It's a deal

A Million Wishes For You

The next morning came fast. The sound of the rain was coming from outside, i could hear it clearly. I must had left  the window open all night and now i`m freezing. Chuuu. And i got a cold too. Great job. I ran and closed the window, i fixed my bed and i wore a clean t shirt and jeans. Before i left the room i took the phone with me. I walked to the hallway looking the black screen and thinking the previous day. I went to the kitchen time 9:00 pm. I opened the fridge still deap in my thoughts and took the first thing i could eat.

" Hey, that`s mine ". I screamed in suprise and turned around to face the person who said it.  

" Aigooooo, i almost died don't do that ". Aunt was facing me with her hands on her chest.

" Mianhae, sweetie but you can't have that because is mine". She came and took the sandwich from my hand and sat on the table.

" You know how long i've been waiting to eat that "? she said with full.

" Araseo, araseo eat it i don't care i'll just drink a banana milk ". I took the little bottle in my hand and sat on the sofa. " Are you going to work today "?. She had already finish the sandwich when she answered.

" Mmm, i'll be late today again we have a really dramatic case those days". I just left a sigh.

" And you, young miss ? You have an appointment with the doctor today. Do you want me to take you "?. I had totally forgot about that.

" No it's ok i can go i'll take the bus". I saw her turning to see the time." Araseo be carefull, i have to go see you".

" Bye Auntie".

"AND DON'T CALL ME AUNTIE". She shout before closing the door behind her. ____________________________________________________________

I arrived to the hospital, the hallways were full with people walking around. When i was younger i was scared coming here even today, i really don't like it. I open the door of the office. The doctor was a ajusshi around 40, he gave me a bright smile.

" Ah, Nana long time not see, you grow up a lot are you feeling well"? I sat on the chair.

" Well i'm gald to see you too doctor but if i knew how my condition is i wouldn't be here".  He laughed loud and clear, a very cheerfull sound.

" Well i have to say i missed your humor, so let's have a check on you ". The exams didn't take long.

"So you doing great, the only thing you have to do is coming here when you have to and when you don`t feel very well just to be sure and congradulations i learned that your mother is pregnant".

"Thank you doctor i hope we won`t meet again soon ". I said walking to the door.

" I hope the same my dear girl i really hope". He said with low voice before i close the door behind me.


I got out from the hospital, i took a big breath and looked up, the sky was dark it was like he was getting closer and closer. Like he was ready to fell on me. The phone rang in my pocket, i answered.

N: Yeobosseyo ? My voice sounds weak.

?: "Oh, annyeong are you ok ? You sound weird ".

N: "No i`m fine " i said and cleared my neck. " Well what`s up ".

?: " Yeah i wanted to tell you that someone called you in the morning".

" N:" And what did you tell "

?: " I told that you weren't here and to call later ".

N: " Oh, good did you ask who was it "

?: "Mmmm, no actually they hanged up to me before i could ask ".

Probably it was omma or appa. N:" Then when they call again don't answer. Araseo ?"

?: Nae omma araseoyo ".

N: Good boy do you want me to buy you a chocolate because you `re such a good boy now ?"

?: "Ha, ha, ha really funny. So i was thinking that the weekend is close and we still haven't decided where we're going to meet".

N:"Well i not sure what about ____ Park ?"

?:"Yeah, sure and to make it more intresting if i found you first then you'll do what i say for the rest of the day".

N:" And what if i found you ?"

?:"Then i'll pay everything for the rest of the day. How about that ? I think is fair ."

N:" Then it's a deal".

?:" Deal then".

Why i think i done a big mistake right now. Well what ever i'm going to win anyways. What is life without a bet. Althought every bet i have done in my life i have won it, this one doesn`t feel good.

N: " Ok question game time ".

?: " What "?

N: " Well actually we don`t really know each other so we're going to make some questions".

?:"Ok i'm listening".

N:" Favorite color, food, drink".

?:" White, meat, banana milk".

N:" Doing things in your free time ".

?:" Dance, being with friends, read mangas, playing piano".

N":Favorite subject".

?:" Mandarin".

N:" What you hate".

?:" When someone calls me cute, insects, someone who has no sense of responsibility, someone who use aegyo for just to escape a situation".

N:" Yeah oooook".

?:" Anything else."

N:" Just a few more."


Few hours later------------


N:" Last question... Hello are you still there?"

?"Mm, yeah sorry is the last one?". He sounds sleepy.

N:" Yeah, well what the thing you want at this very moment?"

?:" The thing i want right now is, to meet you ".

I feel my cheeks red as hell. 

N:" Ha, really funny."

?:" I'm serious i really want to meet you, i wonder if the girl which i'm talking right now is funny and pretty in real life...."






























yeah a really small chapter i'm reallly sorry :( Plz wait for the next update ^_^  Plz keep reading ^_^




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Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa PLZ UPDATE SOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNN !!!!!!!!!! LUV YOUR STORY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Omo plz update soooooonnnnn !!!!!
Omo plz update soooooonnnnn !!!!!
Omo who might it be?
Very cute story please update soon ^^