Umma Taeheon Chapter Three of four!!!!

Umma Taeheon

I'm going to upload 3 because.. .-. i havent in 2 days.. Lets go! :D point of view is going to beeeee uhmmmmmmmm Taeheon! :DD okay sorry lets go = w =

"Not at all son...not at all..." I said while looking toward junyoung, then getting up. Walking to the wood door of our house, opening it.

 then seeing the out and open world they call a 'Dome'.  "What are you thinking about all of a sudden?" Miwoo asked, shifting her head towards me.

"I Letted him go, like a kite.." I mumbled, I bet minwoo dosent understand a word i just said. Which is perfect, I dont need another tidal wave coming toward me out of no where.

I patted minwoos head, then leaned her head toward me.

(A/N Tidal wave means.. to like Run over her with questions of some sort in her condition ^_^ at least thats how i put it = w =) I had this question in my head all day, 'How the hell am i going to make it..' Though i should have confidence, because some familys struggle over money, love and stress.

as i was questioning myself, minwoo tried to get out of my hands. "Well, if you wanted to get out of my hands, why dident you say so?" minwoo just stoped for a second to make up an excuse.

i wasent scary nor was i mean. When minwoo was about To say his excuse, he saw siwan.

The pretty boy.. Who is dating kwanghee my loud mouth daughter, I giggled. At least i made myself laugh, Thats something new you dont see everyday.

"Hello!" I heard someone say from behind, "Hello Siwan, Kwanghee will be out in a bit" He nodded, He is so adorable...he looks like a baby you wanna hug all day. Aish, I should stop thinking about him and think about what were gonna do... how about a family trip with the family to, disney land? 6 flags? Magic mountain? Japan? so many to choose.. we'll have to vote sooner or later. When Kwanghee came out she looked cute. Black dosent suit her at all.. But, its still cute. "You look beautiful!" Siwan said, "Aww thank you, people don't normally see who i am inside..! but, whatever im gor-ge-ous!" Kwanghee said dramaticly, while i giggled and wished them a safe ride there and back.


While i was searching on the internet on my laptop, i found Heechul's Twitter.. heechul, (What ever i type is not true dont take it so seriously peoper xD) I know as an umma i'm not suppose to stalk their twitter or facebook.  But, i do it any way like an over protective mom.

Which is bad..? I dont know! and I dont care! When i clicked on it.. i saw a button which had, "Following on it" I clicked it and saw millions of follows for: Ice princess, Sica, Jessica jung facts, jessica jung: wow hes really obbsessed..

well, i shouldent say obbsessed... even though he is.. Aish really! I'll just leave him alone for now... I Turned off my laptop and headed off to bed.  


                                                                         Chapter    4

                                                                   Umma Why?!   (Noones POV)

Junyoung,minwoo and heechul (Giving them screen time ._.) were going to the mall, to pick up a few things even though junyoung and heechul were boys they still had to come, Because she cant hold all her bags herself! She just needs them just in case.

While looking in the game section of the mall 'gamestop' Minwoo saw TVXQ's Yunho.

Minwoo dident know what to do, so she quietly scooted over to where yunho was and looked in the same place yunho was looking.

Yunho looked at minwoo in a confused way, cause he couldent tell if she was a crazed fan.

Suddenly Minwoo turned around and faced yunho.

"Hi, im minwoo. Nice to meet you." She said while holding out her handing waiting for a handshake.

Yunho slaped her hand away, (I dont know about yunho or tvxq xD. dont take it seriously now children ^_^) minwoo's hand was just there with her hand left hanging wondering was that the yunho she knew from catch me?...

(That song is so catchy, even though i dont know tvxq xD) Minwoo went off to go find her brothers, scared and wondering if they dident go far, without them mom would kill her.

Junyoung and heechul were at the graphic shirts store looking for new shirts to wear later on in the days.

even though junyoung and heechul were having fun searching for boy clothes.

they suddenly remembered about minwoo their big sister. "Aish! She's probably wondering if we went far!" Heechul said panicking wishing he hadent left her.

Junyoung wasent worried, he knew about this mall in a blink of an eye. when his dad kevin wasent a prick, he would take him every week to the candy shop in the mall and other other place's.

When heechul kept blabbering about how moms gonna kill him and how he wish he never left to the point we were gonna loose her they actually found her.

siting on the bench. lonely looking in certian directions, until her eyes fell on heechul and junyoung. the two idiots she loves, she wraped her arms around there shoulders and asked.

"Lets go home?" They nodded rapid fast. When they were going home she blabbered on when she met yunho from tvxq. they dident care, all they wanted to do was go home.


2 chapters in one! ^_^ your welcome! Thanks for commenting and subscribing!

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