From Shorts to Skirts


Minah has been a tom boy ever since Suho moved across the street and they grew up together as toddlers along with his group of friends  (aka exo)  But in highschool, she suddenly began to change. She started to notice and gain interest in more feminine qualities, especially after she started to develop feelings for Suho. Then over summer before senior year she decided it was time for a complete makeover, maybe then Suho would see her more than just the tom-boy best friend he always has.


"OK!" your sister slammed down random chick magazines on your bed, "This is the first step in becoming a girl! And you....have a long way to go" she sighed.

You pouted, "I'm not an alien species! I AM a girl. Gaining some femine qualities can't be that hard" you rolled your eyes as you slouched down munching on an extra large bag of BBQ Lays, leaving crumbs all over your bedsheets.

Your sister looked you up and down with a disgusted facial expression. "If you want ANY boy to look at you in a different way other than as their young brother then it's going to take a LOT more than learning some femine qualities!" she yelled

You threw a chip at her, "OK! OK! Suho comes back from his vacation in a month," you began to blush, adverting eye contact with your sister, "So please, teach me your ways, I'm willing to do anything. ANYTHING!"

A mischievous grin played on your sister's face, "Anything you say?" she smirked, "Let's start with that dead animal on your head that you call hair."


Hi again~ I've recently had this idea in my head for a while, and it always comes back to me when I hear Katy Perry's One of the Boys. And then I thought, OMG SUHO WOULD BE PERFECT FOR THIS. So please look forward to chapter 1 ^^



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KittyConsole #1
Chapter 2: This is starting to get really good! :D Plz update soon!
Smileyblu #2
Update soon !...