The Project??

When the Devil found his Opposite, An Angel

So, after a couple of minute our teacher arrived.

"Good Morning Class"

"Good Morning Ms. Tiffany"

"Class, I will give your project for this month" Ms. Tiffany Said

"So, Face at your seatmate" Ms. Tiffany added

Oh gosh, Myungsoo is my seatmate. Oh, Gosh, i don't like this Idea. -__________________________________-

"Your seatmate will be your partner For your project" Ms. Tiffany added

"But what is our project?" My classmates asked

"Your project for this month is Music Video, You will made a music video with your partner" Ms. Tiffany said

"So i will you give a time to plan for your music video, so go to your partner, and talk about it!!" Ms. Tiffany said

Bad Luck . . . 

So i looked at Myungsoo, but he stared at me blankly.

"What will we do??" I asked

'Do what you want" He answered back

Suzy, suzy , Calm Down. . .


"Hmmm, Can you play a musical instrument, like guitar or piano?" I asked and he just smirk

"I can play a guitar" He answered back

"Good, So, i have an idea??" I said

"What??" He asked

"Secret!! But for now let's think for a song." I suggested

"How about Chaser???" He asked

"Errr., Hello Im a girl!!, That's not fit for me" I protested

"Why not, you will dressed up as a boy??" He suggested

"Nahhhhhhhhhhhh!! Im too beautiful to be a guy!!" I said

"Feeler" He said

"No, Im not" I said

"Tsk, So what song will we choose??' He asked

"Breathe!!" I suggested

"Such a Girly!!" He complain

"Peace!! It's only a suggestion!!" I said

"Hmm, How about Nothings Over??" He suggested

"Good Idea!" I said

"So we will start tommorrow.!" He said

"But . . " 

"But what??' He asked

"I Don't know the lyrics" I answer

*Face Palm*

"Idiot." He whispered. . 

"Hey!! I hear that!!" I exclamed

"Much Better!!" He said

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, Suzy suzy calm down. . . *Good Suzy*

No! Just punch him now!! *Bad Suzy*


"I will start memorizing the lyrics tonight.."

*Good Suzy wins*

"Good!!" He said


"So class, Times Up!!" Ms. Tiffany said

"Have You plan your Music Video" Ms. Tiffany asked

"Yessssssssssssss!!" We all said

"So the deadline of your project is next thursday, So prepared!! Good Luck, And Good bye" Ms. Tiffany said

Ms. tiffany Leave us


"Suzzzzzzzzzzzyyyy!!" JiYoung shouted

"Hmmmm??" I asked

"So, Suzy, Your partner is Myungsoo??" She asked

"Aha!" I said

"Haha, Good Luck for you, God Bless!!" She said

"I know!!" I answer

"So, Baekhyun is your partner right??" i asked her

"Yess" She blushed


"Hey, Jiyoung what happen yesterday??" I asked

"N-Nothing??" She aswer

"Really??" I asked

"Uhmmmm, . . . He a-actually c-confess on me" She answered

"Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!! Really!! Oh my!!" I celebrated

She just smile

"But be careful??" I said in a concern voice

"Huh?? But why!!" She asked curiously

"I want you to graduate first, Ok!!" I said

She just blushed

"Suzy!!" He said in a high tone

"HAHAHA" I laughed

Then we both laughed



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Chapter 8: It's interesting.. Please update soon.. Fighting!!!! ^^
Chapter 5: Love chap 4. Hahaha hope taemin would like back sulli since you say he is having a crush on suzy now. UPDATE.
suho_S2_suzy #3
Chapter 5: Haha myung is truly devil
soomuch_A #4
Chapter 5: Hey! Are you a fan of Suzy Bae? If you are, sooooo please help to vote Suzy for The Hottest Female Idol 2012, here's the link :
Vote as MANY as you CAN !
soomuch_A #5
Chapter 5: Nooo don't kill Myungsoo author ! Because i wanna Myungsoo to be with Suzy :)
Chapter 4: Myungzy next time please
Chapter 4: ohmygosh~! my baekyoung feels!!!!!

Chapter 3: new reader here... I'm rooting some baekyoung here. hihihihi..
soomuch_A #9
Chapter 3: 'slave' is one of the many words that I hate, but this time I'll look forward to it because it Myungzy! :) Update soon...
Chapter 1: In the first chapter i'm little bit confused ! Her seatmate is Baekhyun or Myungsoo kkkk I think you did a mistake xp