Not your Typical high school romance. : Chapter 9; Seoul school of performing arts, and the talent show.

Not your Typical high school romance.(ON HOLD)


After a few days, Jacelyn was discharged from the hospital, she was told to avoid getting caught in the rain to prevent an event like that to happen again.


Naeri was helping Jacelyn to carry her bag, and Jinyoung was beside Jacelyn, helping her to walk as Jacelyn was still a bit weak.


When they approached the van, Jinyoung carried her, bridal style, and put her on one of the seats, and jogged to the other side and sat beside her. Naeri sat in front.


Jacelyn stared out of the window, thinking on how she would actually start her career as she planned to.


“You alright?” Jinyoung asked.


“mmhmm.” Jacelyn said.


“Just tell me if you need anything, Arrasso?” Jinyoung instructed.


“Arra.” She said softly.


Jinyoung looked at her worriedly. Jacelyn wasn’t like this at all. After that day, Jacelyn became quiet and she always spaced out. That wasn’t the Jacelyn he knew in Singapore.


When they arrived at their front gate, HaeJin immediately came out and helped Jacelyn out and led her into the house.


“Whoa, she lives right beside us?” Jinyoung said in awe.


“I’m surprised you just found out. I think all the other members knew about it.” Naeri said, smirking before walking in.


Jinyoung went into the house and awed at the size of it.


“Oppa, i think it’s best if you go back to your dorm, your dongsaengs are very worried since you didn’t go back for a few days.” Jacelyn said, walking down carefully.


“How do you know?” Jinyoung said, raising an eyebrow.


“Erhem, your dorm is on the same level as my room. I would know. Pabo.” Jacelyn scoffed, walking back into her room.


Jacelyn lay on her bed, drinking the herbal tea and she switched on her computer. Typical commoner life. She started watching Hello Baby, a popular variety show in Korea.


“Will they be on one of these shows soon?” She spoke to herself, then looking at their dorm.


“If their dorm stay messy like that, even though they only moved in like, recently, it’s best if they don’t.” She said to herself again, shaking her head at the mess they made to their dorm in less than a month.


She saw Baro and Sandeul looking out of the window, chatting seriously.


He opened her window carefully and silently, hearing their conversation.


“Yah, do you think Jacelyn will ever debut? Like seriously, if she were to, which company will she go to?” Sandeul said.


“I don’t think she will actually debut. She’s nice, yeah. But, she’s like me; her singing skills aren’t as good as yours yet.” Baro said.


That was enough, she slammed her window shut.


Gongchan came out and said to them “Next time, talk in a more private place. I think she heard ya.” Sipping his tea and walking away.


Sandeul got up and said “Yah, she may not have an excellent singing voice but that’s because she hasn’t even received any vocal lessons! It’s a talent to have a nice singing voice without any lessons! I bet she could even go SM!”


“SM Entertainment?!” Baro scoffed “If she does we would have a season of Hello Baby. IMPOSSIBLE.”


“What happened to the Baro Oppa Jacelyn knew. The kind-hearted one? Why do I only see the Stage Baro now? The proud Baro?” Sandeul said, disappointment in his eyes, walking into the dorm.


Jacelyn sat on her bed. She tried recording herself, and heard it. Than the words that came out of Baro’s mouth replayed in her head


“I don’t think she will actually debut.”


“Don’t debut? Wait till you see me in school, Cha Sunwoo. I’ll make sure I’ll show you a prettier me, a better me. I’ll show you that I won’t cry over your stupid comments on my singing.” Jacelyn muttered. And worked hard into regaining her health back. And gained at least 2kg so she won’t look as frail.


When the day finally came when they went back to school, they were required to wear uniforms, but as Jacelyn put on her uniform, she asked her stylist to curls the end of her hair slightly. After curling, she put on a bit of eyeliner to make her eyes stand out.


She put on black converse and walked out of the house and walked to the bus stop.


Suddenly, someone tapped her on the shoulder.


She turned and grinned. It was GongChan.


“Oppa! Anneyong!” She said cheerfully.


“Yah, we didn’t see you for weeks. Naeri Unnie, Jolene Unnie and Tammy Unnie won’t allow us to see you. All of us were worried, especially Jinyoung hyung.” Gongchan scolded.


“Mianhae Oppa. I was busy with a lot of stuff recently. Preparing to go back to school like this all of a sudden is really tough.”


“It’s not easy going into this school. You have to audition… How did you get in?” Gongchan said.


“Ah, I just sang and danced a little.” Jacelyn said, laughing a bit.


“Yah! ChanShik! I didn’t know you have such a pretty dongsaeng!” Boyfriend’s Youngmin said, coming over.


“Anneyong! Jung GaEul imnida.” Jacelyn said, bowing.


“Ah, Anneyonghasaeyo, Jo Youngmin imnida.” Youngmin said, bowing too.


Kwangmin came up too, and stared at Jacelyn.


“Yah hyung, I think I found someone prettier than you.” Kwangmin teased Youngmin.


“I agree with that.” Youngmin said.


“For once you agree on that point eh?” Gongchan smirked at Youngmin.


“Yah Chanshik! You disappeared for what? 3 years?! And you came back all new and stuff!” Kwangmin scolded.


“What did I do? I went there to study okay!” Gongchan retorted.


Jacelyn just watched them talk about how much they missed him while he was gone, when the bus came, she immediately got up the bus and sat down in a single seat.


“Yah, GaEul, come and sit with us!” Youngmin said.


“Yeah, c’mon!” Kwangmin said, pulling her out from her seat.


Jacelyn just nodded and sat beside Kwangmin.


“So GaEul, tell us more about yourself.” Youngmin said, smiling.


“You guys can call me Jacelyn, and I’m the daughter of Jung Jaebum. I’m in the performing arts department in the school with Singing and Dancing.” Jacelyn said.


“Jjinja?! Jung Jaebum?! The Millionaire of Seoul?!” Kwangmin said, his mouth wide.


“Neh.” Jacelyn said, looking down.


When the bus stopped, Boyfriend’s Minwoo came up.


“Eh? New student?” Minwoo said, looking at Jacelyn.


“Neh. She’s Jung GaEul, but you can call her Jacelyn.” Youngmin said.


“Ah! Anneyonghasaeyo, No Minwoo imnida.” Minwoo said, bowing slightly.


“Anneyong, Jung GaEul imnida. Please take care of me.” She said, bowing.


“Yah, is she the millionaire’s daughter?” Minwoo said.


“Yepp, I’m the daughter of Jung Jaebum, you are very observant in the family pictures.” Jacelyn said, smiling.


Minwoo grinned and scratched the back of his head and sat down beside her.


When they reached the school, there were a lot of idols walking in, Jacelyn walked in like she it was the usual.


Youngmin saw that and nudged Gongchan “Now I know why you guys like her, she doesn’t fangirl like the other normal commoners that studies here…”


Gongchan smirked and said “That’s the reason why Jinyoung is in love with her.” Readjusting his bag and walking into the school.


Jacelyn went into the principal’s office after a small amount of difficulty.


“Anneyonghasaeyo, Jung GaEul imnida.” She said at the doorway.


“Ah, GaEul, come in!” The principal said cheerfully.


Jacelyn went in and sat down.


“Welcome to SOPA GaEul, I hope you will make many friends here. I respect you as the millionaire’s daughter, I don’t want you coming in here in trouble, Arrasso?”


“Arrasso, principal lee.” Jacelyn said.


“Neh, and do you know Gong ChanShik?” He asked.


“Neh, Songsaenim.”


“You’ll be in same class as him, so please follow him and he will show you around during break.”


“Neh, songsaenim.”


“Here’s your schedule, you may go. Enjoy.” He said, passing her a piece of paper.


Jacelyn took it with two hands and stood up.


“Khamsanimda Songsaenim, anneyonghiksaeyo.” Jacelyn said, bowing and leaving the room.


Jacelyn walked out of the principal’s office and walked to her locker, and took her books, before walking to homeroom.


She bumped into someone while walking.


“Oof~” she said, landing on her .


“Watch where you’re going!” That guy barked.


“Chusamnimda. Chusamnimda~” She said, bowing profusely before picking up all her books.


She suddenly saw a familiar hand helping her, she looked up to see Youngmin, Kwangmin, Minwoo and Gongchan helping her.


“Oppas…” She said softly.


“We’ll be here to protect you. Don’t worry Jace!” Kwangmin said cheerfully.


“Here, your books.” Youngmin said, helping her put her books into her bookbag and helping her carry it.


“Khamsanimda.” She said.


“It’s our pleasure, Jacelyn!” Minwoo said.


Gongchan just smiled and said “Jinyoung hyung told me to take care of you. So I will.”


Jacelyn smiled.


“You’re 17 right?” Minwoo asked.


“Yep.” She chirped.


“That means you’ll be in the same homeroom as us!” He said happily.


“Jjinja?” Jacelyn said, shocked.


She looked at her class list and found No Minwoo, Jo Youngmin and Jo Kwangmin in it.


Gongchan sighed and said “I wish I was a year younger. I’m graduating this year too.”


“And you’re an idol now, oppa.” Jacelyn reminded.


“Arrasso.” Gongchan said.


Gongchan arrived at his homeroom and said, “I’ll be going off now, I’ll see you later in the dance studio Jacelyn.” Before waving happily and walking into the room.


Suddenly, 3 girls came up and blocked way.


“Bwoyah? New student hanging out with Chanshik?” The brown haired girl asked.


“Yah, she’s a new student, she shouldn’t be his boots.” A wine-coloured hair girl said.


“Who are you guys?” Jacelyn said, stepping back.


“You made the right choice stepping back, look, Youngmin, Kwangmin, Minwoo and Chanshik are the princes of this school, you are such a low-rank girl, you shouldn’t be hanging around them.” The brown haired girl said.


Jacelyn scoffed.


“Me? Low-rank? What if I’m the Millionaire of Seoul’s daughter?” Jacelyn said.


“That would be pretty high ranking…” The wine coloured hair girl said.


“But that would be impossible JiEun! She can’t be the millionaire’s daughter! She can’t even sing.” The brown haired girl said.


“BWO?! I can’t sing?!” Jacelyn exclaimed.


“You are really the millionaire’s daughter?” JiEun said, raising an eyebrow.


Suddenly, a tall figure stepped in front of Jacelyn.


“Yah, she’s late for homeroom already. And yes, she’s the millionaire’s daughter. If you want proof that she can sing, she will do that in the talent show later this week, back off from her!” He warned, grabbing Jacelyn’s wrist and walked away.


When they reached homeroom, whispers could be heard inside.


“Gwenchannayeo?” Youngmin asked.


“Gwenchanna, oppa. What do you mean by the talent show later this week?” Jacelyn said, looking up.


“Ah, that. Everyone in the Performing arts department has to participate in the talent show. Kwangmin and Minwoo are rapping. And you have to go solo…”


“Why aren’t you going to participate, oppa?”


“I am. Just a solo too.” He said, smiling gently.


“We’re going to be late, kaja.” He said, walking into the room.


Jacelyn walked in and greeted the teacher politely.


She went to sit between Minwoo and Youngmin, with Kwangmin behind her.


There were already a lot of guys eyeing her, and she noticed.


After 2 hours, Youngmin took her bookbag and walked to the dance studio.


“YAH! MY BAG! JO YOUNGMIN!” Jacelyn said, chasing after him.


When she reached the dance studio, she stopped and changed into her dance clothes, it was three-quarter track pants with the ends hugging to her legs and a school t-shirt.


She came out of the changing room with her hair tied into a messy bun.


She changed her shoes to those dance sneakers and walked into the dance studio.


When she walked in, everybody stopped talking. And looked at her.


“Wow, a new student.” One of the guys in class said.


“Hope she’s single.” Another guy said.


“I think she’s too pretty to be single.”


Jacelyn blushed and skipped over to the guys.


“Anneyong~” She chirped.


“Anneyong.” All 4 of them said.


“What song are we dancing to today?” Minwoo asked GongChan.


“I think its Wedding Dress… a couple dance.” Gongchan said.


Suddenly, a female voice rang out.


“Okay, class! Gather together!”


Everybody walked towards the teacher.


“We are doing a class performance for the talent show later this week. I know all of you have an item to put on after that but this is to show the rest what we can do. We will be dancing to SHINee’s Replay, Japanese version. Arrasso? Now, Jacelyn, can you freestyle the dance for us to get the taste of the music?”


Jacelyn looked up, and froze.


“Neh, songsaenim.” She said.


“Alright, please step forward and face the class.”


The class backed away from her a bit to give her space to dance.


When the music started, she started dancing, it was following to the choreography for a bit but it had her own taste of freestyle into the dance.


When the song ended, the dance studio was filled with applause.


“Jacelyn, which idol group do you come from?” The teacher asked.


“I’m not from any idol group, songsaenim, but I plan to sign on for SM entertainment.”


“Ah, I’m sure they will accept you! Alright, class, we would be learning a complete choreography for this song. Not Jacelyn’s moves. First we’ll start with…” and the class started.




When school ended, Jacelyn took out her school jacket and walked out of the school in a blouse and the school ribbon.


She waited for the boys to come out.


When they finally came out, they walked to the bus stop, with Jacelyn carrying her school jacket and bookbag.


They walked past many schoolmates, and they whispered amongst themselves.


Days went on with Jacelyn just hanging out with the boys.


Until the day came.


The talent show came.


It was afterschool, and every department was practising their own item.


Jacelyn looked at the time, the only korean song she could actually sing well was Ailee’s I will show you.


She practised her routine and the talent show started.


“Welcome to SOPA’s annual talent show! Where the winner from each department gets to be one of the princes of the school, for girls, the princesses! First off, it’s the dances and stuff from each department! First up, it’s from the performing arts with SHINee’s Japanese version of replay!”


Everybody clapped politely as they performed.


The show went on, till, it was the individual contest.


“We have only 5 participants with us that think that they can be the school’s prince or princess! First off, we have Jacelyn Jung from the Performing Arts department! Second, we have Jo Youngmin! Third we have Lee JiEun! Fourth, we have Sung ShinHye and lastly, Park ShinKyu!”


Everybody clapped politely again.


“First off, we have Jacelyn Jung to perform, with Ailee’s I will show you!”


Everybody went off stage as she stepped into the centre of the stage, Jacelyn was wearing a short glittery pink dress that stopped at my mid-thigh, with black heels.


The music started as she sang.


By the end of the song, everybody was awed, and started clapping wildly.


Jacelyn looked around the room, and saw a camera filming. It was no ordinary digital camera, it was those television company camera. And on it, was SM’s logo, she saw another one with Mnet logo and a third one with a KBS logo.


Jacelyn went backstage and asked the emcee what was going on.


The emcee explained that the president of SM entertainment is watching this live. And the other two is featured on National television.


This means that…


Jinyoung was able to see her.


And if Jinyoung was able to see her…


Baro is able to see her too!


Suddenly, she received a text from Jinyoung



From: Jinyoung Oppa<3

Hey, you did great, the boys saw you on television as well. You have an excellent voice. I’m sure SM is able to hire you and train you to become a solo artist. Baro is sorry for what he said about you before. Also, you look very pretty in that dress. You are pretty whatever you’re wearing. Don’t let other guys hit on you. I’ll get jealous keke. Be safe. Anneyong~



Jacelyn smiled as she put her phone back into her bag.


“Who was that from?” Youngmin said, popping up behind her.


Jacelyn jumped and lightly hit Youngmin.


“Don’t do that! Your turn is over already?”


“Yepp! I bet you didn’t pay attention!”


“Yeah I didn’t. Mehrong~ I’ll go and change.” She said, walking off to the changing room.


She came out wearing black skinny jeans and white flats with a white tank top and a baby blue cotton cardigan.


She walked back backstage and sat down next to her bag.


“Result’s are almost out. Ppalli.” Youngmin said, dragging her out.


All 5 of them stepped on stage as the emcee spoke.


“There’s been a change of events. The winner of this talent show will not be only the prince or princess of the school, but, also, will be signed on with SM entertainment! Isn’t that cool? Okay, now with the results. In fifth place…… Lee JiEun! Chukka~ Fourth, Park ShinKyu!”




“Third, we have, Sung ShinHye!”


More applause.


“Second, we have, Jo Youngmin! Chukkahae!”




“And in first place, who is going to be the school’s first princess and be signed on into SM, it’s JUNG GAEUL JACELYN!”


The loudest applause came, with wolf whistles and screams.


Jacelyn took the microphone and said “Thank you for all your support. I’ll work hard from now on.” And went backstage.


When she went backstage, GongChan charged at her and hugged her tightly, lifting her up and swung her round and round.




“Khamsamnimda” she said.


She got a call from B1A4’s dorm. It was a video call.


She saw CNU’s face first.


“Jacelyn-ah~ Chukkahae!”


Then, Jinyoung.


“Jagiya, Chukkahae, meet me at the Han River later at 6pm, I have something for you~”


Thirdly, Sandeul


“I knew you would win! The other three girls’ voice were like Baro’s, OFF PITCH!”


Baro pushed him away and said




Then the call ended.


“I have to meet Jinyoung at 6pm at the Han River, and it’s 5:15! It takes 45mins to get there! I have to go! Anneyong!” She said running off.


“Aigoo, this girl. Running off like this.” GongChan said.


“Ah wells, she’s in for a big shock.” Minwoo said.


“I really hope Jinyoung Hyung succeeds in winning her heart.” Kwangmin said, shrugging.


“Let’s hope for the best.” Youngmin said.



Okay I had to put in a random Jinyoung photo cuz aff doesn't let me put the photo I initially wanted to put -3- but hey! Chapter 9 is finally out! I'm so so sorry it came out a day late but I got distracted yesterday and I didn't write anything like I wanted to... so today I sat down and literally worked on this. It's 3 times longer than other chapters! Other chapters will be about 1000+ words. This has 3000+! Talk about amazing work will be done when you set your mind to it! Do wait for chapter 10! hopefully it will be out tomorrow! :D 

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Please show support to TS high school host club, Not your typical high school romance and my new story, Love In The Ice~ ^^ Gomawo~


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frostysnowprincess #1
Chapter 26: WHAAAAAAAT
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Chapter 25: OMO so much is going on OoO
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Chapter 23: update soon! ^^
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Chapter 23: Jinnie is so sweet :3
Hmmm, do you guys want a in this story? Do reply this comment! ^^ Thanks :)

-adjongkey98 ^^
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Chapter 22: HYUNWOO. JERK. I love how everyone is SM loves Jacelyn ^-^
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Chapter 21: Aww Naeri...I hope everyone is ok!
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Chapter 20: CHANNIE?! Is this his kidney surgery?
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