Stuck With A Jerk

You Aren't My Sister!

Monday had come around quick and everyone in the junior and senior class was currently seated in the cafeteria with their suitcases/other personal belongings in their casual attire since we weren’t required to wear our uniforms at the moment. The teachers and staff wanted everybody to eat before we departed on our trip considering that it was a long ride to Incheon.


Junhong went back to ignoring me ever since the night we got into an argument when I decided to take a walk and ended up being confronted by DooDoo (aka Doojoon) and his goons. I still don’t see how that’s my fault though. How was I supposed to know that DooDoo was going to try to kidnap me?




“Junhong, will you slow the hell down?” Chaerin groused, having a hard time keeping up with his pace as they walked back home.


Junhong only ignored her and continued to drag the younger down the sidewalk until they finally reached the front door of the house, but before Chaerin could even take a moment to breathe, he yanked her in front of him and dropped her wrist harshly.


“What the hell were you thinking going out this late by yourself?” He growled menacingly. “Or were you not thinking at all?”


“I was thinking about going out on a simple walk. All the other stuff that happened was totally out of my control!” Chaerin sneered back.


Junhong chuckled in disbelief, his face twisting in an annoyed manner. “Are you ing mental? Who the hell goes out on a leisurely stroll alone at night?”


“Plenty of people do!”


“Not when in your predicament!”


“My predicament?” Chaerin scoffed. “How the hell was I supposed to know that I was being hunted after?! You refuse to tell me what’s going on every time I ask, so you have no right to get mad at me if I do something you’d consider ‘reckless’.”


“I’ve told you before, Chaerin. I don’t want you involved-“


“Well it’s a little too late now. That shipped sailed as soon as Doojoon and his goons decided to come after me.” She retorted pointedly and Junhong narrowed is eyes at her in return.


“You think I’m being this way just for the hell of it?” He questioned rhetorically and stepped forward, bridging the distance between them. “Just being even a mere acquaintance of mine could put you at danger and since I can’t really do anything to keep you away from me, the least I can do is try to keep you as ignorant as possible of the situation. The last time I let someone important to me get involved, I ended up losing them…” Junhong dropped his gaze momentarily before looking back up at her through fathomless eyes. “I…don’t want that to happen again.”


Too blinded by anger, Chaerin failed to realize the meaning behind the blonde’s last statement, a scowl becoming prominent in her features as she spoke. “I’m not some damsel in distress, Junhong. I can take care of myself. I was doing just fine on my own even before Youngjae came along. I don’t need the help of someone who doesn’t even trust me enough to tell me what’s going on.”


“…You know what? You’re right.” Junhong replied, causing confusion within the younger. She wasn’t expecting such an easy agreement. “You don’t need my help; you’ve got everything under control. Sorry for thinking otherwise.” He spat, harshly pushing Chaerin from in front of the door before he entered the house with even glancing back at her once.

~Flashback Over~


“Hello? Earth to Hwang Chaerin.” Alice waved her hand in my face. “Stop staring into space.”


“Oh sorry,” I chuckled dryly in response. “I was thinking about something.”


“You didn’t hear a thing I said, did you?”




“Ugh!” Alice groaned in frustration. “As I was saying before I was so rudely ignored, I’m thinking of a way to help you and Choi Junhong make up.”


My eyes widened in shock. “What? No! Alice, please don’t.”


“Well I’m gonna do it anyway! It’s not healthy for a couple to stay mad at each other.”


I nearly spat out my slushie at her ridiculous assumption. “We-we’re not a couple!”


“So you’re going out with Lee Hyunwoo?”




Alice wiggled her eyebrows. “Oh I see. Stuck between the middle, huh?”


“What the heck are you talking about?”


Alice rolled her eyes in disbelief. “I’m talking about your love triangle. It’s so blatantly obvious that the two rivals, Choi Junhong and Lee Hyunwoo, are in love with you.”


“No they aren’t. Quit imagining things.”


“Yea they are. They’re fighting for your love, Chaerin-ah.” She cooed teasingly. “A love triangle where you have to choose between prince charming and prince badass. I’m practically squealing just thinking about it!”


“I don’t want to choose.”


Her face fell. “Eh? Why not?”


“I don’t know…I guess I’m just not all that interested in guys at the moment.” I lied. I just really didn’t want to be talking about this subject. It makes me feel all queasy inside.


Alice gasped. “A-are you…”


“No!” I slapped her arm with a scowl. “I’m not gay.”


“Then why haven’t you made a move on one of your ‘princes’ yet?”


“Why haven’t you made a move on Daehyun?”


“B-because!” Alice turned her attention to the table where the ‘ People’ were currently sitting and made googly eyes at the ‘love of her life’. “Jung Daehyun isn’t only ridiculously hot, no. He’s ridiculously smart, ridiculously kind, ridiculously cool, and he has a ridiculously beautiful smile. He’s ridiculously perfect.” Alice turned her attention back to me. “I could never match up to that!”


“Yeah, you’re just plain ridiculous.”


“Shut up.” She then nudges my arm and gestures over to the table Hyunwoo and his friends were occupying. “There’s your man sitting down. Look at those muscles and the way he those lips. Man what is he, a walking sin? Now I’m more a comical couple shipper, but if you and I had traded childhoods, I’d have tapped that Lee Hyunwoo guy already.”


“Well sorry, Alice, but not everyone is as erted as you.” I rolled my eyes up to heaven. “Besides, I thought Daehyun was the only one you wanted to ‘tap’.”


“I may think that Jung Daehyun is all that in a bag of chips, but that doesn’t mean that I’m blind to all others. I know when a guy is tapping worthy.” She winked. “For example, see that fellow over there?” She pointed a tall handsome guy walking into the cafeteria wearing a plain white v-neck that showcased his muscular figure. “He’s tapping worthy, don’t cha’ think?”


“I guess so.”


“See?” She smiled smugly. “Aren’t I always right?”


“No, you’re always erted.”


“But you love me.”


I laughed. “Yeah, I love you Alice.”


“And I love Jung Daehyun.”


I rolled my eyes once again and took another sip of my slushie. “You should tell him that.”


“I will, sooner or later.  Patience is virtue. I will make him fall in love with me, then I will confess and he will have no choice but to say ‘yes’.”


“I thought you said you wouldn’t be able to ‘match up with him’.”


“Yeah, I did.” Alice flipped her hair cockily. “But that was before I remembered how beautiful I am.”


“Whatever you say, lover girl.” I mumbled, but it seemed as if Alice was too far gone in her fantasies to hear me.


“We’ll be together forever. I can see it now. I’m sitting in my wheel chair in the retirement home, playing chess with my peeps and there he strolls along in his wheel chair…gray hair and all. My dentures fall out, so he helps me pick them up, and for that moment, we stare into each other’s old wrinkly eyes…the world stops…cause its jell-o time of course.” Alice rubbed her stomach. “Mmm, now I want jell-o.”


Oh god. I think I’ve found someone sillier than Hyunwoo.


“Alright, lunch time is over! Get to the buses; they’re waiting out at the school gates.” One of the chaperones announced and everyone began to grab their things as they made their way outside.


“I’m so excited!” Alice squealed as we walked up the stairs to the second floor of one of the double-decker luxury buses. This school is too rich for its own good. “Where do you want to sit? In the front? The back? Middle?” She questioned and I shrugged.


“I don’t care?”


“Okay, then we’re sitting here.” She grabbed my arm and pulled me down in a seat near the middle. We were lucky enough to be one of the first people to board the bus, if not; we would have probably had a harder time trying to find a seat.


After a while, everyone had finally got situated and the teachers were currently going around taking attendance for any absent students before we took off and when my history teacher, Ms. Jung, reached our seat, she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she checked her clipboard.


“Yoon Alice and Hwang Chaerin?” Ms. Jung mumbled questionably. “You two aren’t partners. You’re supposed to be sitting with the person assigned to you.”




“What?!” Alice’s eyes sparkled excitedly. “I must have saved a country in my previous life to deserve such great luck!” I narrowed my eyes at her and she held up her hands defensively. “Hey, this is Jung Daehyun we’re talking about here. You know how I feel about him, so just be a good girl and move.” She shooed me away with a smile and I grumbled in frustration before I stood and practically stomped down the aisle. I didn’t see Junhong sit on the second floor with me and Alice, so he had to be down on the first floor, but just as I was about to make it half way down the stairs, I ended up bumping into someone accidentally.


“Oh sorry. I wasn’t paying attention.” I apologized and looked up, seeing Daehyun staring back at me expressionless.


“Obviously.” He mumbled curtly, his voice laced with a heavy Busan accent and I started to wonder where all this ‘kindness’ Alice mentioned before had gone off to.


“You,” I pointed to him and narrowed my eyes. “Keep your hands off of Alice.”


“Excuse me?”


“You heard me. I don’t trust you or your little BAP buddies so- hey! Come back here!” I yelled, but Daehyun ignored me and continued to walk on up the stairs, musing something about him ‘not feeling like dealing with me’.


How rude is it to just walk off while someone is in mid-sentence?!


With a long sigh, I sat down in an empty seat in front of the bus once I made it to the first floor, trying to ignore all the loud chatting of the students as I closed my eyes to take a nap (since there was nothing else better to do), but just as I was about to slip into dream land, I heard someone call my name and I reluctantly opened my eyes, meeting Junhong’s.


“What do you want?”


Junhong gave me a long stern look, but surprisingly refrained from saying anything offensive back. “We’re supposed to be sitting together, partner.”


“Aww~” I cooed teasingly. “You want to sit next to me.”


“Hardly,” He replied coldly. “I just don’t want to be stripped from my free roam privileges just because I didn’t sit with the person I was oh so cruelly assigned to.”


I continued to stare up at him for a few seconds longer before I lazily tapped the empty seat beside mine. “Then sit, partner.”


“I’m not sitting up here, come to the back.”


“Are you kidding me? I refuse to sit anywhere near your BAP ‘crew’ so you might as well just go back to ignoring me.”


“As you can see,” He gestured to his humorless expression. “I’m quite serious. I’m not switching my seat just because you weren’t aware that we were supposed to sit by partners.” He concluded and grabbed my arm, but I quickly snatched it back.


“No, I’m not moving.” I crossed my arms and stuck my tongue out at him petulantly.






“Stop being childish and just-“


“Don’t wanna.”


Junhong went silent for a whole 60 seconds, staring me down menacingly and just when I thought he was going to give in and leave, he suddenly reached out and hooked one arm under both my legs and the other around my backside as he hauled me up in his arms bridal style and then proceeded to walk down the aisle, rendering me a struggling mess.


Doesn’t he understand how embarrassing this is? Everyone is looking at us! Lord kill me now- no wait. Kill Junhong now.


I continued my shouts and kicks to be released as he made his way to the back of the bus and when we reached his unoccupied seat, he dropped me harshly into the spot by the window before he sat down next to me.


“Who said you can sit on the outside? If I’m going to sit back here against my will then at least let me sit on the outside!” I sneered and he rolled his eyes with a scoff. “Oh shut up. You complain too much.”


“Don’t tell me to ‘shut up’!”


“Stop yelling. You do that too much as well.”


I opened my mouth to say something back but halted when I noticed the ‘ People’ squad (minus Daehyun) watching me and Junhong with amused looks on their faces.


Why the hell are they looking at us like that?


“So, when’s the wedding?” Jongup questioned teasingly and Junhong shot him a sharp glare. “You shut up too.” which erupted laughter from the pack of imbeciles.


About ten minutes later, the teachers finished checking the attendance and we finally departed out on our trip. I continued to stare idly out the window, trying my best to ignore the loud talking and cackling going on beside me and after 45 ing minutes, it finally stopped and I sighed in relief.


I didn’t know people could talk for so long.


Suddenly, I felt something touch my shoulder and I turned to side, seeing a large blob of blonde hair. Junhong had fallen asleep…on me and only seconds later, my shoulder started to feel damp and I felt something wet trickle down on to my neck.


No, it can’t be.


I hesitantly looked over at Junhong once again and at that moment, my fears had been realized.


…It was drool. Junhong was drooling on me.


“Ew!” I cringed as I pushed his head the other way and quickly removed my drooled on sweater.


Junhong grumbled and stirred slightly, but remained asleep.


This trip was already painfully annoying and it hasn’t even officially started yet. Good job, Junhong.


I had just finished wiping the remains of saliva off of me when I suddenly felt his head drop on my shoulder again and I groaned in annoyance but decided to let him be.


Most of the people on the first floor were already asleep and I thought that maybe I should get a little sleep too while waiting to arrive at our destination.



I didn’t know how long it had been since I fell asleep, but I did notice that we were no longer moving. The soft rumbling of the bus’ engine was no longer heard too and out of curiosity, I opened my eyes, soon realizing that the bus was indeed empty excluding me and Junhong.


“Hey, wake up! “ I lightly tapped the side of Junhong’s face that wasn’t pressed against my shoulder and after a few stirs and tired grumbles; he finally sat up and opened his eyes.


“What..? Why did you wake me up?” He muttered groggily.


“Everyone is gone!”


“What?” He repeated in a more urgent manner but when he tried to stand up from his seat to get a better look of the bus attendance, he ended up pulling my right arm with him.


With furrowed eyebrows, Junhong and I looked down at our wrists- and believe it or not, my right wrist and his left wrist were tightly cuffed together.


“What the ?” Junhong stared at the handcuffs in disbelief and tried to pry his wrist out of them, but unless he suddenly received the strength of the incredible hulk, they wouldn’t be coming loose anytime soon. “Why are we handcuffed together?!”


That’s a good question. Why are we handcuffed together?


“Hey, what’s that?” He suddenly pointed to my face and I looked up, seeing a neon pink paper stuck to my forehead. I pulled off the sticky note and began reading it silently and Junhong leaned in closer to get a better look as well.


Operation: ‘Get the comical couple to make up’ is full in motion! Have fun you two~ ㅋㅋㅋ

-Alice Yoon 


Junhong and I continued to stare down idly at the neon pink sticky note in my hands despite being finished reading it. Perhaps we were still contemplating on whether this situation was really happening or not. I really hope it wasn’t.


“Chaerin.” Junhong called out my name with his eyes still trained on the note and I somehow managed to look up at him.




“I’m going to kill your friend.”


The worse part was that I wasn’t even sure I wanted to stop him, so I just said what any nice, caring friend would have in this situation.


“Okay, but be gentle.”




Hellurr~~~ Beautiful readers








I don't have much to say (cuz i'm tired as ) but thank yew for reading and subscribing and everything ^O^ I love yew all~








Keep on subscribing and commenting~ >=D

I'll see you l8ter



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ReenRieX #1
Chapter 27: Dude... U need to updates soon.. This story line is epicly insane amazinggg!!! Please update soon~ hmm i eonder what happen at chaerin and yoojin~?^^
Kawaiiworld #2
Chapter 27: Please update soon!!!! This is so good!
dizzgzbats #3
Chapter 27: Thornim update soon, kayyy??? Why hyunwoo so stubborn sometimes?! And kikwang............... Ugh he's hotttt
Chapter 27: I'm glad you finally updated TT~TT You don't know how much I missed this story man. Can't wait for the next chapter~!
Lol for some reason, I really like Kikwang's character, and not because he's supposedly 'good' now (I liked him even when he wasn't), but more so because I love how you write him. I love sarcasm and he's filled with it and he's an interesting character.
And LOL YOU DIRTY MINDED BISH XD "I want him to beat it so good it kills me and he gets charged with murder in the second degree."
How do you expect to get in heaven?!?!? Kikwang would not approve smh.
Kira_mato098 #5
Chapter 27: OMG you're back!
Can't wait for what's next
Chapter 27: Just woke up. Just read this. Best morning ever. Yes
YYSdyno #7
Chapter 27: Oml. It's a miracle. You made my morning ♡ my Kikwang feels. Ughhhh. Every word that comes out of his mouth are so amusing to read. I can image the sass & sarcasm in his tone of voice and I love it :)
Chapter 27: Yeah yeah!!!!!!!
New chappie as promised god please don't update like 7 months later lol :)
Loved those gifs, love kikwang heh
Chapter 27: One week then? And with a long chapter? I guess I can survive :D
Chapter 27: BABY YOU'VE COME BACK TO ME! *sehun's angry grandpa voice* SHAWTY IMMA PARTY TO THE SUNDOWN!
Life without you has been hard ;A;
I thought I was going to have to find out where you live and force you to update.