
Rainy Days and Snowy Nights

L.Joe’s Pov

It’s been a week since she’s been staying with us here, and recently she has gotten really attached to Ghangjo… I have to say that I might be a tad jealous, well who am I kidding I'm VERY jealous. I haven’t really made any moves on her yet… but why? Usually I can make just any girl fall for me but her, She is different.

While everybody was just relaxing in the living room she suddenly walked out of our room all dressed up and she looked amazing. jaw droppingly amazing. I wanted to ask her where she was going but every time I try to talk to her it’s as if there’s this shield blocking me. Even if I talk to her it would all be messed up. But thank god Ricky asked her where she was going to.

I’m going out with a friend, I’ll be back before 12 she smiled a friend it echoed in my head, what friend I thought to myself. Is her friend a guy or a girl. I felt uneasy about this, but I had no right to stop her from going. So I decided to follow her, after a few minutes she went out and soon after I also went out saying I was going out to buy some things. Why am I doing this, i get the fact that i like her but this is just over the top.

I followed her to this small shop, she went in and I silently went in and sat somewhere where I can keep an eye on her. I hoped in my heart that she doesn’t notices me and thank god she didn’t. I can't let her see me or not she'll think of me as a psyhcopath and I surely don't want that happening.

Your Pov

I can’t wait to meet him I thought to myself. I wore my best outfit and dolled myself up. I wanted to look pretty just for him. I finished dressing up and looked at myself in the mirror I hope he likes how I look like. I took my jacket and went out of the room.

Noona.. where are you going? Ricky asked I’m going out with a friend, I’ll be back before 12 I answered Ricky just gave me a smile and continued watching his show and I went and wore my shoes. I went out and start walking to the shop where me and him are suppose to meet. As I entered the shop he wasn’t there yet, I felt disappointed but soon after he came into the shop out of breath. He took his seat Hehe Mianhae I was late he rubbed his neck. Aniya it’s fine, he suddenly pulls out a carnation of flowers and gave them to me. I blushed and he just gave me a smile.

After we ate he paid What should we do Chanyun ah~~~ I couldn’t think of anything Why don’t we just stroll around Oppa?

L.Joe’s Pov

Who is this guy? I have never seen him around here before. I overheard her call him oppa and I felt as if my heart had been ripped off from my chest.  I followed them around, he suddenly held her hands and I can just feel the anger in myself rising. I restrained myself from doing anything, she isn't even mine.

I continued watching them, just before sunset they both sat down on the chairs along the beach. He wrapped his arm around her, I clenched my fist gritting my teeth. And just before sunset he made a move trying to kiss her but before he could I took her by the arm and pulled her to me. YAHHH she screamed SHHH I looked her straight in the eyes and she kept quiet she looked as if she was scared of me. Who do you think you are? Let go of her he said trying to pull her away from me. GET YOU HANDS OFF HER and I took her back from him and pushed her behind me. I took him by the collar Don’t you dare touch her He looked at me and gave me a push and scoffed And who are you? Are you her father. I couldn’t take it anymore so much hatred was in me, with one blow I sent him to the ground she hurriedly went to him but I blocked her way. He stood up and wiped the blood of his lips and punched me in the stomach, and pushed me to the ground. He stood me up by pulling my collar up  Who’s the though boy now? he mocked me and threw me back to the ground. I stood back up and punched him in the face twice and just as I was about to punch him again she screamed STOP IT ALL OF IT and with that she ran back home, I left the guy there and ran after her.

Just before she reached home I cought up to her and took her by the hands I turned her around facing me and I can see tears falling from her face. I felt guilty I knew it was my fault I wiped them off and she just cried some more Why did you do that? She asked me Because I didn’t like seeing you with him she looked at me with her teary eyes which made me feel even more guilty. Why? She asked me again should I tell her? 

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ilhoonislove #1
Chapter 12: They kissed XD Author-nim UPDATE!!
Chapter 11: I love your story! Please update ASAP!
Chapter 7: Plzzz update author-nim