So You Think You Can Dance; --ethereal


So You Think You Can Dance

A oneshot ft. Lee Donghae and OC Lee Saena

I’ve been dancing since I was two years old. At that tender age I learnt the magnificent dance of ballet. Of course, I advanced more and more to learn all different dances – jazz, modern, tap – everything. I enrolled in a Dance Academy (University) and no one could be my match… that is, until he came along.

Lee Donghae, one of the finest dancer’s I’ve ever seen. He could be my match, basically. Problem was, I didn’t want to make him think I thought that he was good. My ‘image’ in school was to be someone confident, but not stuck-up, though I didn’t want to back down to anyone. People were scared of me, but I wanted to keep it that way.

“She’s such a .”

“I hate her, she’s always with her nose up in the air—who does she think she is? A queen? A princess?”

“So annoying.”

Those would be the things I hear as I walk along the halls. I had my friends, and I wasn’t mean to anyone—at least, I tried not to be. Though however hard I tried, people still thought I was a . Why? Because, honestly, I was the best dancer the Academy had ever seen.

I would win every single competition I entered, wowed and impressed even the judges with the coldest hearts. I was the envy of many of the girls, and was wooed by many guys, of course. But none of them were up to my standards—and I have to say they were pretty high.

It was another normal day for me, in the studio, practicing late at night. It was already 8 p.m. at night that day, and I was still in the studio. No one was around, apart from the security guards. I was the only one who practiced so hard. I had a performance the next day, and I had to work hard on it.

It was a modern dance, strong and powerful, and definitely intense, consisting of moves like high kicks and a little bit of back flips and front walks here and there. I also doubled as a gymnast, so my body was really flexible and I could do splits, bridges, all that sort of thing without breaking a sweat.

I remembered my lips in the mirror, tasting the salty sweat on my tongue. I was perspiring a lot, but I wasn’t quite finished—yet. So I continued my routine, but I received a text halfway through my practice.

Sent at 8.45 p.m.

What are you doing?

From: Lee Donghae

That was the text he’d sent me. We never talked very often, only the casual ‘hellos’ and ‘how are you doings’—pleasantries, I liked to call it, which was what we did, most of the time anyway. I was surprised he’d text me at that hour though. Nobody knew about my late-night practices, but because those practices were my secret, crucial preparations, I never told anyone.

I texted him back, saying that I was at home studying for my Biology test the following week. I decided that would be good enough for him to shut up, so I threw my phone across the floor again and began the routine, turning up the music in my headphones.

“Biology test, huh?”

A voice startled me. It was a pretty loud one at that, and I noticed a person hanging by the back door. The figure was muscular and buff. I was stunned for a moment, before I tried to figure out who he was. I was sure ‘it’ was a ‘he’ though, just not sure who he was. He was leaning against the frame, a casual position.

After a few moments more of staring, the person advanced towards me. As his face came into the light, I was shocked—Lee Donghae. My breath hitched, something that didn’t happen to me often, as he put his hands on my shoulders. He cracked a small smile as he let go of my shoulders, to my delight, and sidestepped.

“Look, if you’re here to show-off, forget about it.

I rolled my eyes. He rolled them back.

“Feisty, huh? Anyway, I’m not here to show-off, Saena. I’m here to ask you a question. So you think you can dance, Lee Saena?

So you think you can dance? What kind of a question was that? I was confused as to his motive and treated him as if he was air, going back to my dance again. As I performed the final move of ing both my hands in the air, Donghae grabbed one of them, and looked at me from the mirror.

“You’ve got the skills, but the talent?”

He asked—and I smirked. He seemed to take that as a yes. Reaching into my pocket, he took out my iPod and loaded it onto the boom box, smirking back. He selected the song, Circus by Britney Spears and took three steps back, giving me a quick glance before he began.

As I said, he was a good dancer. I couldn’t deny that he was a good one, and he couldn’t deny that I was either. He did moves from the Chaines turn to the classic moonwalk, his body energy stronger than anyone (guys) else’s dance I’ve ever seen before. When he finished, I smiled and he smiled.

It was almost a mutual agreement—an unspoken one, at that. I walked up to the boom box and selected another song—Don’t Cha by Pussycat Dolls, a dancing favourite for contemporary. Everyone knew the song by heart and the beats weren’t difficult to follow. Pulling my ponytail tight, both of us geared up for the intense partner dance ahead.

For some reason, we could co-ordinate really well throughout the whole dance, my graceful body versus his y one. It was as if ballet had clashed with b-boy style. I was breathless by the time the song ended.

“So you think you can dance?” Donghae asked. “Yeah.” I replied, swinging a towel over my shoulder, smiling at him.

We drank water before talking again. I leaned against the bar and he stood beside me. We had much to say, but I didn’t know how to begin—neither did he.

“So…” I tried starting. He took over. “So, I’ve been watching you for a very long time now… And I know we haven’t really gotten anywhere but… You are an amazing dancer. No matter what others say of you, I admire the way you stay strong and hardheaded at times, but nevertheless, amazing. And you know… it’s kind of unbelievable but I found myself starting to fall for you.”

He smiled. My heart was thumping. You see, in my years of dancing I had no time to commit to a relationship, so even with countless of confessions, I never accepted them. This one was different though. The others just liked me because of my looks. I was gorgeous, in their eyes. But only gorgeous on the outside. I wanted someone who would stick by me even if I’d gotten into a car accident and had to rearrange my face. I didn’t want to end up like my mother, who’d given birth to me with a man she never really loved.

“And…?” I encouraged him to continue, trying to sound casual, but it ended up sort of strained and weird. He laughed. “And I was hoping you liked me back.”

“What makes you think I do? And what was that—a mating dance?” I replied sarcastically, knowing it would hurt his ego a little, but if he wanted to be my man, he had to be able to allow me to deflate it sometimes.

“No, it was an appreciation dance. Look, Saena, I know… that many guys have confessed to you before and you rejected them, but I’m different. I really do like you, for who you are. I know, beneath that cold icy exterior, there’s a sweet and generous woman inside, who’s not only gorgeous outside, but beautiful in her personality as well.” He enunciated perfectly, each word true from the heart.

“The truth is, I don’t want a prince. I want someone who will stick by me and not like me only because of what I look like. I’m not a doll, for God’s sake.”

“I know, and that’s why I’m your man. So, Lee Saena, will you be my girlfriend?”

The question popped. My heart melted there and then, with the sincere look he gave me. I could feel my facial expression soften. I nodded, and laughed softly.

“I’ll be expecting lots of dance collaborations with you in the future then, Saena. Would you, my beautiful maiden, like to take my hand in our next appreciation dance?” He offered his hand, and I knew it was going to be a slow one this time.

I took it and smiled again. Even though it was late at night and I had a performance the next day, I didn’t mind dancing with the one person that made me feel special and truly loved. 

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Word Count: 1511 Genre: Fluff? Romance? Author: --ethereal

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new reader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dannyskye #3
It is pretty sad to know we've waited forever for a one-shot that will never come...
...Its kinda depressing to wait for a oneshot that never comes.
Annyeong! Advance Happy New Year my dear author, minminXP. Sorry for the late comment, no internet connection yesterday but thank you so much for the oneshot. It was really good, I traveled to the real emotions of Onew, I can feel his feelings on how you wrote the fic, so I was really happy. That's how I want the characters to act and you followed my plot, how the segments of the story took place. At first, in the first part of the story, I was really laughing, the story moods moved me and when it's a sad part, I'm unhappy too, it's like the oneshot was playing my emotions, up and down. However the ending made me go stare at nothingness, I really thought she will end up with Onew but... *cries*. I was upset that I have to read the story again. Geez, I'm easily moved. It was really worth-reading, thank you again my dear author. C-can I request again??? Pretty pretty please?
Kya!!!! Thank you soooo much! I'll read this as soon as I reach my house! Thank you again! My comment will be posted in due time! have a nice day!
dannyskye #8
Everytime I come on here I cry when there's an update and it's not my oneshot. OTL
orz THIS. IS. PERFECT. ♥ /sobbing in joy<br />
I don't even know how to thank you. I loved Taewoon's badass personality and omg, ZICO!! ♥ ;^;<br />
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No, but seriously. THANK YOU. I wish I could write a longer comment to thank you properly but I'm just speechless. ♥
Precious-Jessie #10
OMG I love it!!! Thank you so much! ^___________^]<br />
This made my day. :DDD