
This Stupid Marriage

“L.JOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” You screamed from the top of your lungs at 9am on a Sunday morning.

Storming out of your room and into L.Joe’s room without a single knock, you pulled the blanket off him and slapped his back. Immediately, he sat up and furiously glared at you for disturbing his sleep on a weekend.

“WHAT?!” He growled.

“This! What the hell happened to me?!” You pointed at the purple bruise on your forehead.

“Oh, that?” He rubbed his eyes.

*Awww, he looks like a kid! Cute!* You melted inside, but on the outside you were furious. “Yes, that. What happened to that?”

“You’re such a deep sleeper. Seriously, I was driving and you somehow ended up on the bottom of the car when we reached home.” He shrugged.

“Excuse me?” Your mouth hung ajar. “Did you just say you drove me home and I ended up on the floor? You didn’t bother to carry my back up or put seat belt around me?”

“I drive fast, even if the seat belt was on you, I reckon that you’ll fall anyways.”

Sunday morning, and you are raging.

“Come here.” He waved you over.

“Why? Why? Why?!” You shouted.

In a matter of seconds, L.Joe stood up in front of you and lifted your chin up. Gazing at his eyes, you were mesmerised as you stood there frozen. 

“Soo Jin has a bubu,” he chuckled before leaning in and giving a ppoppo kiss on your bruise.

It’s safe you say you’re out of this world as you stood there, not moving an inch. Like I said, you were frozen.

Finally realising what he did, L.Joe cleared his throat and to get you back in Earth, he pushed your forehead away and sat back down on his bed.

*He k-kissssed meee! WHAT?!* “Y-yah!” You rubbed your forehead.

“Get out and let me sleep.” He threw a pillow at you.

*Why is everything on the face this morning!* You angrily threw the pillow back at him and stormed out of the room.


Soo Jin’s (You) POV

Aish that idiot!

He could’ve just sat me up while I was sleeping and put a seat belt on me, not let me lie across the chair and then with his reckless driving roll me down to the floor. See how much of an idiot he is? How can he be my husband? With his stupid brains, I don’t think he will be smart enough to be the heir of his father’s company.


Argh. Right, now I look like an idiot. Walking up and down the room, waving my hands around the air talking about? L.JOE.

When, when can I have a moment WITHOUT L.Joe in my mind? This is so annoying.

“My forehead!” I pouted, feeling the bump.  “That L.Joe is seriously going to pay whether he likes it or not.”

But why did he kiss my forehead? Why did he kiss me all of a sudden? And why am I so happy? Why am I feeling so warm inside every time he touches me.

Unknowingly a smile crept onto my face, while i was picturing the kiss in my head over and over again. Why am I even thinking about the kiss? HEHE.

*Fan girl giggles!*

-ding dong-

“Who is that?” I jerked up from my bed and rushed downstairs.

Opening the door, I was surprised to see Myungsoo standing there.

We haven’t been talking for 4 days, since the time he came over to my house to have dinner. That was when I found out that Myungsoo and L.Joe are cousins.

“Myungsoo, what are you doing here?” I asked.

“Aren’t you going to let me in?” He said in a calm voice.

“Oh. Sorry, come in!” I smiled.

Placing the cup of water in front of him, I sat myself down. Ah, this couch is a little too cold. It’s leather, no . “So what brings you here early in the morning?” I rocked back and forth.

“What happened to your forehead?” He asked, shocked.

I quickly covered it and smiled. “I just bumped it somewhere..no biggie!”

“Clumsy as ever. So, do you wanna go out?”

My eyes rounded like saucepans. *D-did he just ask me out?*

“I mean, out out like hanging out as friends. Not the dating thing,” he explained more thoroughly. He was also blushing! Awww, how cute! I want to pinch those cheeks of his so much!

Anyways…oh thank God. I swear my heart just stopped there. “Alright! I’ll get ready!” I jumped off the couch and headed upstairs.

A few minutes later, I found myself strolling along the park next to the Han River with an ice-cream cone in my hands. “So, what makes you want to hang out?” I asked. What? I was curious okay?

“We have some explaining to do. Especially you.” He tapped the tip of my nose before heading to find a bench.

Oh right.

So we sat there for almost an hour and a half telling each other more information about us. I told him that I was ‘arranged marriage’ and he told me that his father is the owner of a seafood company transporting seafood internationally and owns a 4 star hotel along with a few restaurants in some districts.

Can you believe it? I know right.

The reason why he came Jeju was because his father wanted him to meet his business partners. Oh, I pity Myungsoo.

“Wait, wait, let me get this straight. You and L.Joe are not cousins?”

“That’s right. Since our families are extremely close to each other, especially when his father and my father are childhood besties, we call each other cousins,” he explained.

The only thing that came out of my mouth was ‘ooooooooooohhh’.

“So why weren’t you wearing the ring when I saw you? You know, your wedding ring?” Myungsoo asked.

“Right. I left it in my bag, if felt weird wearing it so yeah. I’m not used to accessories.” I sheepishly smiled.

He’s going to think ‘what kind of girl does not like accessories?’ -.-

“Fascinating,” he exclaimed.


“You’re different from every other rich girl that I know, in a good way of course!” He laughed.

That laugh was just so charming.

I smiled, proud of myself that I made him laugh. “We should get going, it’s getting dark.”

“Yeah. Let’s go.”

Standing up, we walked while he talked. Or was it talked while we walked? I don’t know! Aish, really.

Suddenly, the lights glowed up from the ground. “Wah! They are so pretty!” I bent down touching the lights.

Really! They were really pretty!

“Soo Jin, I think we be-“

Before he could finish his sentence, water shot out from the ground, right onto my face. OH MY LORD!

“AHHHHHHHHHH!” I stood up and wiped the water off my face.

Really, I forgot about the sprinklers thing.

I heard a loud laugh as I turned behind me, finding Myungsoo laughing his off. “Hey! You’re drenched in water too!” I stomped my foot.

“I’m – haha- not the one –haha- that –haha- got sprayed –haha- right in the – haha- face!” He laughed between his words.

Oh Charlie. That does it.

And so, we spent another 5 minutes chasing each other in the waters. Well, no correction. I was chasing him. Also, somehow our legs brought us to play in the water areas around the park.

By the time we got to my place, it was already 7. Myungsoo invited me to dinner but I was so tired, I called it a day.

“Thank you Myungsoo oppa!” I waved.

“You can call me L you know! Myungsoo is too formal! Just call me L!” He yelled from his car.



“Bye L?” I spoke uncomfortably.

“Where have you been?”  A sudden voice shocked me as I walked in the dark house.

“Oh my mia!” I put a hand over my chest and leaned against the door. Was that L.Joe? If it was, it would’ve been great if he’s a glow in the dark person, appearing somewhere in the dark and giving me a heart attack is not acceptable.

“Where have you been?” He repeated his question in a stern voice.

(A/N: Look at his eyes, not his shirt. hehe ^^)

Switching on the lights, I could see L.Joe up the stairs with his hands in his pockets. His face looked so pissed off and sort of…angry? “I’ve been to London to visit the Queen.” I bowed.

Now…why did I do that?

“Soo Jin.”

By his tone of his annoying voice, I was absolutely certain he does not want any games. “Fine. I went out with Myungsoo. Wait no, L. No, Myungsoo oppa.”

“Where did you go? I called you many times but you didn’t pick up.”

“Oh, my phone died on the way. I went to the park alongside Han River. Why are you asking me this?” I tilted my head to the side.

He walked down the stairs like a mad bull and trapped me against the door. Not this again. Wait, no. This is the first time. No, there was the time on the bed… oh gosh, did that come out wrong?

“W-why are you like this?” I stuttered.

Mentally face-palm coming right head! Well, obvious I couldn’t do it physically. I was like an iceberg when he leaned in towards me giving me no way to get out.

“Soo Jin, why are you wet?”

Our eyes met each other. Somehow, I read the emotions that his eyes are giving. What? I would read his body too, but his eyes are the ones looking at me. Wait, what?

His eyes were filled with hurt, anger and regret? What’s wrong with this guy?

“Answer me!” He yelled.

“I walked into those sprinklers that shots water up from the ground! Accidentally though, I didn’t know it was going to happen!” I quickly replied.

“You do realise what you are wearing right?”

“White long sleeved blouse with white-greyish jeans?” I raised a brow. Duh, I picked out my outfit, hello?

L.Joe looked down at my blouse and up in my eyes. “Are you wearing a white bra with watermelon pictures?”

I looked down and covered my chest. “YOU ERT!”

Oh. My. Gosh.

This stupid .

Finally, he released me. “Go and take a shower. You’re showing too much skin. It’s dirtying my eye seeing your figureless body.”

He was indeed right. My wet blouse clung onto my skin. Hey, I was also wearing a white singlet too okay? How can he see my bra?

“And next time, tell me where you’re going and who you are going with before you leave the house. Asleep or not tell me.”

“What happened to; not prying into each other’s life?”

“Well you got to tell me incase one of our parents call. I can’t lie and I won’t lie.”

Making faces, I walked up the stairs.


L.Joe’s POV

She’s revealing too much skin these days. Doesn’t she notice? How can I let her out like this?

A/N: Sorry for not updating yesterday ! My eye got worse... and it's still bad... i need to go see doctors... one day.. ahha.

Is L.Joe jeallouusss? 

Also today is my mum's birthday! Happy Birthday MUM!

xox hehe subscribe and comment :) upvote if you want hehe ^^

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wow, this story passed 700 subscribers even though its finished! i'm so grateful and thankful towards the readers :') have a happy and safe holidays xoxo


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Jjongshi #1
Chapter 45: Damn this story is sweeeeet ... I love it author-nim... Nice job~~~
Chapter 45: Ghad id been reading this story for almost 11 times (i think more) xD yr storyline is soooooo good and ill be reading diz again soon ^^
Chapter 45: Kyaaaaaaaaaaa so cuteeeee I'm going to die of too much fluffiness I loved it author nim now time to check out your other ff anneyong
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 45: chappie 45: hahahaha....
it didn't come to mind that daehyun will be the name of their son....
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 44: chappie 44: yahoo!!!!
hope l.joe and soo jin will be happy together....!!!!
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 42: chappie 42: awhh....
so sweet..
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 38: chappie 38: i really hope, really really hope.....
l.joe and soo jin will be together back......