Yunmi!” Jaejoong grabbed a hold of my flailing hands and held it high over my head. We huffed from all the action and glared at each other. In that moment, the phone rang. We had a staring contest for a while, before I got up and pierced him with my eyes saying this isn’t over yet. I snatched the phone up and changed my tone 180 degrees.

“Hello, Kim residences.” The words on the other end of the line, made my fake smile fade. My face flashed in worried as I took a glance at Jaejoong. His eyes were questioning me. “Yes, we’ll be there right now!” I quickly hang up and turn to Jae. “We forgot to pick up Minjee.” His eyes popped out and by the time you know it, we were dashing out the door. Our fight lasted so long we had completely forgotten that Minjee was dismissed early from school today.

When we got to her school, we practically ran to her classroom. We opened the door frantically, panting and sweating. “Oh good, you’re here. You had us worrying for a bit,” the teacher said and laid a hand on her chest in relief. Minjee sat in her seat alone in the middle of the class, staring at us. We had no idea what was going through her head at this moment. “Okay Minjee,” the teacher went up to her. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” The teacher held her hand and helped her out of her seat.

Minjee fixed the strap of her backpack and slowly walked towards us. I picked her up and Jae and I thanked the teacher and said our good-byes before exiting the classroom. The second the door closed and we were walking back to the car, Minjee burst into tears.

“You promised you’ll pick me up today!” she muffled her cries into my neck and gripped on tight.

Me and Jaejoong looked at her with guilty faces. “I’m sorry, daddy and I were….” I glanced at Jaejoong, seeing that his eyes were now soft and pained. Mine were probably the same. I patted her head and laid my head on hers, whispering our apologies.

“What kind of parents are we?” Jae asked when we were finally in the car, going back home. Minjee had fallen asleep with tears stained cheeks. We never saw her cry that hard in a long time.

“Everyone makes mistakes,” I whispered, but even I knew that wasn’t an excuse. We were being idiots, all we could think about was hurting one another that we didn’t realize we could hurt our child also.

“Why were we even fighting?” he asked, taking a peek at me.

I shrugged. “I honestly forgot the reason.”

He grasped my hand with the other still on the steering wheel. A feeling of warmth electrified through my body from his touch. “Good, because I’ve forgotten it too.” Jaejoong smiled apologetically. “I’m sorry I called you fat and then too skinny.” He kissed my knuckles as I chuckled.

“I’m sorry I planned to murder you,” I said as my share of apologies.

“And just for the record, you are great in bed.” Oh yeah, this told me I was hard to sometimes.

“Uh huh.” My mood went back down and I tried to jerk my hand away from his, but he quickly caught it and held it tight.

“I’m serious,” he said, but I think he’s just up now.

“I’m sure,” I nodded. “But I’ve had better,” I muttered and turned toward my window.

“What!?!” he shouted and stepped on the break, it didn’t matter, we were home anyways. “Who!?!”

I laughed and grabbed his chin to give him a kiss. “I love you.”

He stared at me, still shock before shaking his head. “Oh no, I’m not going to return those words until you take back what you said earlier.” I opened my door and slipped out to open the back for Minjee. “Yah, answer me,” he shouted still in his seat.

“Come on Jae, or I’ll leave without you,” I said, heading to the door.

“Aish~ wait,” he whined and finally got out.

“Hurry!” I called out to him. “You have the keys.”

He stood next to me and held out the key that would lead us home but wouldn’t insert it in the lock. “Now answer me.”

I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior. “Don’t be stupid, you know that you’re the only man I’ve ever had with.” Jaejoong clapped his hand in happiness and raised his arms high in the air as if in victory. Minjee uncomfortable moved in my hold, and I was a bit worried she might’ve heard me said the “s” word.

“Hear that world? The only person who has ever screwed my wife is m—hey!” Jaejoong was screaming so loud to the neighbors that I had to push him to the bushes and steal the key to get inside before I die of embarrassment. “What’s that honey? You want some make up se—whoa!” I interrupted his idiocracy and pulled him by the shirt into our home. No wonder we have arguments.

* * *

I must be so bored XD!! Tell me if you've enjoyed~ ^^

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sure, i haven't stopped thinking about writing :))


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useless_1 #1
Chapter 9: Horribly constructed story it shows that women don't have a brain and sadly this is written by a girl
useless_1 #2
Chapter 9: this is the worst one
Chapter 4: And here i was thinking you are gonna shoot Kim Jaejoong in every chapter..........
faridpraderago #4
Chapter 11: this is totally funny^^
i love it!
Chapter 4: Aish,really!You shouldn't doubt your writing skills.You can describe better than I can.
Chapter 4: Chapter 3 and 4 were my favorite.Never read a story that a cat turned into a kpop idol.So cool.Very memorable(the cat turning into jaejoong)You have excellent writing skills than i do.Love it and every other chapter too.
maiquie24 #7
Chapter 8: I thought the precious stories were good already but this one is my #1 right now xD
shinsookyo #8
Chapter 15: That last chapter really beautiful, ah so its complete? You have talent♡
Chapter 15: oh my God,,why it must be ended like this??T_T
thanks so much for the story dear,,well done^^
Chapter 14: Oh my god dear,,its been a year u not update..T.T
But thanks dear,,u still love ur readers n update the last one-shot chapter..
Ofc i'd like to read ur another jae's story:)
hank you <3