Cold Midnight

A Million Wishes For You

Paris, November. So beautiful, like a romantic movie scene. People walking, in the cold streets. Lights everywhere, the sun hasn`t come out yet the smell of the rain is still in the cold air. Time 7:00 in the morning and me sitting inside my room looking from the window. I catch my self looking the suitcase on the bed. The true is... I really hate everything right now, especialy the pink suitcase on the white bed. A few days ago if you talked me about Paris i was able to run until the airport. I used to leave in Paris before i went to Korea. My parents both of them hard working people. Appa is bussinesman, owner of one the most succesfull companies in Korea and omma is a fashion designer, she has worked in the best runways of the world.

We moved to Paris when i was 4 because of their work scedules from that momment on we travelled to Korea only for the holidays. To be ownest i never had any complains from my parents. They were always home early and we were spending many hours together like a normal family even if their scedules were really tight. At weekends my and appa went to the local bakery, a really nice little bakery like a doll`s house. The owner was a very sweet ajumma and her daughter. We were regular costumers so they always had ready for us warm crouissants. I loved the smell of the bread and cookies every morning. Before i went to school always ajumma or her daughter Rene gave me something to take for school, it was really fun `cause it was our little secret. After the bakery me and appa were taking a walk to the park we were talking about the things which happened in the week. I miss so much those coversations. Well after the walk we went home, umma was preparing the breakfast while we were sitting on the table. I miss umma`s figure in the kitcen, i often used to do my homework in there, while umma was cooking, loved staring at her back with that long black hair moving and sparkling in the sunlight while she was moving in the small kitchen singing a melody which appa used to play in piano. Appa`s hobby is piano, and umma`s drawing. I started learning quitar and ballet but i have quit everything now. Hours, days, years were passsing heavenly in our family and then...

We went to Korea, it didn't bother me but i would like to stay to Paris for Christmas. Everything was ok until the time passed and my parents started to come late. The first time was umma, she came home late, appa asked her what happened and just told that ,she had many things to do at work and she was tired. The same thing everyday and always the same answer. Then the same thing happened with appa, time was passing by and our family started to separate, no more games, no more walks, no more fun together, no more goodnight kisses, no more. I was only able to see them at breakfast but nobody was talking until that day.

" Kyu Ree-ah do you want us to go a walk together ." At that time i felt like i was able to fly when appa told me that. 

" That's a good idea Kyu Ree go with appa ".I turned to see omma she seemed really tired and weak those days i heard her going to the bathroom every night .

" Omma aren't you coming. Are you sick "? She looked at me and smiled.

" No i'm ok sweetie go with appa i'll be fine"

Me and appa  got ready and went to the park. We walked and walked while holding hands put anyone didn't said anyhting, appa broke the silent, he seemed like the whole time was thinkig what to tell.

" Well Kyu Ree you're a big girl now, so you have to understand some things. You know some people they love each other like anything else in the world. But it comes the time when they have to be apart. It's not like they don't love each other anymore, it's just that they found someone else who they get along even better than each other..."

At that time i kept on silent letting him to continue.

" So you know how much i love your omma and how much she loves me, but we found persons which we get along better than each other so..."

I felt like the sky was ready to fall and crush me, i looked the gound and i felt like it was shaking, but actually i was shaking so much that i felt like i was ready to collapse. Appa probably saw me that i was ready so he caught me.

" Kyu Ree-ah are you ok ? Do you want to sit "?

" I want to go home" he didn't heard me, he tried to make me sat, but i pushed him with all the strenght i had. "I said i want to go home"!

"Kyu Ree-ah come sit first"

I felt my eyes burning i felt the tears ready to explode.

" I SAID I WANT TO GO HOME !!!!! I want to go home, i want to see omma, i want to go home".

With that i started running and running i heard appa shouting my name and follwing at me but i was already to far for him to catch me. When i arrived home my chest was burning, i couldn't breath tears were falling and my heart was beating ready to crash my chest and break. I saw omma sitting on the living room looking at me in shock.

" Kyu Ree-ah what happened"!!!? she stood up started walking to my place.

" Don't come closer" i told her more clear as i could at that momment. She frozed.

" Tell me is it true, is it ?" At that time appa arrived and looked at her.

" Anwser me." The true was i didn't wan't to learn the answer.

" Yes, sweetie me and appa we're getting a divorce"...

After that i didn't talk to them i stoped going to school, they said it was ok and they understand at that time i learned that my omma was going to have a baby and of course it wasn't appa's. They told me that now that they are divorcing i'm going to have two families, and with that i supposed to be happy. I quited quitar, ballet, everything the only thing i've done all day was sitting in my bed under my blue sheet. Everyday people were coming to talk to me, doctors to ask how i feel and to tell my parents what to do with me. Then they decided to send me back to Paris with my aunt Elise, when she was young she was a professional ballerina but now she is a lawyer, because of her i started ballet. They said that it 'll be good if i stay away for a bit while the things are changing. Omma didn't want me to go but i told her that i can go alone. When we get to the airport and my flight was ready for take off i didn't turn to face them, even when the called my name i didn't.

I wasn't their child anymore and they weren't my parents, from that momment on my name wasn't Kyu Ree but Nana everyone in Paris knew me with that name. That momment  i promised to myself  that i would work hard to never return.




And here we are now i really hate remember all those things. Well probably i have to unpack now. Aunt Elise won't come before 22:00 so i have time fix everything and then i can go wherever i want, i can use my camera too, that is my hobby . I caught my bag, i had took some really cool photos with my new selfphone, i had bought it a day before i leave, and 'cause i didn't had my camera i used it to take some photos. I put my hand inside the bag, nothing, i start put all my thing outside the bag, nothing. "Omo, omo, omo come on it can't be" I search again, finaly i start looking inside my coat's pocket when caught it with my hand. A sigh of release. I take my hand out...

OOOOK my phone



The phone i found now 



"OMO, damn it, damn it. OK Kyu Ree think what you done before you come here, well airport, i sat, i slept, i woke up i took off from the plane, i fell on a guy and then... OMO, i fell on someone".


At  that momment the phone ranked. I could recognise my number on the screen, so if i have his selfphone he must have mine. I took the phone and answered .


" Yeobosseyo"?



























I'm so sorry for the grammar *bow* I know is a bit boring but in the next chapter the funny part starts.

Here our Kai for you keep readingヾ(●⌒∇⌒●)ノ

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Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa PLZ UPDATE SOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNN !!!!!!!!!! LUV YOUR STORY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Omo plz update soooooonnnnn !!!!!
Omo plz update soooooonnnnn !!!!!
Omo who might it be?
Very cute story please update soon ^^