How come you are so handsome...

Umma Taeheon

Well! by the title your probably thinking "is she gonna meet another guy?!" "whats taeheon gonna do now o.o" "Kwanghees pov?" "WHAT IS SO HANDSOME?!" Well i cant tell you o.o Cause what your thinking may be- oh a cookie :D Read and you'll find out ^~^ (Goes back in le tunnel to search for cookies =w=)


"Well, By the point of my view..Heechul your crazy! you cant stalk jessica from snsd.." Taeheon said while looking at the gingerbreads at le market.

"well, i know i cant stalk her! but, i know i can meet her...and i shall!" Heechul yelled while raising one arm up pointing to the ceiling of the store.

making everyone stare in confusion, Taeheon puted heechuls arm down and raised one finger for him to shush. Taeheon and Heechul both know that jessica is the ice princess. and she will glare at you for a min, so its just like halt for taeheon.

"Wel, i have to meet her somehow, i cant just leave my love hanging.. she probably like 'i miss heechul so much i wish i can hold him'" heechul said in a girly toned voice.

Taeheon was actually believe it.. when Taeheon was thinking about it. she saw kevin and eli from u-kiss together, she was about to yell aww, though she dident wanna ruin the moment between 'elvin'.

Heechul looked over and saw kevin and eli then tried not to barf.

He could not believe there together. all he could here were the soft mumbles of 'i love you; i love you more'.



Sorry if it was such a short chapter! idk if my computer has a virus >_.o)


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