Letter of a New Snow

Letter of a New Snow


Dearest Yi Xing,
How are you? It"s me, Lian. Are you doing all right in Korea? Have you been eating well? Is your sickness acting up on you? By now you should be wondering about me, I am doing fine, your parents are too. They are so proud of you, but they miss you dearly too. I miss you too...
Today it was the first snow in Changsha, it was beautiful, the way that the snowflakes drifed to the ground, it reminded me of you. I thought back and, I relized that some of our happiest memories together were on the day of the first snow.
Remember when it first snowed when we were little? We ran out the door and started teying to catch snowflakes on our tounges... I miss those times, you know?
Do you remember when you were on Star Acadamy? I was so happy seeing you on stage... I loved it so much.
Remember when we were in school together and it started snowing, we made such fools of ourselves running in the snow.
I remember you gave me my first kiss in the snow... I can remember it clearly as your lips touched mine just as the first snowflakes drifted to the ground... It was a beautiful moment.
When it first snows, something good will happen to us...
I love you forever, you know that right?
Even when timea are rough, when you feel like giving up.... Just remember
The angel of the first snow is watching you and protcting you. I still belive that to this day.
Love you, and I mean it,
Present time_ Lay POV
As I looked at the letter I had so carefully preseved... I looked out to the window before I had to go to my scechuals with EXO.
Yes Lian, I see it I see the first snow... I love you too.
Forever as the snowflakes fall.
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Chapter 1: Short and sweet.
/tearing up <3 ;o;
Chapter 1: Awww this was so sweet :,)
Two thumbs up!
Chapter 1: This was really cute :D Thank you for entering the contest :)
Chapter 1: Say whaaa??? people actually found this???
hearts for you 2 commenters!
Chapter 1: Aw, this is really sweet. :)