Reminiscing: Donghae's Story


[Author's POV]


[Donghae's POV]

Donghae had come back home after another schedule filled day. He slouched on the couch and sighed after his tiring day.  Kyuhyun had been in his room playing Starcraft because his day was free until he noticed that Donghae had returned home. He walked into the room with his laptop in his hands, apparently still playing Starcraft.  Kyuhyun, being the curious little bugger that he was, decided to start a conversation with him. "Hey, hyung. Another tiring day?"

"Hey, Kyuhyun...yeah." He sighed again before continuing. "I really want a break. I love being in Super Junior but I wouldn't mind at least a break here and there. I am human." He rubbed his temples before lying down on the couch.

"Well what can you do, hyung? We gotta do all this for ELFs. Maybe you should go to sleep. We have to wake up early tomorrow for another schedule. It's 10 PM but you're exhausted. I'm gonna go play some more Starcraft." He started to walk back into his room until Donghae stopped him.

"Kyuhyun, wait. Uh...can you eat with me? You know I don't like to eat alone." Donghae wasn't feeling very well and he didn't like the loneliness his heart was emitting. He felt worse than usual. He looked at Kyuhyun with pleading eyes until Kyu gave in. "Very well, hyung. I'll eat with you. I'm hungry anyway. I think Ryeowook hyung left food in the fridge before falling asleep."  Donghae felt a bit at ease with Kyu's agreement and began to reheat the food.

"Hyung, I have a question; is something on your mind? Lately, you've been rather distant. You stare off into space while we're in the car and you look at your phone a lot more often. It's kinda weird when you're not really being yourself...uh...just saying." He looked at the ramyun in front of him and started to eat while the had been filled with an awkward aura.

Donghae sighed and looked at Kyuhyun, "...I need to let it out. I've been thinking about home. I want to go back to Mokpo. I want to see my hyung and my mother and my town...and..." Kyuhyun looked at Donghae; waiting for him to finish his sentence. Donghae looked like he was in deep thing when Kyuhyun said, "...and? C'mon hyung, don't leave me hanging." 

Kyuhyun stared at Donghae. He noticed his hyung was still staring off into space until Donghae looked back up, "I miss someone very important that isn't family related." Kyuhyun smirked and caught onto his words. "Hyung, does this mean that you have a girl back in your hometown?" He caught sight of Donghae blushing and started to snicker. "Look hyung, let it out. I promise on my love for Starcraft that I won't speak a word." His hyung eyed him suspiciously but he needed to just say it. "Ok. Yes. You're right. I DO have a girl waiting for me back home. She's incredible, Kyuhyun. We've been friends ever since we were little. She's so gentle and she would always take care of me. She was beyond gorgeous. I was going to ask her to go out with me until I got accepted into SM. I didn't have the heart to ask her to be mine and then leave right after. But we still keep in touch. I guess I'm always staring off into space because I'm remembering all the times we had or what the moments we COULD be having." Donghae sighed before continuing. "We would spend most of our time together. I remember one time when we were about 7 or so, our fathers had taken us fishing. She was just watching because she thought she wasn't strong enough to get the fish. My fishing pole was shaking and I was trying to keep the fish in and she was watching but she slipped and fell into the water. It was such a scare, Kyuhyun. She didn't know how to swim yet and I managed to save her and then our dad's pulled me back up to the boat. After that day, I promised I'd always watch her but, look at me, I'm nowhere near that. " Donghae held the sides of his head and bowed his head in shame. "We'd still play after that and we grew even closer but, I really miss her. I want to see her. The last time I saw her, she had this sad look in her eyes but she was cheering for me with all her heart. I could have sworn she was crying but the wind kept blowing her hair in her face and I couldn't tell if she was wiping away the tears or removing her hair out of the way.  She promised she'd wait for me but, Kyuhyun, she's too amazing. Any guy would want her. Sure, she has her oddities like; always looking at the sky or painting random things or saying jokes at the weirdest of times but with her kindness, brains, beauty and talent, who'd NOT want her? Besides that, she's willing to do just about anything for a person she loves. She's the complete package."

Kyuhyun just sighed and got up off of his chair and put the empty bowl of ramyun into the sink. "You know hyung, since you both were so close, I don't think you have to worry. Why not invite her to the dorms? Why not go out with her? Why not make her yours? You know, all it takes is that first move." 

Donghae got up and looked at him with a saddened expression. "You make it sound so easy..." Kyuhyun laughed and then came and patted Donghae on his back. "Hyung, it IS easy. You just have to do it. I bet she's still waiting for you. I bet you that she's staring off into the sky right now, wondering how you are or what you're doing or when you'll get the chance to see each other." Donghae was amazed at the kindness in Kyuhyun's words and then hugged him. "You know what, Kyu, you're right. I will! I won't let my chance slip! I'll invite her tomorrow and ..." he smiled before continuing, "in front of the Super Junior members, I'll ask her to be my girlfriend." Donghae ran towards his room and shut the door loudly, not remembering that it was late at night. Kyuhyun could hear some grumbling but he just went into the balcony, sat down on one of the chairs and stared at the stars. "Psh,...they make me out to be a lot more evil than I am. But, I do hope that my hyung gets his girl." He smirked to himself. "You know hyung, you're not the only one with someone special in mind. He returned back into the dorm and as he was about to enter his room he heard Donghae scream, "YES! SHE'S COMING!" Kyuhyun went to sleep while thinking that tomorrow would be a good day to be a bit evil.

While in Donghae's room, after his scream, Eunhyuk threw a pillow at him. "YAH! Fish, shut up. I'm trying to sleep! You're too loud too late." Donghae kept his laughter down, changed into his pajamas and crawled into his bed. "Sorry, Hyuk. It's just, I'm very much looking forward to tomorrow."

That night, Hae could only dream of the girl he'd known his whole life.

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awesome!!<br />
kyu like who?<br />
wanna know...........<br />
if u write any oneshots..i would definitely read it..<br />
the best!=D
Its just sooooooooooooo SWEET! :'>
mrschokyuhae21 #3
wahhh!<br />
<br />
loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed it!
I Loved it!! update soon? :)
Aww Cute!! Can't wait for more!<333
mrschokyuhae21 #6
awwww!!!!!! i miss having the sweet donghae! anyways... cant wait for more! :)
mrschokyuhae21 #7
wahhhhh!!!! too cute! lol... donghae is a sweetheart here... but in my fic... hes a jerk... anyways... more! XD
Please update soon! Can't wait for this. xD