Chapter 6.

Oppa, I like you.

"Omo my beautiful daughter what happened to you! Why do you have bruises all over ?!" Mrs Song rushed over to her daughter & hugged her. 
"Ehh.. Omma.. You don't have to worry.. I'm fine now. I just .." 
"What happened to you darling! Tell me!"
"I.. I.. Some gangsters tried kidnapping me while I was walking home .. alone.." Hyerin said as mumbled & looked to the ground.

"MWO ? GA-GANGSTERS? YAH U SURE YOU'RE OKAY?" Youngwon suddenly exclaimed from the kitchen. 
"Ne.. I'm okay now." 
"How can you be okay when you got.. almost kidnapped by some gangsters dear!?" 
"Because I was saved..."
"You were saved? By who?"
"Uh.. someone."
"Okay, it doesn't matter. As long your okay that all that matters. Mrs Song said as she hugged Hyerin & cried.
"Omma.. Don't cry"  Mrs Song looked at her daughter & smiled. 
"I'll go wash up now" Hyerin smiled back & walked to her room to wash up. 
"Hyerin ah, who saved you ?"
"Yah, tell me or I'll poke you!" 
"Tell me tell me tell me"
"Merong! Eheheheheheh" 
"Yah you come back here!" 
Sungjong's POV
Ahhhh ! So bored~ In Art class right now T_T Boringggg . 
"Sungyeol hyung, hyung, woohoo, you there?" I shook him alittle & waved a hand in front of him.
"Why is the way you walk today different?"
"Did you sprain your ankle or something?"
"YA, DID YOU SPRAIN YOUR ANKLE OR SOMETHING?" Myungsoo blurted out & started laughing.
Sungyeol nodded & gave an awkward look at Myungsoo. 
"Chincha?How did you sprain your ankle?When did you sprain it?"
"Eh? Oh uhm.. When I was running the 6 rounds, why?" Eh , serious? But Myungsoo hyung told me he sprained it when he was saving Hyerin..
"Ohhhhh... Ic.."
This is weird. If he had sprained his ankle during the 6 rounds, how was the way he walked before that already different? - according to  Myungsoo hyung..
"Oh! Where's Hyerin by the way? She's absent?"
"Ne, she almost got kidnapped by some gangsters yesterday while walking home alone. So she decided to stay at home to rest" explained Jungri, as she pouted.
"Wah.. But how did she managed to escape from them?"
" I asked her why but she said that a group of teenagers were walking pass so the gangsters let go of her & yeah.."
"Huh? But that doesn't make any sense right? I mean the teenagers would definately help her & make a police report right? & There aren't any.." 
"Hmm.. That makes sense. Was she ..lying?"
"Sungyeol oppa, what are you mumbling?"
"Maybe she just wanted to keep the truth to herself because she didn't want the person who saved her to get found out. I mean.. There might be .. fights.. involved .. right ?"
"Oh ya ! Oppa you're so smart. But it's kinda freaky how you suddenly spoke heheh."
"Hehh.. :)" 
"AH HYUNG YOU WERE WITH HYERIN RIGHT? THAT'S HOW YOU KNOW ALL THESE. YOU WERE THE ONE WHO SAVED HER RIGHT?" I accidentally blurted out & Sungyeol hyung hit me on my left arm & told me to keep quiet.
"Ani! It.. it.. It wasn't me!" 
The class started whispering & got abit too loud. 
"Students ! Quieten down please !"
Oh no.. What have I done.. Now rumors are sure to spread
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Chapter 8: hi author-nim! your story is really great. update soon...i hope you will have ideas and inspiration to continue on this story. FIGHTING!! :D
RomeoAddiction #2
It is true! I knew it!
RomeoAddiction #3
Wae Sungyeol? Wae?! Why don't you want others to know?! Is your family strict on relationships? Are you scared of your father? Speak up dude! Poor Hyerin...
It's always torture for the girl when she likes a guy that she thinks doesn't like her back T_T<br />
And Sungyeol thinks Hyerin doesn't like him, that's why he's not willing to let others know that he rescued her twice? <br />
Then Hyerin thinks he doesn't like her and doesn't want to trouble him by claiming that he saved her -.-
Maybeeee XD <br />
You'll have to wait to find out ! Heheh
Aww Sungyeol...he likes her too doesn't he?<br />
Fighting over fried rice, LOL.
Wow. She's been liking Sungyeol for 8 years. That's not a crush anymore!<br />
I wonder why he was late.<br />
And poor Myungsoo... ><
NerdyJae #8
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