Chapter 2

Learning How to Love Again

Sorry for not updating for a long time! I was re-newing my computer cuz it was 5 years old and it was reallly slow... SO I FINALLY MANAGED TO GET A NEW MACBOOK! WHOOOOO~~~!!!!!

anyways. enjoy the story! 



"Okay you guys. Practice is over. Good job. You guys are dismissed." The basketball coach turned around swiftly and left the gymnasium. Once he left the doors of the gym, everyone collapsed on the floor, sweat dripping down their foreheads and running out of breath. 

"Waaaah. Today's practice was so hard." Sandeul complained. 

"Well. We do have the finals tournament coming up. We have to practice if we want to win." Shinwoo, the team captain commented and everyoone nodded in consent

"Soomi Noona!" Gongchan exclaimed in happiness after seeing you enter the gymnasium with two bags full of cold drinks. "You guys must be tired after all that practice, so guess what? I got you guys the coldest drink i could find!" You cheered as you lifted the two bags in the air. 

"Woohooo! Manager Soomi Jjang!" The basketball team cheered. You handed everyone the drinks one by one and enjoyed the delighted faces each member showed. There was one more can left for Baro and right when you extended your arm to give him the drinks, Baro stood up, completely ignoring you and running off into the opposite direction. 

"Yah! Baro Oppa! Your drink!" you yelled but he didn't hear you at all and continued to run off somewhere. Your eyes followed him and then found that he was heading towards Seohyun. You shook your head in disbelief *Aigoo. He's a pabo when it comes to love. Only thinking about Seohyun all day long.* 

you continued to inspect the lovely scene between Seohyun and Baro.

"Seohyun-ah!" you heard Baro yell. "HI Oppa! Are you done with practice?" Seohyun asked cutely. Baro gave her a kiss on the cheek and nodded with a wide smile. 

"Aigoo. He's a pabo when it comes to love. But it can't be helped. They are the cutest couple alive." you stated to the other boys that were also inspecting the lovely scene.

"Psh. Says the one that's also in a relationship that everyone envies." Jinyong commented. 

"Me? Nooo. Me and Kai are just an ordinary couple. There's nothing special about us. Nothing to be envious about." You calmly stated as you drank the drink that was supposed to be for Baro. 

"NOTHING TO BE ENVIOUS ABOUT?!?!?!?!" everyone screamed. You choked on your drink, surprised by the sudden outburst. "Krisus. No need to scare me." You laughed as you wiped your mouth. 

Gongchan suddenly grabbed you on the shoulder and started shaking you back and forth vigourously.


"umm... Gongchan. I think you're the crazy one." you giggled. 

"Anyways. Determining how wonderful a relationship isn't by the looks but by the feelings. Being a Queenka or the Kingka is just a title.... even though i don't consider myself a Queenka.... but anywyas. If the boy loves the girl with all his heart and the girl loves the guy with all her heart then their relationship is just as wonderful as it can be. That's why Baro and Seohyun are the cutest couple. Just by looking at them, you can tell that they're happy that they have each other in their lives. and Same with me and Kai. I'm just super lucky to have a guy that loves a plain girl like me. See. It's just a really simple relationship." you ended your lecture and saw the boys with wide eyes. 

you grew awkward as only silence greeted you.

*What am I saying... I must of sounded ridiculous.*

However, sll of a sudden, you heard a rowdy applause. 

"Deeep stuff Sunmi. Deep Stuff." Sandeul complimented. "Why thank you." you made a little curtsey. Glad that you had left a big impression on the boys. You checked the time and it was close to 6. "Oh. I have to go. Kai's almost done wiht his practice. Bye guys! See you tomorrow!"

You grabbed your backpack and left the gym, running, excited to meet her wonderful boyfriend she was talking about. 


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please update soon~^^