Reminiscing: Reunion Part 2


[Changing POV]


Donghae held onto you tightly until he realized that he might have made the situation awkward, and let you go. "Um...I have a reason...for asking you to come..." He couldn't help but stare at the girl his heart had held onto for so long.  Silently praying, he worked up the courage to finally say the words he'd meant to say many years ago. 

"Donghae.....yah! Donghae...wake up! Hellooooo?" Apparently he'd been in his head too long, working up the courage. ", but you seemed to be thinking too much. Did I ruin your train of thought? haha. You have me curious though. What is it that the Great Prince from the Sea desires so much that he has asked me to come all the way from Mokpo!?" 

"Sorry for spacing out so much." He grabbed your hands and looked at you in the eyes, as if he were staring into your soul. "The reason that this great prince has called for you...was because...this prince has certain confessions.  We have been together ever since we were kids.  The only real time apart has been these past years.  I still remember you slipping off the boat and into the water...and the time you spilled the ice cream on your dress and were upset that we couldn't eat ice cream together. We ended up sharing mine and it tasted all the sweeter.  I remember playing pranks on you at school, and you getting back at me by stealing my games when you visited my house.  Then there was the time that you tried cooking for the first time, and completely failed. I thought I would die that day." You punched him on the arm as he laughed at you. "Hahaha. Sorry but...hey,'s in the past anyway.  Then there was the time when the star soccer player from junior high had asked you out and you just stood there dumbfounded. By the way, that was the best expression ever. haha. be honest, that was a heartbreaking moment for me." You looked up at him in confusion and listened closely. 

"I was scared. I was scared that you might say 'yes' to him and be his girlfriend. I was scared you'd spend your time with him. I was scared that I'd lose one of the most important people to me.  I was scared that at that moment...I would lose my friend, no...someone more precious to me than a friend even would be. But..." Donghae tightened his grip on your hands a bit and then caressed your cheek. " that moment, I had really realized something.  I had been thinking it for a while, but I never had any way to prove it to myself that,...what I was feeling... was true. But at that moment, I did. At that single moment when I waited for you to answer him, my ears...I could hear my heart beating so loudly that I couldn't listen to anything and my ears were useless. At that moment, I had realized that...I had fallen in love with my childhood friend." He watched as your expression went from worry to a mixture of surprise and an even greater curiousity. "I had fallen in love with you. You were there for me the most.  Even though you were not the best cook, you'd practice to improve. You know what I liked and dislike. Even when you don't understand something, you'll be able to sense whether I'm ready to talk about it or not...and...even though you aren't physically here for me during my idol still support me. Look...I didn't invite you here to simply tell you of a feeling from the past but...I'm ...ready to tell you that those feelings never went away. I'm not going to lie, there are moments when I did think I had fallen for other girls, and even tried dating a few, never left my heart.  The reason I'm telling you all of this is because I want you to know that...I love you. I did back as a child, and I still do." Donghae gingerly kissed your forehead and continued. "Now...I just want to ask you one thing....will you be my girlfriend?" 

You sat there, astonished from all of his words. Everything you had felt in the past...all those past feelings and interactions and events,...everything had led to this moment. You've always wanted to be with him and here he sat with you, holding your hands in place waiting for an answer. You looked up to him, gave him the sweetest smile you could, unkowningly tearing up, and said, " You stupid fish. It took you long enough. OF COURSE I want to be your girlfriend!" You tackled him off of the chair he was sitting and you lay on top of him, while he held you in place, and confessed your heart out, "I was scared, Hae. You had left but I wanted you to fulfill your dream. I wanted to be there to help you but all I could do was cheer you on from afar. I too had fallen for a few others, and even tried dating them because, hey...I thought I wouldn't have a chance with you...but the feelings I had for them were nothing compared to the ones I had for you. Apparently everyone else knew. How embarrassing but...on that day that I had gotten confessed...I was scared too. I wanted to say yes to see how you'd see if there was any change...but that wouldn't be fair to that guy...or to just wouldn't be. I had to say 'no.' My heart wasn't in it nor did I love that guy. heart's always been yours. I don't care how long you're famous for, or how many fans you have or what will happen. I'm willing to be by your side for as long as ...worldly possible! Or ...something big! Ya know what I mean. I love my Donghae. My Donghae."

You giggled with content and hugged him tightly. He hugged you back just as tight and you laughed your feelings of joy. Awkwardly, you remembered you were on top of him and scrambled to the corner. "...>> Sorry. I" Donghae understood, pulled you up and hugged you. "'re a bigger babo than I am....fool. haha But it's ok. I'm yours now right? And you're mine. It's ok. long as the other members don't see because then they'll start thinking naughty things and that would just get awkward. haha!"

You both sat down while holding hands and talked most of the night away until the other members finally arrived back to their dorms.  Hae looked over his shoulders to see the SuJu members while you walked in.  "Ah, you're all back. I bet you're all tired. Would you like me to cook something for you? I know it's late but...again...I am being a nuisance by staying here with you for today." All the guys started giggling like school girls and said, "ABOUT TIME!" Kyuhyun pulled you towards Donghae while Heechul pulled him towards you. 

"uh....what?" You were confused while Donghae was just dumbfounded. "...What the...wait...what? About time? What time?"

Kyuhyun gave his famous evil smirk and started saying a few similar words, "At that moment, I had realized...I had fallen in love with my childhood friend." Donghae fell to the floor with embarrassment while you turned bright red. "Hahahaha! Chill hyung! Look at you two, you'd think you were caught watching . You have the same expression as Eunhyuk hyung when we caught him with . Fascinating!" "YAH! DON'T BRING ME INTO THIS, MAKNAE!!!," screamed Eunhyuk. Kyuhyun laughed and Heechul joined him in the mockery.  

"How'd you all find out?! WERE YOU IN THE ROOMS OR SOMETHING?!," Donghae couldn't even begin to understand how they even knew his lines. It's not like he had rehearsed them or anything.

Yesung walked over to where they had been seated before, climbed a certain part of the wall and then took out a hidden camera. "Haha. Sorry Hae, but...we were kind of spying on you two." The whole of Super Junior was laughing and you hid under the blanket from all the embarrassment.  Zhou Mi pulled up your blanket a bit and gave his spectacular sunshine smile at you, "...Sorry about that but we wanted to see Donghae confess his feelings. We all had our speculations that he was crushing big time on someone but he never gave out the details.  I just want you to know that, we all realize how special you are to him so ...we wanted to be witnesses of this. Sorry but you both are very cute together haha." You smiled a bit at his comment when Henry joined in too, "Hehe. It's true ya know. And besides that, when you two marry, you'll have this video and thank us for it in the future." You fell on the floor with embarrassment and started to laugh at his comment. They're already jumping on the 'marriage' wagon. 

"YAH! DON'T SCARE HER! What if I DO want to marry her and now you scare her off!?" Donghae started to hit Henry and Zhou Mi with the couch pillows. 

Everyone was having a blast picking on the beloved couple and, in turn, received being teased from being either too old or not old enough. You were smart on their weakpoints and Hae was good at backing you up.

Kyuhyun had sat down on the couch and watched everyone having a blast from partying, to talking, to teasing and to all those happy joys. He then opened his cellphone, only to see a picture of a girl smiling at the camera. A small smile appeared on his face, " seems hyung got his girl..." Sungmin, Ryeowook and Siwon came up behind Kyuhyun. Siwon leaned in and said, "Maybe it's time for the maknae to get his girl too." Kyuhyun turned around and noticed he had been caught looking at the girl he had liked. Siwon gave him his dimpled smile and Sungmin and Ryeowook patted Kyuhyun on the back to show him they had his support. "...Oh please don't get involved. It'll be hell," groaned Kyuhyun. The other three laughed at him and left him to his peace while he just dreamed of the girl he too had been thinking of, only not as obvious as Donghae.

The night had gotten deeper and the sun started to rise. The members thought it was a sign to sleep and everyone went to their respective rooms. You stayed in Hae's room and slept on his bed. Everyone seemed to have already fallen asleep but Kyuhyun. Donghae finished brushing his teeth and then closed in on the maknae and sat next to him on the couch. "Can I help you with something, hyung? Do you want me to sing you a lullaby so you can sleep easier?" Kyuhyun had smirked his little sentence onto Donghae. " thanks, Kyu. I have my girlfriend for that. She's got a lovely voice." Kyuhyun shook his head at the obvious bragging from his hyung and got up, ready to leave for bed. "Look...Kyuhyun...I'm not here to brag but...this time, maybe it's your turn. You should take your own advice." Donghae got up and neared his door. "You know you love that girl right? You may not be as obvious as I am, but take your chances. If she loves you, she loves you. It's obvious you care for her so make her yours. Prove it to her. You helped me get the girl I'd wanted for whatever way possible, I'd be more than glad to return the favor ok?" Kyuhyun walked over to his door and slowly moved the knob a bit, then turned his head and gave Donghae and innocent and sincere smile. "Hyung....Donghae hyung...thank you. You really are the best. I...I hate having to admit I need help but...I'm going to need it. I'll get my girl..and I'll do it in a much cooler way than you did." He gave an evil smirk and walked into his room. 

Donghae stood there both honored by Kyu's acceptance of his help...and shocked from his comment. "That...maknae...aish..." He shook his head, walked into the room you were in, got in bed and hugged you tightly.  You tiredly opened your eyes when you felt his presence next to you, "..Donghae?...." He kissed you on the lips in a gentle manner and replied, "Don't worry ..hehe, I'm here now. Let's rest ok?" He then kissed you on the forehead and whispered a sweet "I love you." He sung you a song and before you completely passed out, whispered back "I love you too, Donghae." and went to sleep to the sound of his voice. Today was just the start of your forever with him.


The End

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awesome!!<br />
kyu like who?<br />
wanna know...........<br />
if u write any oneshots..i would definitely read it..<br />
the best!=D
Its just sooooooooooooo SWEET! :'>
mrschokyuhae21 #3
wahhh!<br />
<br />
loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed it!
I Loved it!! update soon? :)
Aww Cute!! Can't wait for more!<333
mrschokyuhae21 #6
awwww!!!!!! i miss having the sweet donghae! anyways... cant wait for more! :)
mrschokyuhae21 #7
wahhhhh!!!! too cute! lol... donghae is a sweetheart here... but in my fic... hes a jerk... anyways... more! XD
Please update soon! Can't wait for this. xD