Mr. Arrogant

A Million Wishes For You

"Yeobosseyo" ? 

"Yeobosseyo" ? Defininely a guy, he's voice sounds a bit cold, no actually is like i want to finish this soon so move. Arrogant .

" Nae annyeong hasseyo who is it ?"  

" Who do you think i am "? I bought my lip and answered  as camly as i could.

" How i'm suppose to know who are you". He left a sigh.

"Of course you don't know, how is it possible for you to  know, i didn't wait anything more from a person who falls on you and then takes your phone. Well let me be clear the phone you have in your hands is mine. Did you get it or you want me to repeat it ". ?

Aishhhhhhh, jinja that guy !!!!!! someone like me?. Ok calm down don't  fall to his level. Calm down.

"I really sorry for falling on you, it was my mistake i'm really sorry. If you're not busy i can come and give to you and i can take mine back too". That is Kyu Ree good move.

" Well fine, i accept your apology, but i'm really busy right now so i won't be able until the end of the week". Wow you ing kidding me now. God why, why. Well i have nothing in my phone except the photos and i don't think anyone is going to call me.

" Well is ok sure i'm busy too ( lie ) so what about this weekend"?

" Sure no problem, but from now on i'll call you often so i'll make sure you won't do anything with my phone" Ha, he calls me and thief now that little KYAAAAAAA !!!!!!!

"Ok i was ready to tell the same" 

"Good i have something to do now, see you".

"Mmmm annyeong gisseyo"



OOOOOK finish. I've unpacked and everything are in their place. I sat on the bed letting a big sigh, my back and my legs were hurting but it's feels really good that i finished early. I took the phone in my hands and open it, time 9:15. I'm hungry, i run downstairs to the kitchen i took a banana milk and a piece of cake. I opened the TV and sat on the kitchen's worktop. I realised i still had the phone on my hand. Looking at it reminds me that guy, how annoying and arrogant no respect, he doesn't even know me and still talking to me  like that. Now to think about it who is that guy ? Wh-what if his dangerous ? A gangster ? Worst, a et ? Aigoooooo, well if i search the phone maybe i can learn something. But wait that not right those are personal informations. But maybe he already had opened mine, not maybe i'm sure so it's fair. I took the small black phone in my hand and unlock it. The backround was the phones, no messages, no phone history (except my number). No music, videos, photos, applications nothing. That phone was brand new. So we're same in something. God headache, so let's go do some shopping, i really need it.  I went upstairs to take my camera and get ready. As soon as i stepped out i took a picture. 

So pretty. That's why i like going early outside. I can see everything with their true colors, how everything really are. I start to walking looking around, most of the people walking in their suit, kids with their parents, people like me walking around. Most of the owners had already opened their shops, i used to come here often  since i was young so i know everyone.

"Bonjour, Nana" .

"Ah, Bonjour Andre". Andre has the flower shop of the neighborhood, it was his grandfather but he past away a few years ago, i remember that we used to play all the time together and help his grandfather, even thought Andre is older that me he always had time and patience to play with me.

" Long time not see, Nana we missed you ". He said and came close to hug me.

" I'd miss you too, how the things going on here "?

" Just perfect actually anything hasn't changed since you left ".

" Oh, that 's good, wait give me your hand "? He looked at me in shock.

"Come on don't look at me, just give it ". He gave me his hand. A gold ring was shinning on his finger.

" Aaaaaaaaaa my god when you were going to tell me that you married"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

" I'm not married yet, i'm engaged". He pulled his hand and hold it behind his back.

" Do i know her ? Is she pretty, does she takes care of you well ?"

"Oh, oh breath first you don't know her, second yes she's pretty and third don't worry i can take care of my self alone even thought she cares a lot about how i'm".

" Ok i believe you, but i really have to meet her "

" Sure whenever you want"

"Then is a promise, you going to meet her to me with the right way". Drrrrrrrr, Drrrrrrrrrr, Drrrrrrrrr. I took the phone out of the bag. What he wants now.

" So Andre i have to go see you".

"Bye". I ran to cross the street before the light turn red again. When i passed safetly i answered.

( N: Nana / ?: The guy )

N: " Yeobosseyo "

?: " Why did you late to answer "?

N: "Mianhae, i was passing the street why did you call ? Did something happen "?

?: " No, i'm just checking if you did  anything with my phone, and why such a happy tone this time"?

N: " Oh i just learned that a friend got engaged " .And why i'm telling that to him again ?

?: " I didn't ask you." Aishhhh that guy just now he. Aaaaggggrrrr. Because of that i didn't see a crack on the pavement and i felt down.

?: " Hey, are you ok ? What happened ?" I stood up, i think i hurt my leg.

N: "Yeah i'm ok ".

?: " Are you sure "? He sounds like he really worries.

N: " I said i'm ok ".

?: " Look about before, i was joking congradulations for your friend"

N: " You could said it earlier before i fell and kill my self "

?: " What did you said"?

N: " Nothing ".

?: " So what are you doing now "?

N: " I actually, i just left home and i'm walking around, you"?

?: " The same, let's do something, we can tell to each other what we're doing right now, for example right now i'm walking, the birds are flying dangerously near to my head and right now a fat lady with weird hat winked me and smiled".

N: "Hahahahaha".

?: "Seriously don't laught she was scary". Maybe he isn't  a cold, idiot, arrogant jerk after all.

N: " Ok my turn, i'm walking, a little girl is crying because her omma doesn't buys her something, a girl like barbie gets of a sport car, oh a block of flats full with flowers, beautiful i'll take a pictute wait a bit. "

N: " Ok i'm moving on, a park wait i see something, aigooo a kitty kyopta. Hi little one"

?: "Hahaha."

N: " Stop it, it must belong to someone" . A that momment a little girl came up to me.

" Oh thank you miss you found it. Thank you"

" Oh is it yours ? Then here take it and take good care of it from now on promise ok ?" I said and i gave it to her.

" Yes miss i promise, thank you. Mum, mum look a pretty miss found it" She shout while she was running to her mum.

N: " Well i did and my good act and today ".

?: " Good for you "

N: " Thank you, well now i omo" I ran with all my strenght and stuck my face on the showcase of my favorite patisserie. The sweets they were calling my name. I was sure my mouth was wide open.

N: " Omo candies are calling my name please don't do that ,god i want them"

?: "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

N: " What now "?

?: " Nothing, nothing is just , you're funny your reactions are the best... i like it".

N: " Well kamsamida i'm glad i amuse you, now about the sweeties maybe another time i don't have enough money with me".

?: " My turn, walking oh, the bookstore i'm going check do you think that their going to have mangas here?". Is he serious ?

N: " Mmmm, i don't think s- "

?:  " Found them , hey the have all the one piece collection cool ". No joking right ?

?: " I don't have this one so i'll take it, do you like them ?"

N: " Eh, yeah i read sometimes but i like more classic things "

?: " Really ? Well that's good it means that you're a picky person."

N: " Not really ".

?: "I'm moving on then, hmmm let's see some people drinking cafe and eating with a really weird way, kind of funny, oh wait some girls i think they are following me for quite long. Are they following me ? I'm turn to the next corner and they're behind me, i stop they stop, that's so funny. Wait for a bit".

?: "Bonjour, do you want something".

" Ah, no no we just wondering we see you walking around for a quite long, do you look for something "?

?: " Oh, no i don't "

" Well then do you have a girlfriend ? "

?: " Yeah actually i have she is on the phone right now. Honey do you want to speak louder so the young ladies here can hear you ?" . Is he talking to me ?

?: " Honey i can't hear you "

N: " Ehhh, yes i'm hear is something wrong there ?" I said as loud as i could.

"Oh then we sorry".

We both started laughing at loud my stomach hurts.

N: " What happened "?

?: "They ran away "

N: " That was so bad, it must be so embarrassing for them "

?: " Yeah but it was really funny, and it wasn't a bad thing they've been stalking at me ".

N: " You must be real flower boy for all the ladies fall on your away and even stalking at you ".

?: " Who knows" . He said and laugh.

N: " Ok mister perfect, i'm now to the shopping centure and choose a color".

?: " Why?"

N: "Just do it ".

?: " Ok white "

N: " Good choose i'll take the white one ". I walked outside the shop and looked my clock 7:30 no way how could it be, time passed so quick well probably when you're having fun the time flies.

?: " What was that about "?

N: " You just choose the dress i'll wear the weekend "

?: " You bought clothes for me ? What a sweet liitle thing you're " .  Sweet little *thing* wow dude don't make me change my mind.

?: " Well i'm going to buy new close too, but i won't tell you ".

N: " Hey that's not fair ".

N: " Ok do what ever you want i have to go home now is late and i would be in trouble."

?: " Ok, later".


I arrived home before aunt, lucky me. I went i up to my room i closed the door and just laid on the bed. So tired but it was fun today. I was ready to sleep when the phone rang again. Message.

" I really had a lot fun today. I just wanted to tell you thanks you really intresting person after all. So talk again tommorrow, goodnight".

I closed the phone and hold it in my hand. You know something Mr. Arrogant maybe i like you after all.



























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Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa PLZ UPDATE SOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNN !!!!!!!!!! LUV YOUR STORY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Omo plz update soooooonnnnn !!!!!
Omo plz update soooooonnnnn !!!!!
Omo who might it be?
Very cute story please update soon ^^