
You Aren't My Sister!









An un-proofread chapter, that's what it is.

You've been warned.



“Damn,” Yongguk’s eyes darted between me and Junhong as we sat down in the seat across from his’ on the luxury bus. “What the hell happened to you two?”


After nearly fifteen minutes of wrestling with that giraffe back in our hotel room, though Junhong had a lot more scratches and bruises than me, he had still won. Once he caught me in a head lock, I had no choice but to give up. The worse part is that nearly all the scratches and bruises I had was mostly caused by me just trying to get a few hits on him, but due to his constant dodging, nearly every punch and kick I tried to get in landed on either the wall or on some other hard surface. I wasn’t aware that he could fight so well, and something tells me that he wasn’t even exerting full strength.


“I had no idea you two were so….” Jongup suddenly stated and I furrowed my eyebrows.


“What the hell are you—“


“Yeah, she just couldn’t keep her hands off of me.” Junhong smirked. “We went at it all morning.”


I rolled my eyes with a scoff. “You’re damn right I couldn’t keep my hands off of you. I was too busy trying to beat some sense into that pea sized brain of yours!”


“Love you too, beautiful.”


One day. One day I’m going to seriously murder you Choi Junhong.


As I stood, gazing at the dilapidated haunted mansion exhibit, I shivered, as though ice had replaced my spine. We had just gotten off the bus and were now preparing to go explore the mansion, but I couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy. Usually, paranormal related things fail to really frighten me, but for some reason, it seemed to give me the goose bumps just thinking about it—if not because of the chilly weather today.


“This place is freakin’ scary.” Alice muttered beside me as she clung on to my arm. “Why do we have to go to this kind of place for a field trip anyway? What are we learning—how to your pants? Cuz’ I’m honestly not too far from doing it.”


“I’m pretty sure Daehyun would’ve found that comment very attractive.”


Ta gueule.”


“That’s not a very nice thing to say.”


Alice raised an eyebrow. “You understood what I said?”


I shook my head. “No, but knowing you, it was most likely meant to be taken offensively.”


“Whatever,” She rolled her eyes. “But seriously, I refuse to go in that place. It’s rumored that a beautiful housemaid used to work for a rich married couple in this mansion about a century ago until the wife grew so angry of her husband’s wandering eyes that she made the young servant girl go far away on a mission, hoping that she’d never return, but much to her dismay, she did and the wife was so infuriated that she ripped out the maid’s hair and eyelashes, pulled out all her teeth one by one, and burned her body with a hot iron before finally trapping the girl inside the walls of the mansion.” Alice visibly shivered before continuing on. “They say that the spirit of the young maid still remains in the walls of the mansion, restless and angry.”


I furrowed my eyebrows. “You don’t actually believe that, do you?”


“Of course I do! House hauntings are no joke and I refuse to let myself become a victim of it!”


“Use your brain, Alice. Do you really think that the principle would have even approved of this trip if it were dangerous? You should know not to believe in petty rumors, and even if what you said actually did happen; I still highly doubt that this place is haunted. Ghosts do not exist.”


“Ghosts don’t,” She began. “But spirits do!”


“What the heck’s the difference?”


“Look, I’m not going to argue with you, Hwang Chaerin. I’m not going in that mansion. I’ll be completely fine out here by myself.” Alice said back as she put in her earphones, probably to block out anything else I had to say, and I rolled my eyes.


Who would’ve known that Alice was so afraid of ‘ghosts’?


“Alright, listen up!” One of the history teachers grabbed everyone’s attention before continuing on with he had to say.


We were apparently supposed to explore the mansion in groups of four—two pairs of partners—for an hour while we completed the tasks given to us on our worksheets. Luckily for me, hence the sarcasm, Junhong and I got paired up with Hyunwoo and his partner, Yoongi. I can already feel the awkwardness waiting to come.


When we made it up the mansion’s cracked walkway to the front door, it begrudgingly creaked opened. A musty, dank odor crept into my nose. Black and brown mold dotted the ceiling of the foyer in clusters, evident of rain seeping through the roof. Grime and dirt covered the windows, making the light from the morning sunrise show in thin thread rays. Other than those flaws, the rest of the mansion’s interior was decent.


“Like said before, you only have one hour to complete your worksheets and when that hour is up, I expect you all to be back in this foyer, finished or not, understand?” A chaperone reminded and I let out a long sigh.


The sooner we get this over with, the better I suppose.


“So, where should we go first?” Hyunwoo asked no one in particular as his eyes wandered over the sheet of paper in his hands, and Junhong let out a low scoff.


“What do you mean ‘where should we go first’? It would make sense to go to the first location on the worksheet, right?”


Hyunwoo returned a not—so—friendly smile as he lowered the paper from his face. “The teachers recommended that we not all bunch up at one location, or it would take longer to finish all the tasks, and since a lot of people are going to the first location now, it would be wise to go to a location that is not too  heavily populated—“


“Yeah, save me the lecture.” Junhong interrupted mid-sentence. “You’re really annoying, y’know that?”


And it begins. “Junhong please don’t—“


 “And you’re ignorant.” Hyunwoo retorted.


“It’s better than being a coward.”


“And exactly how am I being a coward?”


“You talk all big, but back down once it comes to actually throwing a punch. If that isn’t cowardly, I don’t know what is.”


Hyunwoo narrowed his eyes dangerously at the blonde. If looks could kill… “That’s because unlike you, I actually have a future. I will not allow myself to get kicked off the soccer team and lose my scholarships over a worthless delinquent such as yourself.” He spat. “Not like you’d be able to beat me anyway. Based off those bruises decorating your face, I’d say that you’ve taken quite a beat down before coming here.”


In a flash of a second, Junhong was harshly gripping Hyunwoo’s collar, cold eyes boring furiously into his. “You watch your ing mouth, pretty boy. Unlike you, I have nothing holding me back from beating your face in.”


Just as Hyunwoo opened his mouth to say something back, Yoongi separated the two, narrowing his eyes at Junhong briefly before locking his gaze with me. “Could you..?” The deep voiced boy seemed to plead with his eyes and I immediately got the message and began pushing the livid blonde in the opposite direction until I was sure we were out of sight. I should have known something like this would have happened.


“Was that really necessary?”I crossed my arms over my chest with look of disapproval.


“Yes, it was necessary, Chaerin. I don’t like him. Everyone knows that, including the teachers and chaperones, so if this is anyone’s fault, it’s theirs for paring me up with that bastard.” Junhong sneered before he began walking ahead and I exhaled tiredly, rubbing my temples as I followed not too far behind.


“If we don’t go back, we’ll get an ‘F’ on our assignment. Hyunwoo has the paper, remember?”


“I don’t care.”


“Well you should. It’s part of our grade.”


“Still don’t care.”


“Junhong, please. Let’s just go back—” I rested a hand on his shoulder only to have it brushed off with attitude.


Agh! Why does he have to be so stubborn with every little thing?!


“It’s hard to believe that you’re actually Ms. Choi’s son when you act nothing like her.” I shook my head. “You must get that stubborn attitude and temper of yours from your father.”


At that last statement, Junhong suddenly froze in place, almost making me bump into him from behind. He looked detached at first, as If grieving over something, but that soon turned to anger as his fists balled up and tightened until his knuckles began turning white.


Open mouth, insert foot.


. He’s dead isn’t he? God I am so stupid! Why did I say that?!


“I—uh…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring him up—“


Before I could even register what happened next, I found myself roughly shoved up against the dingy walls with a furious Junhong only a fraction away from my face.


“Don’t you ever compare me to that bastard again.” He growled menacingly, eyes never leaving mine.


That 'bastard’?...Could it be that Junhong resents his own father? But why?


“Junhong…” I mumbled calmly, using little effort to push at his chest with my hands. “Let go. You’re hurting me.”


He continued to glare at me—hands still gripping painfully around my arms—as I glared right back into his deep brown orbs, agitation becoming more noticeable in my features.


“I said, let. Go.”


“Why does looking at you always seem to piss me off?” He suddenly asked—most likely rhetorically—but I decided to answer anyway.


“I don’t know. Maybe it’s destiny.”


“’Destiny’, huh?” He chuckled dryly. A look of reminisce replacing his cold expression for a split second. “Funny you’d say that…”


“Really? How so?”


The grip Junhong had on my arms slowly began to loosen until he finally released me and then he took a small step back. “Nothing. Forget what I said.” He muttered before he continued walking down the hall as he called back, “I’m leaving this dump. If anybody asks, tell them I wasn’t feeling well.”


Great, now I’m alone.


Without Junhong around, the hallway was dead silent except for the intermittent creaks and moans of what I hoped was only caused by the mansion’s old foundation, and to be honest, I was a little frightened…okay maybe A LOT frightened. As well composed as I seemed when Alice was telling me that story about the servant girl, on in inside, I was really freaking out and now that I’m by myself in this ‘haunted mansion’, the theory of ghosts being non-existent seemed to be easier said than believed.


As I made my way down the eerie hallway, each step I took intensified the creaking and as if the floor would just crumble under me at any second. I took the left end at the intersection of the two hallways, having forgotten exactly where I came from, and came face to face with a dust-covered door. Curiosity spiked my senses and I slowly turned the knob and walked in, the dust on the door swirling around the room as I took a look around. A rusted medicine cabinet laid on the tilled floor, its mirror shattered in pieces. Old empty medicine bottles lay in the cracked porcelain sink, some shattered like the mirror, and there was a piece of furniture that resembled an examination table with brownish-white paper extending down the middle of it.


This must have been the medical room. I concluded after my little exploration, but just as I began to turn around to leave the vicinity, two hands suddenly covered both my eyes from behind and I let out a shrill scream.


“Woah, calm down, Chaerin. It’s just me, Hyunwoo.” A familiar voice reassured as their hands quickly disappeared from my eyes and I turned around, meeting Hyunwoo’s playful gaze with a scowl.


“Don’t sneak up on me like that, jerk.” I huffed with my arms crossed over my chest before peering over his shoulder, noticing an absence of someone. “Where’s that Yoongi guy?”


“He went to go report Junhong. I told him it was no big deal, but he insisted that he should.” Hyunwoo explained with a shrug. “And I went looking for you. I can’t trust a guy like that alone with my princess.” He smiled, but it soon turned into a look of concern. “He didn’t hurt you, did he? Because if he did, I swear I’ll—“


“No, I’m fine, really.” I reassured with a smile that didn’t quite reach my eyes. The fact that Hyunwoo was so set on Junhong being this ‘dangerous’ person was slightly unsettling (Junhong isn’t nearly as violent as everyone makes him to be, heck that Himchan fellow seemed more dangerous than him), and it’s hard to believe that all this ‘you don’t want to be involved’ talk was only because he’s in a gang—or BAP to be more exact. There has to be some other reason why, and I intend on finding out what that reason is.


“Cool, a stethoscope.” Hyunwoo’s voice brought me out of my thoughts and I turned towards him, seeing the medical instrument in his hands. He put the ear buds in his ears after blowing the dust off of them and tapped the metal chest piece once with his finger as if he were testing them out, a small smile suddenly spreading across his face. “Chaerin-ah, can you hear it?”


I raised an eyebrow, not understanding the question. “Hear what?”


Hyunwoo took the stethoscope’s ear buds out of his ears and put them in mine before resting the metal chest piece on the left side of his chest. “My heartbeat.” His smile widened a bit after seeing my confused expression. “It beats faster every time I’m around you.”


Oh lord. Not this again.


I rolled my eyes with a sigh. “Yah, I thought I told you to stop being so greasy, you…“ I trailed off into silence once my ears picked up on a rapid thumping noise emitting from the ear buds.


Was that possibly..? No…it couldn’t be.


I stared at Hyunwoo in a mixture of shock and confusion, watching how he smiled back faintly before he pulled the buds out of my ears and placed the stethoscope back on the counter.


“We should go. Our hour is almost up.” He reminded as he made his way to the door and I hesitated for a brief moment, but managed to follow behind him all the way back to the foyer.


Hyunwoo would always play around and ‘flirt’ with me, but this time around I couldn’t help but sense a bit of truth in his words.



“Sounds like he’s having daddy troubles.”


Chaerin lied face down on her bed in her shared room. It had been hours since they came back from the field trip—it was nearly curfew—and Junhong was still nowhere to be found. He hadn’t even gotten on the bus to ride back to the hotel. He just disappeared after the whole ‘father’ controversy with Chaerin back at the haunted house exhibit, and Chaerin was on a mission to find out more about his family and decided to call Alice through the hotel room’s telephone to ask her if she knew anything considering that she and Junhong had been attending the same school together since middle school. She was cautious not to tell the semi French girl anything that would hint her and Junhong living together, though. Maybe, Chaerin thought, the ‘things’ Junhong was so desperate in not getting her involved with was some how related to his family.


“Yeah, I figured he wasn’t really on good terms with his father,” Chaerin mused through the telephone to Alice. “But do you know anything about him?—Junhong’s father I mean.”


There was a brief pause over the line as if Alice were in thought, before she answered, “Nope, haven’t a clue of what he even looks like. I don’t think anyone does, though there has still been a few rumors going around about him.”


Chaerin sighed. She wasn’t interested in any ‘rumors’, she wanted facts. Something she could connect with her theory.


“Can I hang up now? It’s late and I want to sleep. Not to mention that my mari, Jung Daehyun, hasn’t even returned yet. I need to be focused on worrying about him, not dealing with you and your conflicting feelings towards Choi Junhong.” Alice groused and Chaerin sent a scowl through the phone—knowing that Alice wouldn’t be able to see it—before she said her good byes and hung up.


‘Well Alice was utterly useless. Guess I’ll have to continue asking around.’


Bang! Bang! BANG!


The sound of aggressive knocking startled Chaerin as she quickly sat up and looked over to the rattling door. Who the hell was knocking on the door like that so late in the evening?


With an angry click of her tongue, Chaerin reluctantly made her way over to the door and opened it, revealing a familiar blob of blonde fuzz.


“Junhong? Where’s your key? Did you leave it


“We need to talk.” The elder murmured urgently, pushing Chaerin inside with one hand as he closed and locked the door with the other. Chaerin noted his slightly hooded gaze—a look she could only describe as animalistic—but she managed to conceal the shudder that ran up her spine with a look of confusion.


‘Talk? What is there to talk about?’ She wondered.


Chaerin slowly back-pedaled away, resisting the urge to maneuver past him and flee from the room like a frightened antelope when Junhong suddenly began advancing towards her. There was just something off about him, something different, though Chaerin could not describe it.


“Junhong are you—“ Chaerin stopped in mid-sentence and inhaled sharply before she crinkled her nose in disgust. “Have you…been drinking?”


“What, is it that noticeable?” He smiled crookedly, the huskiness of his voice making Chaerin feel a bit weak in the knees. “I hadn’t intended on drinkin’ as much as I did, but my anger got the best of me and I couldn’t stop.”


Chaerin frowned at this. So that was where he disappeared off to. Had her comment upset him that much? Or was there something else bothering him…? “Drinking because you’re angry isn’t healthy.” She pointed out. “You shouldn’t be drinking at all actually.”


“Oh isn’t that nice. You worrying about me.” The elder droned, letting his right hand rake through Chaerin’s hair briefly before he gently gripped the back of her head, bringing her face a mere few inches away from his own. Junhong’s breath was so close now. They were breathing the same air. “Just like old times, huh?”


Chaerin was trembling, but before she could even begin to protest over the extremely close proximity, or question Junhong on what he exactly meant by ‘just like old times’, his lips were already sealing hers, and not another word was said between them.


Chaerin only stood there, her eyes the size of saucers, arms awkward and tense at her side, waiting for her body to reject the lips that had descended upon hers, but instead found herself eventually willing her arms around Junhong’s neck as his arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her in. 


The rejection never came.


It was almost frightening to the younger how suddenly she changed from ‘hating’ the blonde teen one moment, to becoming addicted to the feeling and taste of his soft lips pressed against hers in the next. She should be pushing him away right now, however oddly enough; her body would not cooperate with her wishes.


Chaerin absent mindedly noted that Junhong began to slowly push her backwards. Their lips still pressed firmly against each other as they moved until she felt something solid hit her back, and realized that she was now pressed against the large window in the back of the hotel room. Pinned between solid glass and Junhong’s solid stature.


Chaerin was helpless not to melt into the other’s weight completely as Junhong sensually nipped into her lips and then it gently to soothe the sting. However; the need for air was imminent, and Junhong pulled away, resting his forehead against hers with his eyes hooded.


“This isn’t part of the game, Chaerin.” He stated, words palpable against Chaerin’s now swollen lips. “I won’t be able to stop. Now’s your chance to say ‘no’, and we’ll forget this ever happened.”


Chaerin was torn.


Did she even want Junhong to stop? What she felt when the blonde was kissing her was indescribable, but she knew for sure that it wasn’t bad (she wouldn’t have kissed back if it was). Why had Junhong even kissed her in the first place? Hell, why had she kissed back? Sure he was a little drunk, but Chaerin was completely sober, so his actions were a bit more justified than her own, though she still believed that Junhong was sober enough to know what he was doing and even warn her that if she didn’t stop him, he’d continue on with his ministrations.


Or was it really the alcohol in his system talking? Was it because he was drunk that he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to stop? Yeah, that was probably the most logical reason. He was most likely a drunk and was trying to relieve himself with anybody he could find, and Chaerin wasn’t going to have that.


“N-no…stop.” She mumbled, pushing away gently at the elder’s chest. Drunk or not, she didn’t want whatever they were doing to continue. It wasn’t right even if he was aware of his actions. Moreover, this is Choi Junhong we’re talking about here. The same Junhong that torments Chaerin everyday just for his amusement. The same Junhong that Chaerin supposedly despises with a passion, and with that thought at hand, she was sure she didn't want the elder to continue, at least not now while she was so uttery confused.


Junhong leaned back a little, gazing intently into the younger’s eyes with an unreadable expression for a moment more before he moved away from her completely and strode over to his side of the room where he plopped down face-first onto the bed, leaving Chaerin disoriented and breathing unevenly with her back still pressed against the glass window. One question that she seemed to be thinking of a lot lately went through her mind as she stared at the now seemingly sleeping blonde.


What the hell just happened? 





Uh......Hey guys











Okay maybe I deserved that. What has it been like 4years? lol You'll have to understand that I have a life too, my beautiful readers.














 Iv'e been caught up with the flu, work, practice, tiredness, laziness, fangirling, but hey, at least you finally got some ChaeLo action (and a little bit of ChaeWoo for all those Hyunwoo X Chaerin shippers)

I hope this chapter didn't totally since I didn't get to proof read it lol (too tired).

I don't know when i'll update next, but hopefully it will be soon =)

Thank you to all that had to put up with my lateness.









See you next update.



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ReenRieX #1
Chapter 27: Dude... U need to updates soon.. This story line is epicly insane amazinggg!!! Please update soon~ hmm i eonder what happen at chaerin and yoojin~?^^
Kawaiiworld #2
Chapter 27: Please update soon!!!! This is so good!
dizzgzbats #3
Chapter 27: Thornim update soon, kayyy??? Why hyunwoo so stubborn sometimes?! And kikwang............... Ugh he's hotttt
Chapter 27: I'm glad you finally updated TT~TT You don't know how much I missed this story man. Can't wait for the next chapter~!
Lol for some reason, I really like Kikwang's character, and not because he's supposedly 'good' now (I liked him even when he wasn't), but more so because I love how you write him. I love sarcasm and he's filled with it and he's an interesting character.
And LOL YOU DIRTY MINDED BISH XD "I want him to beat it so good it kills me and he gets charged with murder in the second degree."
How do you expect to get in heaven?!?!? Kikwang would not approve smh.
Kira_mato098 #5
Chapter 27: OMG you're back!
Can't wait for what's next
Chapter 27: Just woke up. Just read this. Best morning ever. Yes
YYSdyno #7
Chapter 27: Oml. It's a miracle. You made my morning ♡ my Kikwang feels. Ughhhh. Every word that comes out of his mouth are so amusing to read. I can image the sass & sarcasm in his tone of voice and I love it :)
Chapter 27: Yeah yeah!!!!!!!
New chappie as promised god please don't update like 7 months later lol :)
Loved those gifs, love kikwang heh
Chapter 27: One week then? And with a long chapter? I guess I can survive :D
Chapter 27: BABY YOU'VE COME BACK TO ME! *sehun's angry grandpa voice* SHAWTY IMMA PARTY TO THE SUNDOWN!
Life without you has been hard ;A;
I thought I was going to have to find out where you live and force you to update.