Reminiscing: Your Story


[Your POV]


You ran your fingers through your hair as the wind blew it in every direction. You found yourself near a beach, just staring off into the endless water.

"I wonder how he is. Is he eating properly? Is he safe? Donghae, I hope you are taking care of yourself." You walked around the beach for half an hour before returning to your house. Your day had just started but it felt too slow. It'd only been an hour when you were at the beach and had decided to call some friends over to have lunch with at a nearby cafe that you and Donghae would usually visit. That lonely feeling had been growing even more quite recently and needed something to keep your mind away from it.

The cafe wasn't very far from your home. You sat down in the cafe and stared out your window until you spotted your friends walking in. "Ae Cha! Young Soo! Hey~!" 

"Omo~ We haven't talked in a while. I missed you so much, dear." The three of you hugged each other and you noticed them holding hands. "No''re together now?! When did this happen?" Young Soo blushed and decided that the ceiling had become really interesting while Ae Cha giggled and decided to explain the story. "Well, long story short, we got stuck on the ferris wheel in the park and we started to talk and...well...we somehow realized that we liked each other and started to go out. We've been together for a month now. But anyway, why'd you call us up? Are you here to inform us that you and Donghae FINALLY got together?!" Young Soo looked back at you, winked and decided to play along with his girlfriend. "Yeah. Are you to childhood 'friends' now lovers~ Hahahaha" 

You blushed a new shade of red and threw the napkins at their faces. "Hey! Shut up. It's not like that." A nervous giggle escaped your mouth and you hoped they hadn't noticed. "Anyway, no. Hae and I aren't together..." you mumbled 'unfortunately' and continued. "I just felt like I needed company. He and I do keep in touch through texts, phone calls and the occassional hand-written letter but no more than that. He's often busy with his schedules. Besides, he can get himself any celebrity girl he wants. Why would he want me? I'm too normal and he probably only sees me as a friend." You sighed and Young Soo and Ae Cha tried to pick up your mood. "Look, don't say that. Coming from a guy, we tend to give off different signals towards the girls we like. Maybe he DOES like you. Besides that, you're quite a catch." Ae Cha slapped his shoulder for that comment. "Ouch. Ok. THAT didn't hurt. Anywya, he's certainly finding a lot of ways to keep in touch with you, isn't he? And maybe it IS friendship, why don't you get the guts and try asking him out? ;D Some guys look forward to the girl making the first move ya know." Ae Cha slapped him on the chest this time and giggled. "He's right, dear." You smacked both of their foreheads and told them to move the conversation to the time they'd been missing rather than on your relationship with Donghae.

After a couple of hours of chatting, Young Soo spoke. "It's getting late and I promised Ae Cha that I'd meet with her parents tonight. Take care of yourself ok? And...ask him out! Do it do it do it!" He kept on chanting until Ae Cha butted in by hugging you and wishing you good luck and telling you goodbye. You payed for the bill and decided to go home earlier than usual. 

It was getting later already and the next thing you knew it was around midnight. You walked out into the balcony and looked at the full moon.

"Donghae...I wonder how you're doing. You've been texting me often lately but your messages have been rather...well, as if your mind is somewhere else. I miss hearing your honey-like voice. What's going on?" You put your hands on the railing and rested your head there. "Psh...why am I worried? It's not like I'm his girlfriend or anything, and besides, I bet he already has one and that's why he's been so awkward towards me. GAH! NOT FAIR! I KNEW I should've gotten the guts to ask him out even though I would've hardly seen him. Dammit...I'm so stupid."

You kept on reminiscing over your time with him; from the time that you went fishing, to the moments in the sand box, to the school, it all came back to you as if you were watching a movie on a tv.  You walked over to your room and dropped yourself on the bed when your phone started to ring. " Hmm?...It's midnight, who'd be genius enough to call me at this hour?" Without even looking at the caller ID, you answered it. "Hello?"

"HEY! Remember me, Princess? Haha"  You were so shocked from the caller that you dropped the phone and immediately picked it up. "OH GOD, HAE!? Why are you calling so late? What the...and don't call me 'Princess' know I hate that nickname."  You heard him chuckle on the other line and your stomach was suddenly filled with butterflies and the feeling as if you were on Cloud 9 was somehow there. 

"I'm sorry, Princess.~" He laughed like a moron while you scoffed at his remark. "Oh, and I called" You waited but he seemed to have gone silent after his stuttering. "Because, C'mon, Hae! Don't leave me hangin' like that! Tell me or I'll hang up!" This time he scoffed at your remark. "You wouldn't hang up on me even if your life depended on it. My voice is like velvet honey... don't you think?~ hehe" You were blushing like an apple from his remark because apparently, he didn't know how accurate his words were. After the awkward silence and Hae clearning his throat, he finished. "Um...well actually, I was wondering if you want to come over to the dorms mean today. Uh...later today cuz ya know tomorrow is already today cuz it's midnight and I don't want you to get confused and come on a wrong day and then think I ditched ya when I didn't because I gave you the wrong information and..." he kept going until you finally stopped him from his rambling. "WOAH WOAH...chill there fish boy. Haha. Calm down. Sure, I'll go to the dorms later today. Early or later in the day?" You were smiling so big your cheeks began to ache but, that didn't matter to you because he was inviting you over to visit. A chance to play. A chance to finally see him in person, rather than on television or in a magazine. "Come on later..uh...well just when you arrive. Tell me and I'll pick you up ok? Oh and the other guys are going to be here too, so make sure to be a good princess and treat them nicely. kekeke." You facepalmed yourself and continued the conversation, "ANYWAY, PRINCE, of course I'll be nice. It's not like I'll be kicking them or taking away their or something. I'll be a good girl. Oh, and don't tell me you guys don't have because that would be a lie. But anyway, go to sleep. As much as I'd love to continue talking to you, I'll have to wake up early to arrive at the dorms before the day ends AND you'll need your sleep to keep up with me. hehe." Donghae laughed his heart out and agreed. "Very well then, I'll see you tomorrow. Take good care of yourself. I lo-.."

You realized he'd gone silent and asked him if something was wrong until he replied. "Ah, no. I forgot what I was going to say...but anyway, I'll you something or whatever when you come back." " ...Loan? What? Hae?" "hahaha.. Um...ignore that. I'll see ya. G'bye!" He hung up and you could've SWORN he was going to say "I love you" but pushed that thought away because, "'s a ridiculous idea. He'd only love me as a friend anyway." 

After sighing, taking a shower and brushing your teeth, you went to sleep to the thought of seeing your precious Prince Hae later that day. " I'll do it. I'll do it tomorrow. I'll confess my feelings. Good luck, self. Goodnight, Donghae"

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awesome!!<br />
kyu like who?<br />
wanna know...........<br />
if u write any oneshots..i would definitely read it..<br />
the best!=D
Its just sooooooooooooo SWEET! :'>
mrschokyuhae21 #3
wahhh!<br />
<br />
loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed it!
I Loved it!! update soon? :)
Aww Cute!! Can't wait for more!<333
mrschokyuhae21 #6
awwww!!!!!! i miss having the sweet donghae! anyways... cant wait for more! :)
mrschokyuhae21 #7
wahhhhh!!!! too cute! lol... donghae is a sweetheart here... but in my fic... hes a jerk... anyways... more! XD
Please update soon! Can't wait for this. xD