Me and L.Joe?

This Stupid Marriage

“How would you like to go on another blind date?”


“WHAT?!” You jumped from your seat, staring at your dad like you’ve seen an alien.
“What? Would you like to?” Your dad smiled at you.
“Oh my god, not you too dad!” You face palmed yourself and slumped back down the seat. “How many times do I have to tell you? I don’t feel like I am at the stage to date and I do not like boys, when, when are you going to understand?” You sighed.

“Yah this girl! I just asked one question and you give me what? A paragraph?” Your dad chuckled. “Just answer the question. Yes or no.”
“NO.” You crossed your arms and pouted. “No. No. No. A big fat NO!”
“Well,” your dad stood up from his seat. “You have no choice. Your mum and I already planned a meeting this afternoon. Better go home and get ready!” He sat on his chair.

Your eyes widened as you shot up and stomped towards your dad’s desk. You slammed your hands down on the table making him jump back a little. “Say what? Already?! DAD! You said I can run my life on my own!”
“I said that but please honey, this is for the company.” He frowned.
“Aish!” You threw your hands in the air and walked towards the door.

“Your mum already picked a dress for you! Make sure you wear it!” Your dad informed.
“Whatever.” You bluntly replied and slammed the door shut. *There goes my idea of being a nice girl.*  You leaned against the door as the colleagues went by and bowed at you. Slowly, you turned the knob and headed back in the office.

“Daddiee~” You cooed in a sweet voice.
“No.” He spoke not giving you a single glance.

You pouted and messed up your hair. “Good bye daddy.” You forced a smile before closing the door. *Oh my life. WHY?!*


You just came home from your dad’s office. Right now it was about 5.30 and you are meeting with some bimbo at 6.30. You had an hour left so you decided to take a shower.

After finishing your hot shower, you talked out with a towel wrapped around your hair. You jumped when you saw your mum standing there smiling at you.

“Aigoo. Are you ready my daughter?” Your mum walked to you and pinched your cheeks.
“Mum! Stop.” You walked to your dressing table.

At that point, you saw a beautiful satin pink dress with a white bow tie around the waist lying on your bed. Next to it, was a pair of white heels with a flower stuck on top, a pink pearled headband and some light coloured pearl bracelets.

You turned to your mum and smiled. “Mum, what is all this?” You asked.
“Oh honey, didn’t dad tell you we have a meeting today? You have to wear this! Aigoo, it will look so pretty on you!” Your mum patted your back. “Wear it on and hurry up okay?” Your mum headed downstairs leaving no chance for you to talk.

You sighed and sat on the seat looking at the mirror in front of you. “Why?!” You cried and shoved your face into your palms.

Meanwhile ~

“L.Joe! Hurry up and come home this instant! I thought I told you to come home right after school?!” Mrs. Lee yelled through the phone.

L.Joe rubbed his ear and scrunched up his face with the level of sound travelling through his ears. “Mum! Can you please quiet down and don’t yell?!” L.Joe spoke. “I’ll come home now okay?!” L.Joe hung up.

“Dude. What happened?” CAP questioned.
“Mum happened.” L.Joe rolled his eyes. “I need to go now. See ya.” He waved then headed to his car with his hands in his pocket.
“I have a feeling something is going to happen.” Chunji nodded looking at L.Joe’s retreating back.


“Mrs. Lee, young master is home.” The maid informed.

Mrs. Lee jumped from her seat and ran downstairs to find L.Joe casually sitting on the couch. “Aigoo, you are such a mess! Hurry up and take a shower! We cannot be late!” Mrs. Lee pulled L.Joe off the couch and up the stairs.
“Mum, what is the god damn rush?!” L.Joe spoke.

Mrs. Lee stopped pulling and let go of his arm. She turned around and gave him the scariest glare that a mum can give, making L.Joe look away from his mum’s eyes. “Language Mr. I did not raise you up to talk to me that way okay? Now, hurry up and go and take a shower. Your clothes are laid out on your bed, I just ironed them, and if I see a small wrinkle on it then I will defiantly kill you. Okay? Hurry up, we can’t be late. CAN’T!” Mrs. Lee ordered and headed to the kitchen.

L.Joe put a hand to his heart as she gave out a big sigh. “Gosh, she scares me sometimes.” He mumbled.

“By the way.” Mrs. Lee came back to the stair case.

L.Joe tensed up and turned around to look at his mum. “Yes mum?” He slightly smiled.

“Did you kill your car?” She raised a brow.
“No mum.” L.Joe shook his head.
“Did you speed up with that car?”
“No mum.”
“Did you nearly kill someone with that car?” 
“Yes mum.” L.Joe replied, not knowing what he just said.

“WHAT?!” Mrs. Lee yelled.
“I – I mean no mum. I did not kill someone with my car.” L.Joe corrected. Mrs. Lee sighed. “However, someone did kill me car. That little bastard nearly killed the expensive paint on my car-“

Before L.Joe could finish, Mrs. Lee walked away not bothered to hear that someone killed his ‘car’.

“Hey! Mum!” L.Joe called. “Aish! Always walking away when I talk about my car?”

Disappointed, he stomped up the stairs and in his room.

Fast forward

Soo Jin’s (You) POV

“Soo Jin! Hurry! We’re going to be late!” My mum hollered from downstairs.

“I’m coming!” I yelled as I adjusted the length of my dress.

I looked at the mirror and smiled. The dress is actually really cute! I put on all the accessories I needed and they all matched up perfectly. My mum really does have an eye for fashion.

“SOO JIN!” My mum yelled.

 I grabbed my bag, slipped on my heels and walked downstairs.

“Aigoo, my daughter is so pretty!” My mum clasped her hands together on the verge of tears.

What is this? It’s like they are about to send me away and let me get married or something. But we all know that they won’t do that. Right?

“Mum, dad…why are you dressed?” I asked. Usually, they do not go on dates with me, but why are they going today? Great. I was planning to mess up my hair and talk like I am mental.

“Today, is a special day my darling! Of course we have to go with you! Now hurry or we will be late.”

My mum pushed me outside the front door. She ran in the car first while I stood there confused with her actions. Strange.

End of Soo Jin’s POV

You arrived at a fancy looking restaurant. Your eyes glistened at the exterior of the building as you stepped out of the car. When you went inside, it was magical. The lightening was bright and the chandeliers were hanging beautifully up the roof. Wait? How can something be hung up beautifully? Can it? Anyways, this restaurant was just beautiful.

You’ve never went to a fancy looking restaurant before, only when you go with your family for some business talk.

“This way please,” the waiter instructed.

You and your family followed behind until you arrived at this corridor. This was a place for private bookings. Basically a room if you want privacy.

The waiter slid the door open revealing 3 people sitting in a row besides a long rectangular table. The table was filled with pink roses and the walls were plain light pink. *Oh, this matches with my dress.* You thought, smiling.

“Oh you’re here!” A manly voice laughed as he hugged your dad. You stood next to your mum with your head down, you were a shy type when it comes to business people.

“Hello there Mrs. Choi!” A lady stood up giving your mum a hug. You stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do. “And oh look at this pretty lady! Come and sit!” She gave you a warm smile and gestured for you to sit down.

You walked towards your chair located in front of a blonde haired dude playing on his phone. Slowly, he looked up and you smiled.

Z z z WAIT.

“YOU?!” You shrieked.

The boy stared at you for a moment before releasing who you were. “HEY! The one who killed my car!” L.Joe pointed.
“For your information I did not kill your ugly car. You’re the one that nearly killed me!” You put your hands on your waist.

L.Joe stood up and glared at you.

The adults sat there watching you two bicker.

“A-hem.” Mr. Lee cleared his throat.

Both L.Joe and you snapped your heads at him and realised that the adults were looking at both of you. Embarrassed, you sat down as L.Joe did the same.

“Seems like you know each other already!” Mrs. Lee chimed.

You gave a small smile as you stared down at your empty plate.

“Shall we order?” Mrs. Choi called the waitress over. The waitress politely took the order and poured water into the cups on the table.

“Your daughter is beautiful. Just the daughter I would love to have.” Mrs. Choi smiled.

You smiled back at her compliment and lightly bowed your head. You turned your directions towards L.Joe who was furiously glaring at you. You scoffed and turned away.

“Dad, what are we doing here?” L.Joe asked his father, annoyed.
“How about we tell you after dinner?” His dad replied.
“Dad, just tell me now!” L.Joe rolled his head.

Mrs. Lee gave him a warning look as he straightened up and cleared his throat. You looked at him with the corner of your lips raised up. *So rude.*

The food came and everyone started to dig in. It was silent between you and L.Joe while the parents were eating and talking about business.

“Everyone. We would like to announce something!” Mr. Lee clapped his hands getting everyone’s attention.

“As you all know, Mr. Choi and I are great business partners. We would like to excel and make our companies rise to the top and become history.” Mr. Lee declared.

“Just get to the point already.” L.Joe yawned.

You rolled your eyes and picked up a glass of water.

“And we all know that Soo Jin here and L.Joe hasn’t been in a relationship for a while.”

You sipped your water as L.Joe took out his phone.

“And so that is why,” Mrs. Lee interrupted.

You continued sipping on your water as L.Joe played with his phone. You were that thirsty. Without realising that all the adults turned their direction towards you and L.Joe you both kept on doing what you did.

“YOU GUYS ARE GETTING MARRIED!” Mrs. Choi shouted in glee.

L.Joe quickly snapped his head to Mrs. Choi and your eyes rounded. The water wouldn’t go down your throat so you spat it all out.

“PSSSSSH!” You spat out the water hitting L.Joe right on his face.

The adults gasped as your eyes popped out of its sockets. “WHAT?” You yelled.

“YAH!” L.Joe yelled at you. You looked at his wet face but you didn’t care and turned your attention back to the adults. “WHAT?” You repeated.

L.Joe wiped his face off and turned to his parents. “You are so lying about this. Stop lying. It is not funny. Me marry her no thanks.” L.Joe pointed to you.

Your mouth hung opened. Why?

  1. You are in the middle of an arranged marriage.
  2. You are in the middle of an arranged marriage.
  3. You are in the middle of an arranged marriage.

“I cannot marry this guy! No way. No. no. no. You know he is not my style!” You furiously shook your head.

“I’m sorry kids but it is better for our company and for you and plus, you won’t have a hard time since you already know each other. Also, you guys seem so cute together!” Mrs. Lee smiled as Mrs. Choi nodded her head in agreement.

“BUT!” You and L.Joe both said in unison.

You stood up and pointed at L.Joe. L.Joe did the same thing as you.

“He’s a bastard!”
“She is rude!”
“He doesn’t care about anything!”
“She doesn’t care about cars!”
“He is so stupid!”
“She doesn’t know anything about cars!”
“He is so rude!”
“She is so ignorant!”
“He is like a 5 year old child!”
“She is like a 30 years old ahjumma!”
“He only cares about popularity!”
“She is a loser in school!”
“He is not my style!”
“She is not my style!”

“WE DON’T WANT TO MARRY EACH OTHER!” You both said in unison.

The adults jolted back and blinked at the two of you sending each other death glares.

“Aw, what a cute couple!” Mrs. Lee sang.
“It’s like you guys are fated!” Mrs. Choi joined in.

You and L.Joe looked at your moms in shock.

“As much as you hate each other, you are still getting married whether you like it or not.” Mr. Lee strictly announced leaving you two standing there defeated.

A/N: Update update before i do my homework ! My friend is going to kill me but oh wells... kehe ^^ Comment and subscribe ? Oh by the way, i don't think that i will update this often because i have 6 homework but a test this week... urgh my life -.- busy busy... haha i can do this ! FIGHTING !



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wow, this story passed 700 subscribers even though its finished! i'm so grateful and thankful towards the readers :') have a happy and safe holidays xoxo


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Jjongshi #1
Chapter 45: Damn this story is sweeeeet ... I love it author-nim... Nice job~~~
Chapter 45: Ghad id been reading this story for almost 11 times (i think more) xD yr storyline is soooooo good and ill be reading diz again soon ^^
Chapter 45: Kyaaaaaaaaaaa so cuteeeee I'm going to die of too much fluffiness I loved it author nim now time to check out your other ff anneyong
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 45: chappie 45: hahahaha....
it didn't come to mind that daehyun will be the name of their son....
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 44: chappie 44: yahoo!!!!
hope l.joe and soo jin will be happy together....!!!!
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 42: chappie 42: awhh....
so sweet..
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 38: chappie 38: i really hope, really really hope.....
l.joe and soo jin will be together back......