Chapter 1

My Mail Order Gangster Boyfriend




“Junggie-ah! Do you want to go get some ice-cream? It’s my treat~”


“Really oppa? Race you there!” I didn’t bother waiting as I quickly rushed off.


“Hey! Not fair!” I could hear him shouting from the distance, I could even imagine the pout on his face. I laughed – he’s so cute!


I arrived at the ice-cream shop with Hoya puffing just a few steps behind me, “Hey! You should have waited for me!”


“Ehehehe! Sorry! Come on, let’s pick a flavour!” I stared at the window full of ice-cream with wide eyes. Each one looked so delicious and bright; and it all looked so perfect. A hand wrapped itself around mine, warm breath tickling my neck. I could feel Hoya’s presence behind me.  I turned around in surprise, his face right in front of mine. My breath hitched and I couldn’t concentrate on anything else, but just his perfect face. Nothing else, not even the people in the shop. Did I mention how perfect he is?


“Junggie, I really want to tell you something. I rea-”




URGH! Who calls at such an early hour? They just had to ruin my dream! I mean c’mon, Hoya was just going to say something really important! Some people just have no sense of moral rights. But how I wish Hoya was my boyfriend. He’s just so perfect. Good looks, he is smart…I wonder what he was going to tell me. With my eyes half-closed, I patted around the bed trying to find my phone. I had no intention of answering it – not with school around the corner. I figured I could get some sleep before hell started. “Herllo?”


The voice on the other end boomed, almost killing my ear drums. “SOOJUNG! WHERE ARE YOU? YOU’RE GOING TO BE LATE! SCHOOL STARTS IN 10 MINUTES! YOU ARE USUALLY HERE A HOUR EARLIER!”  I slowly rolled out of my bed, eyeing at the clock. The numbers sat neatly as I stared. The clock read a clean 8:20am. I blinked.








 “Holy crap I’m going to be late!” I put on my uniform and brushed my teeth quickly. Crap, crap, crap; how did I not predict this? Stupid alarm; stupid clock, I cursed inwardly as I rushed to the door. I hastily said a ‘bye’ the photo of my parents that were on top of the shoe shelf.


It was a photo of mum and dad being happy; they had no worry about life because it was perfect. I teared up a bit remembering how much fun we had, before they passed away, but I quickly wiped them away when I remembered the situation I was in. I put my hand on the door knob, fumbling to open it. Screw this – even the door’s against me. I spent another 2 minutes trying to open the damn door, before realising that is was locked.

I groaned loudly, unlocking it quickly as I ran to school. Late. On the first day. What were the chances.


And you know what the worst bit is? Hoya was just going to tell me how much he loves me!



So I ended up running to school, cursing the world and my alarm clock for not working on the one day my body’s still in holiday mode. Just on that one day I can’t get up – the one day I can’t wake. I ran to school, almost pushing someone off their feet along the way.


“Sorry!” I called hurriedly, rushing over them as I ran into the school. It was weird – I swear the kid I bumped into had the same uniform as me.


Eh. Not my problem today.


I ran into class, apologising repeatedly as I took my seat. The teacher glared fiercely, but didn’t say much more. Looking around for IU – Lee Jieun, but no one called her that – I spotted her around him again. Her boyfriend; great. Well that’s just fine. It’s okay I have my own boyfriend –


No wait, no I don’t. Hoya’s in my dreams and stupid Lee Byunghun thinks he’s too cool now.


Instead I sat down wherever there was a seat, glaring angrily at IU. So much for being my best friend. I sighed, trying to absorb the teacher’s words as I blinked sleepily. Would it hurt to take a nap? No one would notice.  



Seriously, what kind of girl just bumps into me like that? Yeh sure, a lot of fangirls bump into me lightly, to get my attention and stuff, but this girl, she bumped into me as if she was a bull chasing a red flag! Plus, she barely looked at me while she went pass, not even bothering to help me up. But then again, it’s not like I would have accepted her offer to pick help me up if she asked. Where was she hurrying to anyway? I took another glance at her and realised that she wore the same uniform as me. Well, the female version of my uniform, you know what I mean. Who the hell wants to go to school so early? Something pointless to waste your energy on really. I would rather use this energy on fighting Teen Top or Beast.


As I continue walking the rest of the road to school, I hear females squealing over me. Do they really have to react like that? It is really annoying. Once I get into the school grounds, I find it nice and peaceful. Something that I would always like it to be. No fangirls annoying the hell out of me, and no friends bugging me to warm up to everyone. 

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Sorry for the lack of update. We are trying. Honestly.


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Chapter 4: This story is nice^^, update soon author~ omo I'm so glad this has teenfinite XD and it includes my biases hahahha
hallothere #2
Chapter 4: i lied. this chapter is...ok
chapter 2 (not the poll) is the one
hallothere #3
Chapter 4: What a chapter. Chapter 1 was so much better omg
mynameisyou #4
please update soon~~~~
the plot was jjangg!! (y) <3
Feliceheartskey #5
Chapter 4: Please update soon... I like the plot;)
bbymonkeyxd #6
Chapter 4: Yay you finally updated, :) I actually have reread all the ch because it's been so long and I forgot everything already lol, I can't wait till your next update, I am really enjoying this story so far
shin_yoonjo12 #7
Chapter 3: new subbie here~ ur story is interesting and i like it. i hope you update soon author-nim~ ^_^v ppyong~...
kyaaaa!! i love this :) please update soon neh ? love you author-nim :DD