He is now a handsome guy - Sungyoung

My School Years


“Just now, why didn’t you come to our class?” Joomi asked.

“I was pissed off by those two lovey doveys” I replied.

“I was so lonely without you and do you know that Chanyeol was worried of you?”

“Really?” I asked without any intentions to hear.

“Yeah. He looked panic when you didn’t even turn up in our class. He did ask me where you were that time and I just replied I don’t know. After that he went back to his seat worriedly and so Hayi comforted him. He then smiled at her and after that went back to normal. I thought he was wondering whether wants to look for you or not but unfortunately Hayi already grabbed him first.”

“See.. Hayi again. He is non-stop with his Hayi. Here Hayi. There Hayi.” I said, annoyed.

“Yah, why don’t you just confess to him? Let him knows that you like him first instead of Hayi”

But then it grew silence. I looked up and took a look at Joomi. She was looking at me with those mocking eyes of hers and her evil smile plastered on her face. “Yah.. why do you look at me like that? Is there something on my face?” I asked, starting to rub my cheeks.

“Ani. Sungyoung ah, do you really like Chanyeol?” she asked.


“Yes or no. Tell me the truth before I finds it out.” She forced me to tell. In anyways, should I just tell her everything? “Yah.. Yah… Yah… tell me now….” She said pull and pushes my arms.

“Arasseo. Arasseo. I will tell you. Yeah, you are right. I liked him. But it was too late already. She already has his hearts” I said.

“Gwaenchana, I will help you if you want him back” she said and pat my back.

“No need. I don’t want to be a snatcher.” I hugged my legs to my chest and support my chin on my knees.

-The next day-

I walked to school as usual, alone. When I reached there, I saw Chanyeol was holding hands with Hayi. I felt my heart was being stabbed with so many nails until I can’t breathe. I looked down to my feet and tears started to roll down. I rubbed away my tears and suddenly someone knocked me from behind. I stumbled a few steps and looked behind.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry” he repeated with a bow. He then squatted to pick up his books.

“It’s okay.” I said and helped him with the books.

Chanyeol’s POV –in class-

Lately I haven’t seen Sungyoung come to school early. She will appear when there is only about 10 minutes left before the teacher came. I wonder what happen to her. Usually she will come earlier than me. A few minutes later then I saw she entered the class. Her face looked so down and she walked hopelessly towards her seat.

“Annyeonghaseyo” I heard she greeted to the person next to her along the bow even she didn’t look at him.

“Ah, ne. Annyeonghaseyo. Oh! You are the girl that I bumped onto just now” he said. Then she turned around facing him.

“Ah, ye. So, you are the new student here. Welcome and nice to meet you. By the way, my name is Sungyoung.” She shook her hand with his.

“My name is Suho.” That Suho boy looked weird and nerd anyway. He wears spectacles and very passive.

“Annyeong Chanyeol ssi!” I heard Hayi greeted me.

“Oh. Annyeong” I replied and then look back at Sungyoung.

“Who are you looking at?” She was asking me but my mouth was locked and she looked at the direction I was looking at. “Chanyeol ssi, are you flirting with other girls in front of me?” her voice changed.

“Eh? Ani. Sungyoung looked weird nowadays so I’m worried of her if she is sick.” I explained but she doesn’t look happy with it.

“You are mine now and I just want you to care me more than her.” She said sternly and left my table. Okay whatever. Sungyoung is my best friend since we were in lower secondary and nobody dares to stop me from making friend with her.

Narrator’s POV

After the class session ends, it is time for recess and Chanyeol was thinking to invite Sungyoung to have a break with him and Hayi. But then, when he was about to walk to her table, Suho called her first.

“Sungyoung ssi, can I recess with you?”

“Ah. Ne” She replied and followed him to the canteen.

That moment when Chanyeol felt very different. He was trying to figure out but then he couldn’t make any decision yet. He then followed them from behind and ignoring the person he already left, Hayi.

-Sungyoung and Suho-

“Sungyoung ssi, why do you look so down today? Usually you are very an active person” he said while munching his sandwich.

“Oh?” she snapped out from dreaming. “Oh. Erm. I think I’m not feeling well.”

“I see. You should take the medicine with you to school just in case.” He said again but then he started to put his palm on Sungyoung’s forehead. “Ah, you are having fever. I have a fever medicine if you want to. Jamkkaman.” He took out the pill from the back of his pocket and gave to Sungyoung.

“It’s okay. It was a just a fever.”

“No. You must take this so that you can recover as soon as possible” he said and gave the pill to her.

“Gamsahamnida” she replied and drank the pill.

Why did he treat Sungyoung as if she is his girlfriend? He just transferred to this school but then he talked to her as if he already knows her for a long time. Maybe, I’m just jealous when Sungyoung is getting closer to other boys and make them her best friend instead of me.

Sungyoung’s POV

After school, I straight away head back to my home without thinking of anything. I shut the door behind and mom and dad greeted me from the living room. I greeted back and answered all those random questions that parents would probably asked everything when their kids came back from school.



I forgot that I was out of pens, liquid paper and I need those new reference books for this coming exam. So, I get ready and dropped by to the nearest book shop not far from school. As I entered the book shop, I met a guy with his cardigan and jeans, reading the synopsis. Man, he is a hottie..

“Suho yah!” Then a few of them walked to him. Maybe they are his buddies. Wait! Suho? Isn’t that my classmate name? The new transferred student who was sitting next to me?

He then turned around and I froze at my spot where he was walking towards me with a smile. I thought he was making his exit but he stopped right exactly in front of me. The other girls were fangirling over him when he smiled at me.

“Annyeong, Sungyoung ssi” he waved. Eh?

“Er, annyeong?” I was about to wave but not sure whether he is Suho that I know or maybe the other Suho who was just a coincidence we meet here.

“Haha, you didn’t recognise me yet. I’m Suho. Your classmate” he said.

“iyaaah… jeongmal? You are Suho. The new student in our class?”

“Yup. That’s me.”

“You have transformed into a handsome guy. I mean hot” I said, blushing.

“Really? Haha” he awkwardly laughed.

“Yah Suho. Who is that? Your girlfriend?” One of them asked.

“Haha. Introducing my girlfriend to you guys. Isn’t she’s pretty?” he slung his arm around my waist.

“Yah. What are you doing?” whispering to his ear.

“Just pretend only.” He whispered back.

“This is Sungyoung.”

“hehe.. annyeong” I greeted them and they waved back.

“Yah, I’m jealous you know. You’re lucky man” they punched on Suho’s arm as brotherly intact.



Suho and I went back together after we spent some at the book shop. “Where is your house? Let me send you back” he offered.

“Not far from here. Right after the ‘T’ junction.”

“Oh, you are staying somewhere here? What a coincidence! I lived somewhere near you!” he replied excitedly. “Then we can go to school together!”

We had a long conversation and I totally enjoyed it, compared to the days when I spent most of my time with Chanyeol.

-At Sungyoung’s house-

“So, until here I can only you.” He said and laughed softly.

“No problem and anyway, thank you for accompanying me back home. Nice to talk to you.” I said and flashed a smile at him.

“My pleasure. By the way, I will pick you up at 7 tomorrow and keep a secret about my transformation. I will give you a surprise tomorrow. Just wait and see. Kanda!” he said and gave me a light peck on my forehead before he left.

Okay…….. Someone help me…. A hottie just kissed me on the forehead. Wish has come true….. I’m dying.

waaa.... Suho is now a hottie ! xD /dies of fangirling/ Anyway, thank you to my 5 subscribers and hope to see more comments too! Enjoy reading~

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Chapter 7: Update !!!!!
Chapter 7: Gosh! Update soon!
Chapter 6: My god~~~~~~!!!!
update !!!!
Chapter 6: Omg ! Yes ! You updated <3 I love it !
Chapter 5: Omg yay you updated ! <3
Chapter 4: That Hayi make me pissed off !!
btw , update soon....
Chapter 4: I love this story! ^~^
Chapter 3: so where did suho go? love the plot~~ <3