After a long time...

2 Used to.



YB; Aigooo~ So much pressure. We’ll be performing as a group again after 2 years and a month. Geez~


TOP; Hyung!~Talking to his manager. Can I smoke again?


Manager; Oh ne. Just be back immediately.


TOP; Arasseo.





JH; You want to drink some coffee?


Hyunae; Yeh. ^^


~Junhyung asking a permission to their manager if he can go out to buy some coffee with Hyunae.


JH; We’ll just go out to buy some coffee hyung.


Manager; Oh. Okay be careful Junhyung-ah.


~On their way out, Junhyung takes care of Hyunae carefully as they walk.


Hyunae; I want the same cappuccino! ^*^


JH; Arasseo :”>


~TOP is walking out from their dressing room. He’s busy checking on his box of cigarette. He didn’t notice Juhyung is coming. But Junhyung did greet him. And his eyes were on the girl Junhyung is with.



TOP; She’s still using the perfume. The perfume I gave her on our 8th monthsary. She didn’t change.



-I was holding onto Junhyung’s arms when we walk out from their dressing room. Were giggling about something, reminiscing our US days. Then suddenly—someone familiar in my eyes is getting near,  approaching our opposite way. It’s him! I know I might see him here. But I didn’t expect it to be this soon. The night when he ended everything between us flashbacks.. That look of him to me that night seems so fresh again.

He looks like he’s gonna say something. But he ended up walking away from us.


JH; Just early, I greeted TOP. Do you know him? He’s the main rapper of the group BigBang. Waaaa. He’s so cool rapping in a very low voice. He’s one of my idol.


-He might smell the perfume I’m using >.< Darn! He look so different on personal. I think he got so handsome now. The magic of money. This is also why I don’t believe he doesn’t have any gf everytime he answer the questions in their interviews. I miss him so much… I wanna hug him as tight as I can. Kiss him as I can. Keep him forever once again… 

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