He Died or Not??

When the Devil found his Opposite, An Angel

Suzy POV

After a 1234567890 Years, It's Lunchtime!!

So me and Jiyoung went to school cafeteria. .

"Suzy, What do you want to eat??" Jiyoung asked me

"Anything" I respond

"Really??" Jiyoung asked

"Why??" Me

"Cause we will eat this table" Jiyoung

"What The. . . We will eat this?? Are you crazy!Wait ! Waahhhhhhhhhh, Noooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Baekhyun brainwashed you!!" I said

"No, im just kidding! Cause you said you will eat anything" Jiyoung laughed

"Anything but food -_____________________________-" Me

"Hahaha, Okay, I will buy our food" Jiyoung said

So she Left me here, Sitting in the middle nowhere. . .



"Till now I always got by on my own I never really care until i met you"

Alone By Celine Dion , Fit on the atmosphere right now. . -________________________-

' And now it chills me to the bone!!'

Yeah right!! 

'How do i get you alone'

T_______________________T It's make me cry right now

'Alonnnnnnnnnnnnnnn *Crack*'

Yeah i'm alo-- Wait, What is that crack, My background Song crack ??.

And when i turned around, I saw Baekhyun holding a mic.

"I'm sorry i can reach the high tone!!" He said

"Baekhyun!! " I shouted

"Hehe, Sorry again!' He said matching with a peace sign

"Why are you here??" I asked him

"Looking for JiYoung!!" He said and sit in front of me

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Me

"So, Why are you alone?" He asked

"JiYoung left me??" Me

"Huh?? What" He asked

"To buy a food a food." I added

"-______________________________-' Baekhyun

After a minute . . .

"Suzyyyyyyyyyy!!" JiYoung shouted

"JiYounggggggggggggggggggg!!!" Baekhyun shouted


"Oh, Baekhyun you're here!!" JiYoung

"Im waiting for you!!" Baekhyun

"Oh, Really, How sweet" Jiyoung

*Out Of Place*

"Hey im here!!" I said

"Oh, Im sorry Suzy!!" Jiyoung said


So we started eating, Baekhyun eat with us too. .

Baekhyun eat so faster!!

That's why

"*Cough* *Cough*" Baekhyun

"What's Wrong??" Jiyoung asked him

"Wa *Cough* Te *Cough* r" Baekhyun

"Because he at so fast, I think he choke!." I said

"WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!! O_______________O" Jiyoung

"*Cough Cough*" Baekhyun

"Wahhhhhhhhhhhh!! Wait baekhyun, I will buy a water for you" Jiyoung

So JiYoung left us to buy a water.



"Hel*Cough*p Me *cough*" Baekhyun

"I can't breathe~~~ No no oh oh" Me

"If *Cough* i *cough* die today*cough tell *Cough* Jiyoung that *cough* I love Her *cough" Baekhyun

"Okay" Me

Then baekhyun fainted, His head bump into floor


"BAEKHYUN" Jiyoung cried

"Don't worry JiYoung, He's not dead!!, He's Fainted" Me

"T______________________________T" JiYoung

"But, if he is dead ,Let's pray for him lost soul~~~!" mE

"SUZY!" Jiyoung

"Ok, ok, I Said let's bring him to the clinic" i said


Tommorrow is the continuation!! ^^


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Chapter 8: It's interesting.. Please update soon.. Fighting!!!! ^^
Chapter 5: Love chap 4. Hahaha hope taemin would like back sulli since you say he is having a crush on suzy now. UPDATE.
suho_S2_suzy #3
Chapter 5: Haha myung is truly devil
soomuch_A #4
Chapter 5: Hey! Are you a fan of Suzy Bae? If you are, sooooo please help to vote Suzy for The Hottest Female Idol 2012, here's the link :
Vote as MANY as you CAN !
soomuch_A #5
Chapter 5: Nooo don't kill Myungsoo author ! Because i wanna Myungsoo to be with Suzy :)
Chapter 4: Myungzy next time please
Chapter 4: ohmygosh~! my baekyoung feels!!!!!

Chapter 3: new reader here... I'm rooting some baekyoung here. hihihihi..
soomuch_A #9
Chapter 3: 'slave' is one of the many words that I hate, but this time I'll look forward to it because it Myungzy! :) Update soon...
Chapter 1: In the first chapter i'm little bit confused ! Her seatmate is Baekhyun or Myungsoo kkkk I think you did a mistake xp