
Rainy Days and Snowy Nights

Your Pov

Crap how the hell do I explain this to Ricky?I thought to myself and I gulped and look at L.Joe I mouthed him I Hate You he just gave a sheepish smile pretending to be innocent I see. I facepalmed myself cursing in my mind. Ricky kept staring at the both of us I knew I was sweating already I can’t stand being in so much pressure, I automaticly start sweating cold sweat that is. I can’t tell him that this was all caused because of Hamin.. he would think I’m stupid I slapped myself in my head. I looked at Ricky and had an idea, I looked at him with my puppy eyes and said Ricky… Can I explain later? And I did aegyo. Ricky can never resist my aegyo, my aegyo always works on him. He looked at me his frown twitching indicating he was about to smile and bam he smiled yes my aegyo worked it never failed me well at least it never failed on Ricky.. bless my aegyo. Okay noona… but you have to explain to me later Ricky said in a defeated tone.

Ricky pushed every single one of the boys out except for L.Joe ofcoures. I let out a sigh of relief, and turned to look at L.Joe he was grinning like an idiot I flicked his head that felt good  Why are you grinning you creep? He rubbed his forehead and pouted Cute Your mean he said facing away from me. YAH why were you grinning? ANSWER ME LEE BYUNGHUN. He immediately faced me and he looked pale as in very pale very very pale. Y-you know my real name? I looked at him confused Wae? He held my shoulders and started shaking me HOW DID YOU KNOW MY NAME HOWWWW I was getting sick he was shaking me too much. L-L.Joe stop SHAKING ME! He stopped no sorry? Gentleman much? Tell me now how you know my name he asked in a super serious tone. R-ricky told me honestly I was scared to death he looked really scary like he was about to eat me. He facepalmed himself Wae…wae he said in a low voice. I looked at him You ok? I asked him obviously he wasn’t . DO I LOOK LIKE I’M OK? DO I TELL ME DO I? he screamed at me I only called you by your name once, Drama king I spatted out.

He stood up and looked straight at me, he was mad really mad. Drama King? He said and I slowly made my way to the door but yeah he blocked it. He moved me to the other wall trapping me in between the wall and himself, he lowered his head slowly and now our lips were just inches away probably even closer. I felt my cheeks heating up and closed my eyes shut. Then I heard a giggle and opened my eyes slowly, I was still trapped but L.Joe isn’t that close to me anymore he looked at me with his idiotic smile, you were expecting something~ right? He asked me I blushed a deep red, embarrassed I covered my face. Oh and by the way~ I was grinning because you looked cute.. very cute. And he left for the toilet.  I ran to the mirror only to see myself as red as a tomato probably even redder. He finished showering and he came with only a towel covering his bottom half I looked at him and blinked. He started to grin like an idiot again Like what you see? I scoffed and proceeded to the bathroom.


We were now all gathered in living room all eyes on both me and L.Joe. I looked at him and he looked all calm and cool, while I on the other hand probably look like a nervous mess. I turned to look at Ricky his eyes looking at us, the intensity was just too much too handle, and I can feel my sweat falling from my forehead. Noona now explain, I looked at L.Joe and started tugging his arm he looked at me and I mouthed him Help me.. please he shook his head, I turned my head to look at all the boys all waiting for our explaination. I turned to him again Please…. I was begging like really begging, He mouthed me One Condition, I shook my head like crazy Do your aegyo again.. for me I looked at him is that it? That’s easy and so I did my aegyo for him.

Neil made a sudden statement They’re dating! I knew it he threw a fist in the air. Pay up he said to Ricky showing him his hand and Ricky paid him with a sour look on his face Wait? You had a bet if me and him was dating I asked pointing at L.Joe They all nodded innocently But me and him aren--- I got cut off when L.Joe covered my mouth. Congrats you guys I thought you guys would never find out L.Joe said. The boys were all happy but I on the other hand WHAT? I pushed his hands away and dragged him to our room, literally dragged him I didn’t care if he was heavy all I needed was an explaination.

WHAT WAS THAT? I literally screamed in his face. What was what? He asked Seriously? Why did you say that? He made a thinking face I don’t know. I swear I wanted to slap him so bad but that’ll ruin the pretty face of his. I kept punching him on the stomach not stopping even for a rest. He just let me punched him and giggled every once in  a while maybe I’m not punching him hard enough and with that I gave him one last punch stronger than the others and I heard him groan in pain Success I thought to myself. You little..arghh I should punish you for that Girlfriend He said G-girlfriend? That was the time I realized I regretted that so much I stood there scared, he cupped my face and kissed me. I blinked a few time still in shock, but soon enough I gave in and kissed him back.

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ilhoonislove #1
Chapter 12: They kissed XD Author-nim UPDATE!!
Chapter 11: I love your story! Please update ASAP!
Chapter 7: Plzzz update author-nim