A 'great' start.

Cocky Kris, why would I ever fall for you?

I clenched the straps on my backpack as I stared up at the gigantic SM building. I finally let my breath go that I was holding in much longer than I should have. Oh man! I was so nervous yet so excited! To sum things up, I was scouted by an SM manager, had an actual audition, (several actually...I didn't get in until my third try) , and I guess SM thought I had enough talent to start training in their own training music school! 

Before people started noticing me awkwardly standing outside, I quickly rushed inside the glass doors of the school and was amazed by huge the inside was. Glass elevators, trainees walking in every direction, men in black suits guarding the entrance. I quickly showed them my I.D. and walked on in.

Although it had a cold interior there was a homey feeling to the whole place, maybe because I knew everyone here were trainees like me, all with the dream of being on stage in front of thousands of fans.

"Park Min?"

I turned around, facing a lady in her mid 20's

"Yeah, that's me" I smiled, trying to make my best first impression

"Hi, my name is Bae Kyon, I'll be your vocal trainer as well as your schedule manager from here on out" the lady said warmly.

Ah of course, everything was so hectic around here and all of SM had their eyes out on me because they said I was "especially talented". I already had so much pressure on me. Ugh. They told me they would set me up with my own manager even before debuting just so everything wouldn't get out of hand.

I bowed. "It's nice meeting you, please take care of me!"

I got to know Kyon, she was extremely laid back, just like most people in their early 20's. She actually gossiped about how she found Yunho cute as well as Heechul. She would flip her hair back and say "oh and a lot of the artists here are big flirts so don't easily fall in their traps, they're just trying to have fun with the trainees. But don't worry darling I'm here for you!".  As we continued to talk the peppier and hyper she got, I started to wonder how she got a job as a manager but decided it was better not to ask.

"Anddd here's your dorm! You're really lucky hun, I pulled a few strings so you got your own room and don't have to share it with any other trainees." Kyon went on, "The first 3 floors are girl dorms while the top 3 are the guys. OH and girls and guys shouldn't be alone in the same room! Dorm rules! Well...there isn't really a curfew because sometimes dance practice doesn't end until 2 am..." she trailed on. 

I mean I tried paying attention to what she was saying but I was this in awe, my dorm room was bigger than my room back home. 

"Well okay that's all you need to know I gues...you start officially tomorrow, I'll call you and wake you up! Oh and I'll text your schedule tonight. Right now you should go make some friends while it's still lunch. Cafeteria and Lounge and all that good stuff is on the secondfloor. Call me up if you get lost or something!" Kyon said before whipping out her phone and rapidly texting Heechul. 


After unpacking I began to explore the building, I headed off to the second floor like Kyon said and was amazed by all the rooms, There was a cafe, cafeteria,  gym, library, a couple of dance rooms and vocal recording studios and even a spa and pool. And those were only the rooms I passed by until the incident happened. 

I was once again walking in awe and hardly paying attention to my surroundings as I walked around aimlessly. I entered the cafeteria and saw how laid back all the trainees were. Oh man I really hope I make some friends here. 

What caught my eye was an extremely tall guy, instead of sitting on the seats like everyone else he was sitting on top of the table with a guitar in his lap as he laughed and chatted with his friends around him. He had wavy blonde hair and this amazing smile. I was kind of glued to his face until he looked over straight at me with his ice cold eyes. I quickly looked away.

He was attractive, and like whenever I saw some attractive dude, I got all shy. Yeah, great perk of my personality isn't it? 
I quickly rushed off to get some food, I was starving, and food right now was my only friend.

As soon as I had my food I noticed how all the tables were filled with groups of friends.
Ehh how awkward.
But the guy from before was gone and no where to be found. Even his friends were gone and another group of trainees had occupied their table.

I decided to go eat outside on the balcony by myself since people started to notice I wasn't a familiar face around the place. I rushed out and found the glass door to the balcony.

Right as I opened the door someone else was exiting and my tray slipped and landed straight on whoever it was' shirt. Yup, hotdog, ketchup, fries and all. Even my drink managed to spill on the shirt. I

I gasped, "Ah! Omo I'm so so sorry I-" I started to apologize and looked up

Oh . It was that extremely attractive and extremely tall kid from the cafeteria. Glaring at me with those dagger eyes.

He stared at his shirt. And then back at me. Then back at his shirt.

"Do you....happen to have any idea how much...this shirt costs?!" he exclaimed

I was shocked. 

"Wait..what?... look I'm sorry I didn't see anyone leaving and I-"

"60 bucks. 60. I hardly get payed at all I WAITED 3 MONTHS TO BUY THIS SHIRT."



Is he seriously freaking out about a SHIRT? A SHIRT?

Well the phase of finding him attractive fell short, and the real me kicked in,

I sighed, "Ohkay how about I get it washed for you. Get it dry-cleaned. Will that make you happy?"

He scoffed, "Of course you're going to get it cleaned for me, did you think I was going to let you off that easily? OOhh man my poor shirt."

He couldnt be serious. How can someone, especially a guy, be freaking over a plain gray v-neck shirt like this. 

"You look new, what's your name?" he demanded.

"Park Min. Look I...have to go now so uh-" I started again and trying backing away from this crazy kid.

But he was too quick and grabbed my arm, "Not so fast darling, you see I have this beautiful face and I need beautiful clothes to go with it. You're not going anywhere until you get my shirt cleaned."

And with that, I was dragged off to his dorm against my will. 

"YAH, let go of my arm! I'm not coming to your room! I'm not even allowed on the boy's floor."

He scoffed, "Hah! That hasn't stopped any girls before, shut it and keep walking."

"Ah, and the name is Kris. Don't forget it. Then again, girls never do." he said with a cocky grin.

What the hell did I get myself into.



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Chapter 3: lol, i love this.
Chapter 2: lol. kaiii, a flirter here i c
dreamgirlSM #3
Chapter 3: please update really soon! this story is so great :D
dreamgirlSM #4
Chapter 3: please update really soon! this story is so great :D
_Simone_ #5
Chapter 2: dun dun duuuuuuunnn... oh the suspense haha
Chapter 2: Kai being half AHHHHH. Park Min is one lucky girl! And how much I love Kris and Kai's little argument. That's just so adorable! Hahaha. Anyway why did Park Min call Minho "hyung"?!
Chapter 1: HAHAHA this is so cute! I could imagine how Kris would yell and stuff. And yes, I'm so subscribing and so looking forward to the next update. Hwaiting! :D