Chapter III


“You work here?” – Chaerin asked with slight…what was that? Disgust?

They had just arrived to Thunder’s workplace: “Happy Cookie Kindergarten”

“Yeah” – Thunder asked smiling, when they crossed the front gate – “You’ll like it.”

Happy Cookie Kindergarten was a beautiful place. There were plants, and even flowers; there was a gymnasium, a covered pool area, a playground… and the worst part, on Chaerin’s not hidden opinion, there were kids. Lots of them.

As they walked around, Thunder couldn’t help but smile. He had been working there for a year now, and there was not a single person, kid or adult, that did not like him.
Chaerin couldn’t help but roll her eyes when mothers stopped them to greet Thunder. They were obviously desperate to get some of teacher Thunder.

“Morning, teacher!” – one of them had said, smiling annoyingly brightly – “Ling-Ling’s looking forward for teacher’s day. She’s really excited!”


“So…I’ve already talked to my coordinator and she said it’ll be really good to have you around. We are in need of volunteers for the swimming classes, you know…” – Thunder spoke when they finally reached his classroom.

Swimming classes?! Great…

“You do not expect me to go swimming with a bunch of kiddos, do you?” – Chaerin asked, with an awkward smile. She probably knew the answer…

Thunder just stared at her. He had such an expression, that words were not necessary.

Chaerin rolled her eyes.
She opened , probably to curse, but had no time. A small person entered the room nearly crying.
It was a kid, she noticed.

“Teacher Thunder…” – the kid mewled – “my finger…”

Thunder kneeled instantly, to look at that. It was just a small cut…

“Chohee-ah, what do we do when we have a wound?” – He said smiling tenderly.

The little girl sniffed.
“Wash…because we have…we have to kill the bacteria…” – she said, not certain of her own words.

“Then, let’s do it!” – Thunder punched the air lightly, putting his book bag on the floor, offering his hand for the little kid to hold.

They left the room, leaving Chaerin behind.

Thunder was good with kids, she thought…
He’d be a good father, she considered…
And he was quite hot… she slapped herself.  

“It’s not hurting anymore” – The little girl giggled, entering the classroom again.

“Let’s put a band-aid on it? To keep bacteria away…” – Thunder spoke, entering the classroom right after his little student.

“Oui” – the little one answered.

That one word had taken Chaerin’s attention. She, that messed Thunder’s crayons on its boxes just to be mean, turned around to face the other two people in the classroom.
Thunder noticed that. Both the messed crayons and Chaerin’s attention.

“Chohee-ah, that girl is my friend.” – He kneeled, pointing at Chaerin – “She speaks French, just like you.” – he said smiling.

“Salut” – the little girl said, looking shyly at Chaerin, who almost smiled.

“Salut, ma petite.” – she answered, getting close, kneeling in front of the girl.

Little Chohee was so shy, that her only action was to wrap her arms around Thunder’s neck.

“Chohee-ah, I think she has something for you” – Thunder spoke tenderly, as Chaerin took a small blue box from his book bag.

The little girl looked at Chaerin still a bit shy, but her face brightened when she saw the beautiful light green Hello Kitty band-aid.

“C'est pour toi” – Chaerin said, smiling.
The girl showed her finger. The small wound had no blood around it anymore, but it’d be good to cover it, so that it wouldn’t get in contact with dirt.

Comment tu t'appelles?" – the little one asked, watching as Chaerin covered her once painful wound with that Hello Kitty band-aid.

“Je m'appelle CL.” – she answered smiling.

“Ciel?” – Chohee repeated, with a confused expression.

“Oui” – Chaerin confirmed, smiling brightly. Her heart was filled with something she had not found a word to describe. Not in Korean, nor in English, nor French…

The two chatted a bit more. Thunder watched, amazed by the words they said. Words, he did not understand at all.
It was impossible not to stare at Chaerin when she smiled with such tenderness…

It was only when the school’s bell rang, announcing the beginning of lessons that the conversation had stopped.

“Au revoir, Ciel.” – the little girl waved before leaving the classroom in a rush.

Chaerin couldn’t help but smile. That thing on her heart was still there.

“You’re pretty good with kids.” – Thunder spoke, placing a hand on her shoulder. He had a very satisfied smile on his lips.

Chaerin didn’t say anything.

“Let’s go… we have swimming class now.” – he remembered.

Swimming class?! Now?!

Happy Cookie Kindergarten offered swimming classes, as a way of keeping children stress free. They’d have fun while being assisted by teachers.

Thunder left first, to take his group to the pool. Chaerin stayed behind, putting the crayons on their proper boxes.

The school’s pool area was huge. There was an Olympic pool and two smaller ones.

As Chaerin lazily walked, she had almost been run over by a group of crazy mothers. Did they like swimming classes that much?! But they wouldn’t even get to enter the pool…
When she entered that area, she saw the pools, the kids and their mothers…
Chaerin remembered the pool they had at her house…her mother had taught her how to swim on that pool… her mother…

“CL!” – Thunder called out, awakening Chaerin from her memories. He was already there, with his six students swimming group.

Chaerin looked at him from head to toes.
He wore shorts and nothing else.
So that was the reason those women loved swimming classes!
What a view!

“I think I’ll just watch today.” – Chaerin walked close to the pool.

“It’s okay, but you’ll have to help next time.” – Thunder spoke, before blowing air into a yellow arm float.
His chest going up and down, as he blew; his abs tensing and relaxing…
Yeah…that was the reason!

Chaerin held a smile.
“Next time.” – she repeated.

Swimming classes were mostly about letting the kids jump on the water, play and chat with each other. The teachers were there to help them understand the basics about swimming and to keep them safe.
At the end of the classes, the kids were taken by their mothers. The teachers would only leave the pool when the last kid had been taken from the water safely.

When Thunder’s students were safe, on their mother’s embraces, it was his turn to leave the water.

It was like one of those energetic drinks ads: The hot guy going out of a swimming pool, waving his hair sensually, his body all soaked, his abs nearly begging to be dried with a warm towel… all in slow motion.

The students’ mothers watched, as well as Lee Chaerin.
Teacher Thunder was a piece of real state, and all those women would love to get themselves some land. Shall we include Lee Chaerin on the list? Perhaps…


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rare18 #1
Chapter 7: this is a good story :) please write more skythunder fics! can i request a ? :D
sangchae #2
Chapter 7: i only read skythunder fanfics..this is daebak!!
Chapter 7: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Chapter 4: water to wine... awesome.
Chapter 7: super love them together <3
Chapter 7: make some more..!
Aw I wanted more. Thanks for writing sky thunder.
Chapter 3: "C'est pour tu!" = you should write "c'est pour toi"
"Que vous appelez?" = "Comment tu t'appelles?" She's a
Chapter 7: :D Totally awesome !!! When I saw your fic in the completed fics yesterday, I was really tired but as soon as I started reading, my tiredness disappeared!!! It was really nice to see the evolution of Thunder and Chaerin relationship !! Thunder is such a sweetheart with her !!!
The scenes at the swimming were nothing less but epic ^^ When you described the way Thunder exited the swimming pool, I was totally fangirling LOL
I also like the fact that CL's charcter softened thanks to Thunder and also thanks to the kids as the story progressed!!
Skythundr <3333

PS: if you want me to correct your French sentences, ask me!! I'll be happy to help you ^^
Chapter 7: Huwaaaaaaah!!! Finally! A chaptered skythunder fic!!! Waaaaaaaah!!! I soo love it! It's really good! OMG. Thank you for this! But I want a sequel too!! LOL