Saving grace 2/2

Saving grace(two-shot)

A/n: Jaejoong's past is in italics

 “Why are you such a crybaby? I’m only telling the truth, you’re such a weakling” Jaejoong scoffed as the boy broke into tears and sobbed pitifully. Yunho walked into the classroom at this moment and wondered what the commotion was all about. As he walked towards the crowd, he could see Jaejoong with a mean look again and a boy crying, he knew immediately what had happened.

“I can’t believe you’re still crying, what are you going to do now? Go and find your mommy and whine to her?” Jaejoong laughed at his own statement and at the same moment, he looked up and saw Yunho. He gasped, contemplating what he should do but then decided to ignore him.

“Why are you so mean to him, Jaejoong?” Yunho voiced out as he walked closer to Jaejoong, facing him.

“It is none of your business, Jung. Besides, I was just telling the truth”

“Have you been bullied before too? Could that be the reason why you are so mean to others so then no one would be mean to you?” Jackpot. The words were so sharp and pierced right through at Jaejoong’s heart. He felt the oncoming tears and began to remember his painful past.

“Here Jaejoong comes again! Why are you so ugly today? Oh wait, you’re ugly every day!” A boy said loudly and the group began to laugh at him. Jaejoong could only keep quiet and endure the remarks about him as he waited for someone to help him. Unfortunately, that help never came. 

‘Why are they treating me like this? What did I do wrong?’ Jaejoong thought as tears formed in his eyes and slowly flowed down his smooth cheeks. More tears followed after though, and it soon became into loud sobs. He curled into a ball and cried while hugging his knees as the taunting never stopped. 

“Awwww do you want us to help you call your mommy? Oh wait, you don’t have one!” The group began to break out into a series of laughter as they continued to poke fun at him.

Tears found its way to his eyes and he blinked, refusing to let it out. He would never cry in school, not when his enemies were watching. He took deep breaths and tried to calm himself and looked back at Yunho.

“No I haven’t been bullied but maybe you did since you’re such a loser” Jaejoong said bitterly as he walked away with the tears he held prisoner set free.


The next few days however, Jaejoong stopped making nasty remarks and mostly kept to himself. He stayed clear of everyone, especially Yunho. He was in fact, hurting so much inside he don’t think he could keep up with his pretense for the time being. Why was he born in the first place, when everyone hated him so much?

Even the bully had friends, but Jaejoong didn’t. When he was nice, people bullied and hurt him, when he’s nasty, people hate him. So what should he be? He was so worn out by this, by everyone and by life. He simply had no reason to live anymore.

He walked up the stairs leading to the rooftop, one by one as he recalled different memories of his past. He suddenly remembered his sisters, how they had been the only one who were nice and loved him so much and a drop of tear rolled off his cheeks, hitting the ground. He felt so bad for leaving them but then, it would be better to not have another person to feed.

He was reaching the top soon, he could see it, and also reaching death soon. He stepped onto the last step and he held the doorknob, still crying as the tears hit his hand. He twisted the doorknob and was welcomed by a piercing light and a strong breeze. He walked towards the rooftop as his hair swayed with each step he took and his tears almost blown dry by the wind.

He closed his eyes, trying to enjoy Mother Nature as much as possible because he knew hell would not be as nice as this. He felt inner peace for once in his life as he opened his eyes and made his way to the end of the rooftop. He looked down and knew for sure he would be dead when he reached the ground. Just as he was about to take a leap, he heard a shout.

“Jaejoong!” It was a voice that was so familiar, filled with so much concern and desperation he had to look back. 

Yunho. What was he doing here?

“What are you doing here?” Yunho asked the same question to Jaejoong and he felt like laughing at the irony of it all. He kept silent though, not wanting to ruin the tranquility and peace. He never felt so good in his life before and felt an urge to jump into the air and dive right down to the ground. The only thing stopping him was Yunho.

“Are you crying?” Yunho’s voice softened as he frowned as if contemplating on all the reasons Jaejoong could have cried for. It was indeed weird for a bully to cry though, Yunho thought and defended himself.

Jaejoong didn’t even know he was crying until the salty liquid reached his lips. Why was he crying? Even he didn’t know. He was enjoying this so much! Again, not a word left his lips as he continued to stare at Yunho.

Yunho took careful steps towards Jaejoong. “I’m sorry”, Yunho said looking guilty as his head bowed.

“For what?” Jaejoong spoke and Yunho snapped his head up and looked at Jaejoong, shocked by the fact that he replied him. Why would Yunho be sorry though, he didn’t do anything wrong! Jaejoong thought as he frowned.

“For being so mean to you the other day. I’m really sorry Jaejoong, I didn’t mean to hurt you” 

The tone of Yunho’s voice somehow pissed him off. It sounded like Yunho actually cared for Jaejoong and he refused to believe it was true. 

“Stop acting as if you care . Leave me alone!” Jaejoong screamed as he fumed and he was having difficulties breathing properly because of his anger.

“But I do, Jaejoong. Why won’t you believe me?” Yunho advanced towards Jaejoong and quickly caught him in his arms, not letting go despite the protest of the smaller man.

“Let me go!” Jaejoong shrieked and pounded his fists on Yunho’s back repeatedly. Yunho didn’t let go though, and after a while, Jaejoong stopped resisting. He breathed heavily as Yunho held him in his arms and patted his back soothingly. Yunho’s shirt was wet though, because of Jaejoong’s tears and instead of letting go, Yunho caressed Jaejoong’s head.

“I want to know you Jaejoong, would you let me? I promise I won’t judge you”, Yunho whispered softly into his ears and Jaejoong started sobbing. Never had anyone treated him so kindly before and he was beyond touch and shocked. Yunho then caressed his back again, waiting patiently for Jaejoong to calm down.

“Y-yes I will, I’m sorry too” Jaejoong muttered softly, his voice was thick because of the mucus. 

“I was perhaps saved in the end”, Jaejoong spoke under his breath and envisioned light and a new life in his mind.

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So sweet...................... was it end? want moooooorreeee ><
MiszCJung #2
SWEET!! ^_^ <br />
Loveee this! hard to imagine Jae like that at the beginning! :) <br />
But i noeeee Jaejae is a sweet person! :D <br />