Not your Typical high school romance. : Chapter 6; The chase for your love.

Not your Typical high school romance.(ON HOLD)


[Few hours later]

“Good Evening everyone on board KoreanAir A380, Welcome to Seoul, South Korea, the time now is 11pm Korean Standard Time, please enjoy your stay here and we’re looking forward to see you on board with us again, Thank You.” The pilot said through the P.A system.


Jacelyn gathered up her stuff and began switching on all her electronic stuff.


“How could you live without those things for 7 hours?!” Jinyoung said, looking at her, shocked.


“Eh? I’m used to self-entertainment. I don’t need electronic gadgets to entertain myself. Simple life.” Jacelyn said, smiling.


“If Jacelyn were like this…” Jinyoung mumbled.


“I’ve been trying to hold it in, I can’t live without them, but that’s way too obvious. I can’t let him know I’m the Jacelyn he was talking about… seven hours ago…” Jacelyn thought.


“Now would you excuse me, I would like to go and collect my luggage now.” She said in a proud tone, changing her geeks to sunglasses and walking out of the plane.


“And Jacelyn is always humble, not like her.” Jinyoung said.



Jacelyn looked back, holding back her tears.


“Mianhae, Jinyoung. I’ll be humble. But I can’t show you that side of me. If not, I’ll blow my cover.” Jacelyn muttered.


After collecting her luggage, she went to the taxi stand, there was a bus there, and like, 10 guards guarding it?


“Bwoyah~” She muttered.


Suddenly, the guys came out, she saw them going into the bus.


“I guess they’d forget me… They’ll be famous in a few days. I’m sure of it.” She muttered to herself.


“Miss?” A taxi driver said.


“Eh? Ah, Gomawo.” She said, letting him take her luggage as she went in.


“Drive me to the mansion beside B1A4’s dorm.” Jacelyn said.


“But miss, that mansion belongs to the Jungs, one of the biggest millionaires in the country.” The taxi driver said.


“I’m the daughter…” Jacelyn said in a flat tone.


“I need you to tell me your ic number if you want to prove it. No one knows their daughter’s ic number.” The taxi driver said.


Jacelyn took out her wallet and showed him her identity card.


“Omo, chusamnimda miss.” The taxi driver said as he drove as quickly as possible.


Jacelyn just nodded slightly.


Once they reached the mansion, Jacelyn got out and passed him the money. “Gomawo, ahjusshi.” She said.


“No need to thank me miss, I’m just doing my job.” He said, taking the money.


Jacelyn pulled her luggage and unlocked the gates.


The maids and butlers bowed in unison, greeting her.


Her faithful assistant, HaeJin, ran up to her.


“Ah!! Miss GaEul, you’ve grown so tall!! It has been 3 year since we last saw you! You lost so much weight! Have you been well?” Haejin said.


“Ah, I’ve been well, you don’t have to worry about me” Jacelyn said, smiling.


She went up to unpack her stuff, when she changed her phone, she got bombarded with texts from the boys.



From: Baro Oppa~ ^^

Yah, where do you stay? We want to visit you someday ^^



From: Gongchannie~

Yah, you didn’t reply to Baro’s texts. Stop worrying us, neh?



From: CNU

Eh~ Reply us! Jaebal! Jinyoung tried calling your old number, but failed to call. Please call us via Channie’s phone!



From: Duckie

Stop worrying us. Channie’s close to tears now!!




Jacelyn smiled to herself and called Gongchan.


“Yeobusayo?” Gongchan said.


“Yah, why did you all bombard me with texts when I have not even change my phone yet!! Did you cry?” Jacelyn said.


“JACELYN-AHHHHHHHHH!” GongChan screamed.


Jacelyn held the phone away from her ear.


“You don’t have to scream…” She said.


“YAH! Jinyoung hyung! Chill! Don’t snatch the phone!” Gongchan said.


“I want to speak to Jacelyn!!” Jinyoung raised his voice.


“Channie. Pass the phone to Jinyoung. After that, I’ll speak to you, neh?” Jacelyn said gently.


“Neh.” He said.


“Yah, Jacelyn wants to speak to you.” Gongchan said to Jinyoung, tossing the phone to him.


Jinyoung caught the phone and spoke. “Jacelyn…”


“Oppa…” She said softly.


“I met someone that looks exactly like you on the plane.” He said.


“Jjinja? That’s good. Did you get her number?” Jacelyn said, holding back her tears.


“Aniya, I don’t want to.” He said.


“Waeyo? Oppa, go find a girl for yourself.” She said.


“I have my eyes on someone already. But she’s not in Korea, she’s in Singapore.” He said.


There was silence between them.


“Yah! Is it my turn already?!” Baro said in the background.


“Arrasso, Arrasso.” Jinyoung said


“Jace, I’m going to pass the phone to Baro, neh?”


“Neh.” She said softly.


There were muffled sounds before Baro’s voice was heard.


“Jacelyn, when do you want to tell Jinyoung?” He asked, concern in his voice.


“Can I not tell him? And just let him find out on the streets?” jacelyn said.


“Aniya, you know he will prefer you to tell him then to find out.” Baro scolded.


“Arrasso. I’d text him soon.” Jacelyn said.


“Good girl.” He chirped.


“I want to speak to Gongchan.” Jacelyn said.


“Neh! GONGCHAN!” Baro said.


Gongchan’s voice immediately rang through the phone.


“Anneyong!” Gongchan chirped.


“Channie…” Jacelyn said, unable to hold back her tears anymore.


“Eh! Jacelyn! Why are you crying?! Don’t cry!!” Gongchan said over the phone.


“EHHHHHHHH?! SHE’S CRYING?!” Jacelyn heard in the background.


“Yah, let me talk to her.” Jinyoung said.


“Aniya!” Gongchan said.


“I need to hear her voice…” Jinyoung pleaded.


“Channie…” Jacelyn managed to say.


“Mm?” he said.


“Ask Jinyoung to meet me outside the building of his dorm…” Jacelyn said.


“Neh.” He said, hanging up.


Jacelyn got dressed to black skinny jeans and a nice yellow top, wearing toms and her sunglasses.


She walked to the nearby park and sat down on a bench, facing their dorm.


She saw Jinyoung coming out of the building, searching for her.


She called him.


“Yah, where are you?!” He said.


“Try to find me. If we are fated, we’ll meet in an hour. I promise.” She said, hanging up, flagging a taxi to take her to Han River, her favourite place in Seoul since young.


She paid the driver and went out, strolling along the river.


She let the wind go through her hair, she breathed in the air.


“Ah~ the air here is much more fresher.” She said, smiling to herself.


She then heard running. She turned to see who was running, and it was Jinyoung.


“I knew…I would…find you…here…” he said between pants.


“I said find me right? Now, catch me.” She said, running away from him.


She ran with all her might, all the way to the park opposite their dorm, again. With Jinyoung right behind her.


She ran and stopped in front of their dorm.


And turned behind, seeing Jinyoung running up.


“No matter what, Jacelyn Jung, I will always love you.” He said.


“BWO?!” Jacelyn said, shocked.


“Eh? Nothing.” Jinyoung covered up.


Jacelyn heard Jinyoung muttering curse words to himself.


“Oppa, you still don’t recognise this face?” Jacelyn said.


Jinyoung looked up, still panting. He suddenly stopped panting, eyes widening.


“You’re the girl I sat with during the flight!” he finally said.


“You finally realise.” Jacelyn said, walking away.


Jinyoung caught her wrist.


“Bwo?!” She screamed at him.


“I need you Jacelyn…” He said.


“I’m not Jacelyn…I’m Jung GaEul, Daughter of Jung SoEul and Jung JaeBum.” Jacelyn said.


“You’re the keeper of my heart.” He pleaded.


“I’m not. Oppa, I don’t deserve you. I don’t deserve your love.” She said coldly, jerking her arm away from his grasp and walking back to her mansion.


“I will wait for you Jacelyn! I won’t give up!” Jinyoung shouted behind her.


“Give it up. Jinyoung.” She muttered under her breath, letting her tears flow.


She walked into her mansion and went up to the bedroom straight.


Her looked out of her bedroom window, and saw their dorm.


“That’s such a coincidence. Even my bedroom window is on the same level as their dorm.” She smirked.


Gongchan came into the balcony and looked out and saw Jacelyn.


He gasped.


He called Baro to come out.


Baro looked out too and gasped. He smiled.


Jacelyn smiled back. It was strained, forced.


Baro gave a disapproving look, and texted Jacelyn.


From: Baro Oppa~ ^^

Yah, you know I don’t like you to smile that way. Don’t smile when you don’t feel like it. If Jinyoung saw you, what would he say?



Jacelyn looked down, and replied



To: Baro Oppa~ ^^

I doubt he would even care… Furthermore, I kind of rejected him today. He said he will wait. I doubt he can hold. He should really find a girl for himself.



Baro immediately replied:



From: Baro Oppa~ ^^

You don’t know how much he likes you Jace. He would even sacrifice his life, just for you.



Jacelyn looked at Baro, teary-eyed.


She just let them fall, suddenly, she received another text



From: Gongchannie~

Don’t cry! Don’t cry! I know Baro may sound harsh at times, but he doesn’t mean it that way! Jinyoung really loves you!



Suddenly, a text from Jinyoung came in


From: Jinyoung Oppa~ <3

Yah, I’ll wait for you forever, Jacelyn. I love you. I know you will say it’s unromantic to confess to a girl via text, but I can’t bring myself to say it in front of you. I love you Jacelyn. I’ll wait for you till you love me back. I will wait for you till you will accept me. I want you answer by tomorrow. 12noon, at the Han River, for lunch. Neh? I won’t take no for an answer, you know that.



“Eesh, this guy drives me crazy.” Jacelyn muttered.


“WHAT WAS THAT?!” Gongchan screamed, loud enough for me to hear.


Jacelyn took out an unused sketch book and wrote

Jinyoung drives me crazy. Not you Oppa. Even though you’re the

Heart-throb of your band. Keke.

She showed it to Gongchan gave a mocked hurt look.


He wrote something and showed it to her:

Thanks for the compliment GaEul-sshi. ^^ I know what Jinyoung was

Going to ask you today. Please go.

He’s that stupid to wait for girls until they show up.


Jacelyn giggled, and wrote on a fresh page:


I will. I need to re-energize myself for tomorrow! Goodnight Channie! ^^

Gongchan smiled, and blew her a kiss.


Jacelyn shut her window and showered.


She came out wearing sweatpants and a tank top, as usual, and crawled under her sheets, falling into deep sleep.

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Please show support to TS high school host club, Not your typical high school romance and my new story, Love In The Ice~ ^^ Gomawo~


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frostysnowprincess #1
Chapter 26: WHAAAAAAAT
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Chapter 25: OMO so much is going on OoO
Krispylaysz #3
Chapter 23: update soon! ^^
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Chapter 23: Jinnie is so sweet :3
Hmmm, do you guys want a in this story? Do reply this comment! ^^ Thanks :)

-adjongkey98 ^^
frostysnowprincess #6
Chapter 22: HYUNWOO. JERK. I love how everyone is SM loves Jacelyn ^-^
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Chapter 21: Aww Naeri...I hope everyone is ok!
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Chapter 20: CHANNIE?! Is this his kidney surgery?
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Chapter 20: CHANNIE?! Is this his kidney surgery?
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Chapter 19: OMO I love this chapter!!! This was so adorable and just omo feels!