It reminds me back..

My School Years

I thought I will be going back with Joomi but seems she has part time job after school. I have no choice but have to go back alone. I was waiting for her at the front of the classroom and she asked me to wait her for a while. I played with my finger and didn’t realise Chanyeol was with her next to me.

“Chanyeol. I pass her to you. Please take good care of her for me okay? I need to go now.” She said and waved to us.

“Wait! Joomi!” I called and she turned back and mouthed ‘No buts’

Letting out a sigh and we stood there awkwardly. Maybe I can walk away without looking at him, I guess. Then I saw Suho looked at us. “See you guys later! We have study group tomorrow right? Have fun you two!” he bid goodbyes and walked out of the class. I’m questioning myself why he has this serious look after he said goodbye.

“Looks like just the two of us left.” He said. Yeah. “Then we have no choice but I have to follow what Joomi had ordered me to.”

Narrator’s POV

The two of them walked out from the class. There were still awkward after the incident before and Shinyoung tried really hard to say something to him.

“About this morning. Sorry… I hurt you and I’m too emotional that time.” She said. She was expecting for Chanyeol to say ‘Gwaenchana!~’ happily but it never happen. They were walking to the next block to be at the main gate which they are passing by Hayi’s class.

Sungyoung didn’t receive any reply and she turned to him, holding his hand. “I’m sorry…” Chanyeol turned to her and that time… and that time where Hayi appeared in front of them. She looked down and saw Sungyoung was holding his arm. Chanyeol realised it, he immediately took Sungyoung’s hand. When he took her hand, his face changed into a lonely face and heartbroken; the two passed by her and Hayi looked upset without saying anything because there was her boyfriend next to her.

“Hayi, who are they?” her boyfriend asked.

“Ah? Nobody. No….body”

“You don’t have to hold my hand like that.” Sungyoung pulled her hand roughly.

“Then your apologies are not accepted.” Chanyeol said arrogantly.

“Fine. Suit yourself.” She reluctantly left him behind.

“OKAY OKAY. I ACCEPT IT.” Chanyeol rushed and held her shoulder. “And that is not enough. You have to do something for me.”


“Follow me to somewhere.”


The two of them walked out from the school but without them realise from the second level of the block, someone was watching. He crumpled his fist and punched the balcony. At the other corner, Hayi saw Chanyeol was smiling when it comes to Sungyoung. She felt a knife stabbed in her heart and somehow, she desired to have him back. No matter what.

“Maybe Sungyoung knows him first but I’m the one opened his heart first. With that, nobody can have him except me. Only me.”

Sungyoung and Chanyeol arrived at the place where they were talking earlier. “This is our primary school.” She said as she stood out from the car, correcting her scarf around her neck.

“Yes.” Chanyeol replied and they went into the school compound. The passed by the security post and went to school garden.

Sungyoung’s POV

I never knew he would bring us here and the paintings are still the same. It never changes although a little. I remembered my class was supposed to be at the highest level of this building which Chanyeol and I were in the same class. He always had been the bully victim and would cry over his mummy. I, who knew him since kindergarten will be the one who protects and kick the bullies . To make him quiet, I have to give him pacifier then he will stop crying.

“Chanyeol. Let us go to our class for a while. I want to see whether it is still there or not.” I said and he followed from behind.

We went to the class and it never changes. The positions of the tables were still the same. Everything. Everything never changes. I touched the notice board and felt something beneath the cloth. There was my name written on the board. Last time, I’m a big bully and naughty girl as I remembered I scratched it with a scissor and wrote my name there. I was staring at the name on the notice board suddenly I heard a loud ‘tuck’, making me turned around quickly. He was searching every under the table. I was curious when he started to smile happily and so I went to him.

“What is it?” I bent down to see but he quickly pulled me away.

“NO NO! YOU CAN’T SEE THIS!” he shrieked. I blinked at my eyes, shocked. He realised I froze like a statue and he calmed himself by pulling me out from the class. “It was nothing. Ah never mind! We are not supposed to be here. Come” I followed him to the back of the school.

Chanyeol’s POV

What am I doing? I feel so idiot just now. Plus I said it was nothing. Of course is it not nothing! I found my old table where I wrote something on it. Sungyoung got curious about it and she nearly see it. If she knew what it is, damn I’m going to dig a deep 6th feet hole and burry myself in there.

The two of us went to the garden behind school. This place reminds me where I first met her and we used to play together for 3 years. Everything we did is here. I let her walk in front of me because we have to cross over the small stream made by our late principal. It looked slippery, probably yesterday was raining. While I was walking and looked around..


“Sungyoung ah!” I grabbed her at her back and our eyes met. Wh…why… I felt butterflies in my stomach? It happens again after 4 years. The same position and became speechless..

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Chapter 7: Update !!!!!
Chapter 7: Gosh! Update soon!
Chapter 6: My god~~~~~~!!!!
update !!!!
Chapter 6: Omg ! Yes ! You updated <3 I love it !
Chapter 5: Omg yay you updated ! <3
Chapter 4: That Hayi make me pissed off !!
btw , update soon....
Chapter 4: I love this story! ^~^
Chapter 3: so where did suho go? love the plot~~ <3