Bringing back the real me

Crazy Marriage




L.Joe walked down the hospital garden as he had his hands in his pocket. He sighed as he looked up in the sky. He wanted to change. He wanted to become a better person for Hana, but he was afraid. Afraid to lose her. He wanted to forget about his past and move on. The only thing that is keeping him back is his dad. Reminding him that his mother has left them and is never coming back. 


He wanted to tell her about his past, but he was scared that she would look at him differently and treat him differently too. 


He sighed in frustration as he ran his fingers through his hair making it messy. He turned and saw a couple holding hands while they were sitting. The girl had her head on her boy's shoulders while he was whispering something to her. L.Joe hoped that one day that he could be this close to Hana and he could tell the whole world that she is his girl. 




L.Joe turned around and saw C.A.P standing there with sorrowful eyes looking at him. L.Joe gave him a nod before turning around and started walking again. 


"How are you?", asked C.A.P as he quicken his pace to catch up with L.Joe. L.Joe turned to him and gave him a weak smile. 


"Alright,", L.Joe shrugged. 


"I told Hana,", L.Joe stopped as his eyes widen and looked at C.A.P, "I told her about your past." 


"W-What did she say?", he asked with curiosity filling in him. He wanted to know what Hana thought about him now. 


"She didn't say anything. She was deep in thought. She is really thinking about it." 


L.Joe nodded. Even though Hana didn't say anything, he knows that Hana is not judging him by his past. He knows that she is the kind of girl who will find the heart to forgive anyone even though they have hurt her badly. That is what he likes about her. She is the kind of girl that will take care of someone out of love. 


"Byunghun. I really hope that you'll change for the better. Forget about that old man. He made your life worse.", C.A.P patted his back. 






"What if she chose Myungsoo. The guy who is the love of her life. Who am I going lean on now?"


L.Joe was scared of Myungsoo. That he was going take away the only person who is keeping him sane, away from him. Away from his life. 




"Just pray and hope." 


"She really loves him. I can tell. She has never looked at me that way before, the way she looks at him. It has a different … feeling.", L.Joe had tears building up in his eyes. He has never felt like this for a girl before. 


"Byungie. You need to snap out of it. You need to show her a change happy you, not some sad, depressed you." 


L.Joe grabbed C.A.P shoulders and turned his body to face him. L.Joe took a step back and opened his mouth, "Punch me." 


"What?", C.A.P was confused what L.Joe was trying to tell him. 


"I said. Punch me." 


"Are you crazy? I'm not going to punch my best friend. No." 


"Punch. Me. I'm begging you. Knock some sense into me,", begged L.Joe. C.A.P shook his head and sighed. There is no way C.A.P could talk his way out of this. He raised his fist and gave L.Joe a hard, sharp punch on his left cheek making him fall backwards. L.Joe got up slowly and dusted his pants and wiped his lip away from blood. He smiled at C.A.P and patted his shoulder. 


"Thanks. For bringing back the real me."


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L.Joe is changing :D :D .... hope you guys are enjoying the story so far and will update soon 

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Chapter 47: Finally happy ending with the naughty ert lhoe what another baby kekekke....

Ireally love the the new Ljoe. He is ao sweet. Also i like when Chunji comfort Hana when Ljoe abused her. And the sweet caring Cap ^^
Namyaa #2
Chapter 2: The writing style is annoying i can't read it :((((((
14 streak #3
Chapter 47: Wow the ending XD
Chapter 22: I thought his mom died--not left..
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 47: Chappie 47: woow!!
such a hot ending......
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 37: Chappie 37: yahoo!!!!
they're going for a date!!!!
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 23: Chappie 23: woow!!
i didn't know that people will change just by a punch......
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 18: Chappie 18: what past??
memoria_99 #9
Chapter 11: Chappie 11: what is happening now??!!!??!!
memoria_99 #10
Chapter 6: Chappie 6: what happened to l.joe??
why he is so harsh towards hana again??!!