
Simply My Difficult Love


It's been a while and i truly am sorry for the late updates!! please forgive me:(  from the 21st and onwards i'm completely free so i will be able to update alot and im not saying i wont update this week or the next. i'm just letting you know. i've had more to experience in my life so i'm able to write more interesting chapters, and i was thinking, have you guys read my first fanfic, if not then please do^^ i'd appreciate it alot! I know i shouldn't make promises that i cant keep but i will try my level best hardest to achieve. i shall strive harder for my goal to earn your interests! 

Thanks, love ya guys<3


Your POV

i kept blabbing stuff just trying to cry for help but couldn't. Seriously whats wrong with me and my life, cant i live a harm-less life like seriously.. this really gets annoying.

i was dragged and dragged, i hadn't a clue of where i being led so i played along untrustworthyly until we stopped and i was pushed onto somekind of surface being released of my mouth being held and my eyes being covered i saw this room and it was like i had a deja vu because of my first experience with Zico oppa... i just realized, i cant trust him just like that. what have i done..I just fell for him like that without a second thought, hes not the one for me, i cant let him trick me into loving him. my eyes widened as i thought of this not even caring for the person in front of me .. i started to cry in thought of my insolence

the guy walked up to me in a bit shock and lifted my head

"just kill me, i dont want to live anymore, just kill me please....." i cried even more and closed my eyes

"i'm both hopeless and helpless so just kill me without hesitation"  i yelled, he held my mouth and layed me on the bed climbing on top of me 

"i cant do that just yet" he said, i opened my eyes and looked at him 

in just three minutes the door barged open and someone came rushing in beating the guy ontop of me, i got up and identified who it was, it was Jaehyo oppa, i was shocked.. how'd he get out of the hospital??
"You're very trouble-some, do you know that?" he said picking me up and running out. While he was carrying me i saw he was shirtless but still had his wrap on. 

"not showing up for that long, i knew where you'd be because i saw you out of the window babo" he said

"you--hospital--how?" i stuttered in utter confusion

"i'm pretty sneaky ya know" he said smiling and running to i'm guessing his house because he went on a total different street

"let me guess, you dont trust Zico and you totally fell for him right?" he asked randomly out of the blue

"ho-how did you know?" i questioned very surprised

"i can tell, the way your expression was and how you kept crying" he said and the conversation ended there

"though you basically almost seduced me, i do trust you and you're the only person that i can come to if i have any problems, you seem to know the answer for everything. thank you..-" i got interupted by him saying

"just stop it right there, first i never seduced you and second i dont want this to get too emotional please" i just laughed at his humor.

~~A few days later~~

U-kwon's POV

hmmm should i go pick up another girl or let it slide? what do i do? hmm that girl from the last time, she seemed to be in a lot of pain to be able to ignore me. some one could even threaten her with a knife and she wouldn't even care, what the hell  is up with that?

I seriously need to find me a girl...

Your POV 

"i need to go and talk to Zico, i've been ignoring him for a long time now, annyeong" i said to Jaehyo 

"well thats going to be a difficult thing to do Hyosung, i wish you luck and oh i have to go out of town, i have to stay with my mom for a while, she isn't feeling well so today was my last day and i have to leave for the train in about 2 hours. i know this is a extremely late notice but i didnt want you to do anything big for me nor did i want you to worry.. so i guess this is goodbye then.. annyeong" Jaehyo explained and suddenly i felt so sad.

i didnt say anything because i was so shocked, Jaehyo came closer and hugged me which caused me to start crying

"dont worry for me, worry for yourself. This wont be our last time together, i promise. you have my number so we can text, just pretend im there with you always. I hope you and Zico can get things worked out. well i'm going to leave now, i can drop you to his house if you want" he said smiling but only smiling so i would stop worrying and to comfort me, i hugged him tightly and cried even more

"oppa, in my eyes, you're an older brother but in his eyes, i'm your lover. Hes not mine anymore..." i told him and he took us to his car

i got in and he strapped me, he started to drive and all i could think about is Zico oppa, all i could do is cry 

"how long?" i managed to ask

"i'm not sure, but i sure hope its not a long time" he said

"please come back early" i cried and cried

"i need to leave to come back, right?" he asked and i knodded

when we arrived i didnt want to get out of the car and just sat there, he took my hand and pulled me out gently

we walked to Zico oppas house and stopped

"its time" he said smiling andi hugged him not letting him go

"i've lost my brother, he left me and never will come back..i have no family other than him. i lived alone and will again" i exclaimed

"i wont leave you, i'll always be with you" he said smiling again and comforted me 

"i have to go now, annyeong and take care" he said letting go of me and walking away looking at me 

"smile for me and i'll come back soon" he said waving and all i could do was smile, i was like a kid..always obbeying what others say believing in them..

i knocked on Zicos door but he didnt answer so i rang his doorbell still smiling as if nothing happened and only but only thinking of him

i then looked in my pocket and found a key, i remembered Zico gave me a spare key just in case for emergencies or in regular use. so i unlocked the door and entered, it was so quiet so i walked around and soon came to his room, i opened it and saw Zico fast asleep. i just sat next to him and watched him thinking of what hes done for me and what hes done to me, trying to balance it out but all i can get is regret.

is he really the one for me? Isn't it too early for love? 

i kissed him on the head and walked out texting him on my way out writing

"i thinks its too early for us, maybe later. wait for me, i will come back when the time's right. saranghaeyeo oppa" 

i walked in the streets feeling like a fresh start in the breezy winds just wondering whats to come in my way of love and if i were to ever to find the one thats been waiting for me.

i suddenly bump into someone while in thought so i apologized and kept walking i searched through my pocket and pulled out my phone, i plugged in head phones and started to listen to music but kept listening to one certain song which i kept on replay ( ) (i dont know but this song is stuck into my head and it keeps making me cry, this song is not 100% related to Zico and Hyosungs situation but it is like 80-90% of the song thats similar to them) 


How was it? yeah i know, they broke up but atleast she still loves him right? either way we cant get stuck into the past but we should look forward to the future^^ enjoy it:) 

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Thanks, saranghaeyeo! <3 <3


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Chapter 13: Omo!! New reader here and I am STUCK WITH THIS STORY!!! OMO.... ottheokae?? I feel bad for Zico... but I kinda like Gihyun and Hyosung together because they make me cry... :( But... Zicos my love too!! Ohmy... what to do??!!!

Thank you so much for writing such an amazing story!! I should have found this out sooner!! Keke...
I really love it though! Jinja daebak!! Hwaiting!!! Cant wait for more!! XD
Chapter 13: aww poor hyosung :( btw, didn't really watch ulzzang shidae. I knew him bcos he's friends with daeguknamah ^^
Chapter 12: isn't that chihoon the ulzzang guy?
Chapter 11: zisung!!!!!
Chapter 11: I'm curious with hyosung's past. Update soon <3
Chapter 11: what is this drama
Oooh exciting
I love zisung don't break them up~!!
Chapter 11: What happened 10 years ago? :O
omg ! Spill the secret! ><
Chapter 10: U-Kwon, you .... really >< ~
Update soon <3
Wow, love the story !! Waiting for more! ~~ ^^
Chapter 9: Yay, U-Kwonnie :33 don't let us wait with the next chapter~