5 {F}

Is This My Life?
Years passed since Minho bought Taemin, and Taemin recently celebrated his 10th birthday.
"Appa," Taemin said as he sat in Minho's lap. "Where is my surprise? My birthday is almost over! It would be silly if you give it to me tomorrow. So, that is why you should give it to me today. Maybe, right now?" Minho chuckled at Taemin's cuteness and pinched one of his cheeks.

"Well, you see Taemin, I can't give it to you. Not yet at least. It wont arrive until tomorrow. Just hang in there for another night. I am positive you will love it," Minho promised, running a hand through Taemin's soft hair. 

Taemin looked up at Minho with his big eyes.

"Will it reeeally be worth it?" Taemin asked in curiosity.

"It will be. Appa only gets the very best for his baby," Minhi responded.

Taemin pouted at Minho's response.

"Then where's that friend you promised me a few years back?" Taemin questioned. "Don't think I have forgotten about that proimse, I still have a grudge against you."

Minho smiled and started to rub Taemin's back.

"Don't worry about that, Appa has something even better," Minho said.

Taemin smiled and snuggled into Minho's chest. They stayed in that position until Taemin's eyelids became heavier, and eventually he fell asleep. 
A lot happened in the past two years: Minho got more loose in a way. He used to be uptight all the time, but he let his hair loose when he was near Taemin. He would do literally everything to put a smile on his little angels face. Once, Taemin convinced Minho to play dress up with him, and Minho was stuck in a princess outfit for the next few hours. Minho was flustered for the following weeks since one of his maids walked in on their little rendezvous. Minho never could look her in the eyes again. Minho's modeling career was successful as well. He constantly had invitations to fly overseas to participate in fashion shows, but he always rejected them. He couldn't bare the thought of leaving Taemin behind; he would never leave his baby alone.

Taemin's life has dramatically changed as well. He caused trouble on a daily basis, but his personality would change 180 degrees once Minho was near him. Taemin would revert back into the shy innocent boy. He also always had butterflies in his tummy every time he looked at Minho. Taemin's fondness of dancing grew as well. After his studies, which he was excelling at, he would wander off to the dance studio. He hasn't caught Minho dancing since the last encounter, but he won't complain. Something had bothered Taemin for the past two years: he had no friends but Key and Onew. 

Key was one of higher ranking maids in the household, which meant he didn't physically clean. He had the privilege of overseeing the other maids, and he would hiss out orders when needed. When provoked, Key was as vicious as a cat. He also is head strong, a leader, and a competitive young man. Key was openly gay as well. To Taemin, Key embodied a beautiful being, and Key slowly became a mother to Taemin. Taemin always came to him when he was sad, or when Minho wasn't around. Key became the person Taemin could depend on.

Onew, on the other hand, is the complete opposite of Key in terms of personality. He is the head chef in the household, and his chubby cheeks made him a pushover rather than intimidating. Key often trampled Onew with demands, but Onew did not mind one bit. Onew is also considered one of the more attractive looking people in the house, and gossip also spread around the Choi residence. The rumor was that Onew had a not-so-little-friend hiding in his pants. When Onew heard the rumor, he face almost immediately went red. He couldn't look at anyone for weeks, until Key got fed up and forced him to talk. Onew's real name is Jinki, but no one calls him that for personal reasons. Taemin would go to Onew when he needed a good friend. Onew was awkward during the first few encounters with Taemin, but after a while he began opening up.
Taemin slept throughout the night dreaming of what his Appa's surprise was. Once Taemin woke up he ran across the mansion looking for Minho. He searched high and low, near and far, but eventually found him in his office.

"Appa! Appa!" Taemin yelled as he bounded towards Minho, jumping on his lap. "Where is my present?" Minho chuckled at Taemin's cuteness.

"Your present is waiting for you at your studies, which you are about to be late to may I add. You better hurry, you know Joon does not like waiting for you," MInho said, ruffling Taemin's hair. 

Taemin practically bounded out of Minho's lap, running to his studies as fast as he could. Once he arrived he was taken back.

His present happened to be a boy his age.

"Well, look who finally decided to show up," Joon said with a sneer. "We were getting close until you barged in. Anyway, introduce yourselves." 

The other boy stood up and bowed.

"My name is Mir. Your Appa bought me, and gave me as a present to Joon. I'll be with you during studies, and we will be best friends," Mir said with a slight blush on his face. He looked towards Joon, who shook his head in approval.

Taemin smiled at him and cleared his throat.

"My name is Taemin," he started. "I have never had a friend near my age, and I hope we will become best of friends as well," Taemin said with a quiet polite voice. He bowed to Mir, and both were seated in their respective desks waiting for further instructions from Joon.

"Well, now that we got that out of the way, how about wer go out to the gardens and have a day off. Tomorrow we will start up the curriculum, and you both will need to work twice as hard."

"Neh," the two boys said.

The three went off, and the two boys immediately took a liking to each other. Joon sat off towards the sidelines while the younger boys played with each other. Night time finally began approaching, and the three took their separate routes.

Taemin walked around sluggishly, looking for his Appa. He took a little break on a couch and slowly drifted off. He squirmed when he felt someone pick him up, but he quickly realized it was just Minho. Taemin smiled and relaxed in Minho's arms.

"How did you like your gift Taeminnie?" Miho asked on their way upstairs.

"Appa, it wasn't really my gift. It was Joon's gift," Taemin said with a tired voice, cuddling against Minho's chest.

"You should be thankful I bought him, a lot of people were bidding on him," Minho said scolding Taemin. 

"The only reason I gave Mir to Joon is because Joon signed a contract with me. He will teach you until you are able to go to college. Since Mir is now Joon's, Mir will have to stay and study with you," Minho explained.

"Mmm, Appa is smart," Taemin said. 

Silence surrounded the duo when Minho lowered Taemin onto his bed. Minho was about to leave, but he felt a hand grasp his shirt. He looked down and saw a sleeping Taemin. Minho lowered himself next to Taemin, and took him into his arms.

"Oh Taemin, how you make me feel. We have only been with each other a short period of time, but you make me love you. I know I have to control myself until you are of age, so please wait for me. Please Taemin, don't fall in love with anyone else," Minho whispered. 

Minho gently pressed his lips on Taemin's forehead, and he fell asleep next to Taemin.

"Mmmm, Appa. I love you," Taemin said in his sleep.

No one was awake to hear either exchange of words. Darkness came to claim her reign, and the house fell into a deep slumber. 
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5HINeee #1
Chapter 16: Hi writer of this story! Hope you will read my message one day ✨ I love this story, it would be great to know how it continues 😊 I know how hard it is to keep writing (since I sometimes write myself) with all the things that keeps us super busy. However I hope you'll upload other chapters soon, wish you all the good ♥️
BB2MinTae #2
I miss this story so much..please updated soon author nim..
U_did_well_jjong #3
Chapter 15: ohhh....i started reading this right after it was uploaded in january, n was the 1st fic i had read...i had been eagerly waiting ever since for u to write...plzzzzzz do write more...i totally beg u now
Chapter 16: Update please...
Chapter 16: Just subscribed to this story and IM LOVING IT!!!
Since i read this i cant help my self but look for the new update of this story everyday so please update soon.. wanna know what happened next...
Greecea #7
Chapter 16: Please update soon
shinning_usagi #8
Chapter 16: Looking forward to the update! Welcome back ?
Chapter 16: Please update soon... hope minho will realise his feelings for taemin...
Chapter 16: I can't wait ❤️❤️❤️