Double Personality

Yesung plus 3

“Where do you want me to take you?” Kyu asked as soon as I got in the car.

“To my house,” I replied.  The ride is only 15 minutes. I hope the turtle will like there home. The biggest one seems to be sleeping. I hope so anyways. I move him a little bit to see if he would move. Thank goodness! He's moving! The other two are soo playful. I smile while thinking of all the things we can do together. I wonder if they like the book "Hansel and Gretel"? I look at the clock and see that we should get to my house in around 5 minutes. I look to kyuhyun. I felt so comfortable that I forgot who I was with. Is that a bad thing? I wish it last longer because I like being around Kyuhyun. It gets lonely when I’m by myself. I look back at my turtles and smile, You won't let me be lonely anymore will you. My vision went right back to Kyuhyun. I wonder if he knows how much...

“Why are you staring at me?” Kyuhyun ask while still looking at the rode.

“What?” Damn it! I should have been more careful! “uh, sorry. I was just thinking?”

“What would you be thinking about that would make you stare at me?” Was it getting hotter in here or is it just me?? I put my hand to my cheek unknowingly.

“Are you gonna answer or are you gonna keep feeling you’re face all day?” He seemed a little annoyed.

“I was just thinking how we haven’t had a project together in a long time” I quickly lied. By kyuhyun’s facial expression, I think he believed me. Phew~

“There’s my house” I point to a light pink two story house.

“How bad do you think my memory is? It hasn’t been that long since the last time I’ve been to your house,” was kyu’s snarky response.

“Yeah Sorry Kyu,” I was about to get but then he grabbed my hand.

“Yesung. Only my friends can call me Kyu. Do you think you’re my friend?” Kyuhyun’s face became very scary.

“I-I’m sor-sorry!” I stuttered. I had a weird feeling going through my body that I couldn’t explain. I pulled my hand away. “Thank you for the ride” I quickly said, trying to get the hell out of that car. Kyuhyun quickly grabbed my hand again, preventing me from escaping.



Sorry for the short chapters. I hate short chapters. It makes me not want to read them but unfortunately I'm not feel that much passion for this story. I hope in the next chapters I'll have a better idea of how i want this to go. There are so many things wrong with my story i can't pinpoint one *sigh dramatically*

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pleaseman #1
Chapter 1: nice story!!!!