It's A Guy Thing.

You Aren't My Sister!


“What?” Ms. and I said in unison.


“I said I want to adopt…” Sophisticated lady leaned in towards me and smiled. “What’s your name young lady?” She whispered.


I stared back at her in shock and sputtered, “H-Hwang Chaerin.”


She leaned back towards Ms. and nodded her head. “Yes, yes. I want to adopt Miss Hwang Chaerin.”


Ms. stared back at her in disbelief. “Oh nonono! You don’t want to adopt her! She’s nothing but a troublemaker!”


Excuse me? Who was she calling a troublemaker? I’m good…most of the time.


“Well she doesn’t look much like a troublemaker to me, and besides, I believe that whether I choose to adopt a troublemaker or a complete angel is totally up to me.” She smiled at Ms. wryly before turning back to me.”Now you wouldn’t mind being a part of my family, would you?”


I shook my head. “Of course not.”


“Then it’s settled!” She clasped her hands together and grinned cutely. “I’ll come by tomorrow evening to pick you up, so make sure you’re ready when I do. Oh, and by the way, I’m Choi Hyebin, but you can just call me Ms. Choi until you’re comfortable with calling me ‘umma’.” She giggled at the word and smiled at me one last time before signing the adoption papers and then left Ms. ’s office.


Was it just me, or was Ms. Choi even giddier than Jaehae was?


I heard Ms. sigh angrily so I turned towards her and smiled widely, earning a nasty glare back from her. I don’t know why she was so mad. Usually when people get the opportunity to get rid of someone they hate, they’re absolutely ecstatic about it.


“Wipe that smug look off your face!” Ms. snarled.


I scoffed and eyed her back. “Or what? You’ll kick me out into the streets? What would Ms. Choi think?  You don’t want any bad rumors floating around this orphanage, do you?”


Ms. clenched her fists and grinded her teeth together before yelling, “GET THE HELL OUT OF MY OFFICE!”


Psh. She didn’t have to tell me twice. I was tired of being in her y presence anyway. That, and the fact that I didn’t buy those groceries she wanted. I’m so not in the mood to hear her yelling.


“Come on, let’s go.” I pulled on Jaehae’s arm and led us both out of Ms. ’s lair.


“So you’re really leaving, huh?” Jaehae suddenly asked me in a mournful tone as we sat outside on the orphanage’s entrance steps.


“I guess so, but don’t be sad.” I gave her a sympathetic pat on the back. “I’ll write you and Chihoon letters on how life is going, and I’ll even try to visit you guys from time to time…if where I’m going isn’t too far.”


“Woah there. Who’s going where?” Chihoon questioned as he approached me and Jaehae on the steps.


“Chaerin’s getting adopted tomorrow.” Jaehae sighed out dreadfully. “She’ll be leaving us for good.”


Chihoon looked over at me with a hint of sadness in his eyes, but then covered it with a small laugh. “You’re kidding right?”


 “Nope. I’m really getting adopted tomorrow, and the lady didn’t seem too bad either, so no need to worry.” I tried to reassure him, but the sadness in his eyes only deepened.


 “Why don’t you just come live with us like we offered?”


I shook my head, feeling a little bad. “You know I can’t do that.”


“You can’t? Or you won’t?” He retorted as the sadness in his eyes was suddenly replaced with agitation. “Is your dumb pride more important to you than your own friends?”


Was he…mad?


“What the hell are you talking about? Of course you guys are more important to me, but it’s too late now. Ms. Choi all ready signed the adoption papers and is coming to pick me up tomorrow evening.”


“Well it sure as hell doesn’t sound like we’re more important to you by how you’re taking all of this so lightly.”


“Oh really?” I said as I stood up. “How exactly am I talking this ‘lightly’?”


“Chaerin, the three of us are going to be separated tomorrow, most likely forever, and you’re just shrugging it off as if it were nothing!” He snapped. “You’re not even thinking about how I feel about the situation!”


That’s it. I’m officially pissed off.


“How you feel? What about how I feel? I’ve been living inside this horrid orphanage since I was eight years old! It was my dream to not only be adopted, but to be adopted into a kind family, and now that it’s finally happening, you want me to just give it all up to spare your feelings? How selfish is that?!” I yelled and pushed him lightly.


Chihoon shot me a derisive look. “You’re practically part of me and Jaehae’s family too! How do you expect me to react when I find out that someone from my family is going to be taken away and put into somebody else’s?” He pushed me back harder than I had pushed him.


 Oh? If he wants a fight, I’ll gladly give him one. I pushed his chest even harder, and he shoved me again with twice the force, this time making me stumble backwards and almost fall. That was double it. I sped walked over to him, after regaining my balance, and ran my fist across his face my hardest. So hard that my knuckles started turning red. As a matter of fact, I probably hurt myself just as much as I had hurt him, but I was too blinded by anger to even care.


Chihoon held his head down low, his bangs covering his eyes, before he ran his thumb across his now busted lip, and just when I started to have even the slightest bit of sympathy that I had hit him too hard, he grabbed my arm, throwing me against the front door and pinned both my wrists beside my head.


“I’m not going to fight you, Chaerin.” He growled low and stern as his eyes bored into mine.


“Why not? Afraid that you’ll get your kicked? I scoffed. “I don’t even know why you’re so -hurt over me leaving in the first place. Jaehae’s not even tripping about it as much as you are, you big-“ I was abruptly silenced when a soft pair of lips pressed against my forehead. My eyes widened on contact.


What the hell? Who gave this bastard permission to kiss me!?


Chihoon rolled his eyes. “Oh, now you shut up.” He sighed.  “The reason I’m so ‘-hurt’ over you leaving is because I really care about you, Chaerin, and so does Jaehae. I guess I was just mad that you seemed to not care about leaving us.”


I shook my head. “Of course I’m sad about leaving, !” I wiggled out of his loosened grip.”It’s just that…I like to live life on the positive side. If I spend all my time thinking only about the negatives, I won’t be able notice all the happiness, and positive things happening all around me…I learned that when I met you guys.” I smiled gently at both of them. It may have been a little cheesy for me to say, but it was true. Me being with them for the past three years helped me learn how to forget my past and to keep living on with a smile.


“Aww, how sweet.” Chihoon smiled back. “But next time you punch me like that ever again in life, I’ll kick your for real.” He warned and I chuckled briefly.


Pfft. I’d like to see him try.


“So…are you two good now?” Jaehae finally spoke after her long period of silence.


I smiled at her. “I guess so, but why didn’t you try to stop us? You usually stop our arguments as soon as they start getting too serious.”


Jaehae shrugged. “I guess something inside me knew that you guys weren’t actually going to kill each other and that you were going to work things out. Besides, I’m not gonna risk getting myself hurt while trying to break you two up from fighting.”


She was right for thinking that we would eventually get over it. I just can’t see myself staying mad at Chihoon. We may argue and fight all the time, but in the end, we always patch things back up, and even though I absolutely love Jaehae and think she’s an awesome person, I just don’t think that we would be able to forgive and forget as easily as me and Chihoon could, but I don’t know. Maybe it’s a guy thing. Annnd I just called myself a guy again...I should really stop doing that.




Tomorrow's her last day, what will happen? =O lol Of course I know, and Zelo's going to appear soon so just be a little more patient. 

Also, sorry for the long wait, I was busy with school. (Like always) And I have to work on updating my other fanfic too soo....I don't know, maybe i'll update next week, and the chapter will be longer. =3

On another note, hello and welcome new readers ^^











Comments are jjang and subscribe if you haven't . x3 I'll love you forever if you do. No really I will. Even if the feeling's not mutual >=3

And to my already subscibed ones, (even the quiet ones). Saranghae~













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ReenRieX #1
Chapter 27: Dude... U need to updates soon.. This story line is epicly insane amazinggg!!! Please update soon~ hmm i eonder what happen at chaerin and yoojin~?^^
Kawaiiworld #2
Chapter 27: Please update soon!!!! This is so good!
dizzgzbats #3
Chapter 27: Thornim update soon, kayyy??? Why hyunwoo so stubborn sometimes?! And kikwang............... Ugh he's hotttt
Chapter 27: I'm glad you finally updated TT~TT You don't know how much I missed this story man. Can't wait for the next chapter~!
Lol for some reason, I really like Kikwang's character, and not because he's supposedly 'good' now (I liked him even when he wasn't), but more so because I love how you write him. I love sarcasm and he's filled with it and he's an interesting character.
And LOL YOU DIRTY MINDED BISH XD "I want him to beat it so good it kills me and he gets charged with murder in the second degree."
How do you expect to get in heaven?!?!? Kikwang would not approve smh.
Kira_mato098 #5
Chapter 27: OMG you're back!
Can't wait for what's next
Chapter 27: Just woke up. Just read this. Best morning ever. Yes
YYSdyno #7
Chapter 27: Oml. It's a miracle. You made my morning ♡ my Kikwang feels. Ughhhh. Every word that comes out of his mouth are so amusing to read. I can image the sass & sarcasm in his tone of voice and I love it :)
Chapter 27: Yeah yeah!!!!!!!
New chappie as promised god please don't update like 7 months later lol :)
Loved those gifs, love kikwang heh
Chapter 27: One week then? And with a long chapter? I guess I can survive :D
Chapter 27: BABY YOU'VE COME BACK TO ME! *sehun's angry grandpa voice* SHAWTY IMMA PARTY TO THE SUNDOWN!
Life without you has been hard ;A;
I thought I was going to have to find out where you live and force you to update.