
Yesung plus 3

“Kyuhyun?” Yesung wondered out loud. Kyuhyun wasn’t a friend of Yesung’s but they did have to do a few projects in choir class together, so they were on good terms.

“What are you doing here,” Kyuhyun asked.

“Why do you want to know?” Yesung always enjoyed the banter he hot to have with Kyuhyun. It usually was Yesung who initiated it.

“Never mind then. I don’t care what you do anyways” Kyuhyun countered. Kyuhyun was rolling up his window again.

“Wait! Kyuhyun, why are you here?” Yesung hoped he didn’t sound desperate. Kyuhyun stopped rolling the window up and decided to just open his car door and get out.

“*sigh* I was just going to a friend’s place. You looked cold so I thought I should ask you if you wanted a ride. So do you?” Kyuhyun asked.

“Uh…yeah if you don’t mind” Yesung smiled. Yesung’s heart felt light and flutter. He was very happy Kyuhyun had offer to give him a ride. His heart felt fluttery and could feel his cheeks warm abit. Luckily his cheeks were already red from the cold.

Why would he offer me a ride? Does he like me?-Yesung wondered.
“Are you just gonna stand there?” Kyuhyun rose an eyebrow. Yesung’s cheeks reddened more.

“oh sorry!” Yesung quickly got to the passenger side and got in.

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pleaseman #1
Chapter 1: nice story!!!!