Chapter 6: Kim Young Yumi {the magnae}

Summer 2011.


Note: This chapter will be on Yumi’s POV.
“YUMI YOU LITTLE BRAT!!!” Natsumi unnie yelled from the bathroom. I ran down the stairs, screaming my head off with my arms up in the air. 
“What did you do Yumi?” Aerin umma asked me with her hands on her hips.
“I don’t want to tell you, you’ll kill me…” I giggled as I swayed on the spot.
“She had a candy bar this morning. That’s why she’s hyper.” Hye unnie said.
“No it’s not that. I just felt like pranking Mimi unnie!!” I laughed out loud.
“You do know she’s going to kill you in about 5 seconds.” Yurii unnie warned. 
“4, 3...” Aerin umma continued.
“2, 1!” Hye unnie flashed me a very evil smirk. I looked up the stairs to find Natsumi unnie covering her body with her towel, her hair dripping wet. She was glaring at me and I know that if she had a gun, I would have been shot by now. 
“Come up here Yumi.” She said her voice scary.
“I rather not.” I grinned at her. 
“Leader, calm down.” Yurii requested.
“NO! YUMI COME HERE!” Natsumi unnie shouted once more. I ran out of the cottage, clutching my stomach as I couldn’t stop laughing. My sides were really hurting and I couldn’t control my laughter no matter what I do. I got past the porch and I started walking backwards, still laughing. I could hear someone laughing behind me too and as I wiped my wet eyes, I bumped into someone from behind. I turned around and it was Aeyla. 
“Hey,” I greeted her. 
“Hello…” She replied. I’ve never actually spoken a word to her because I think she’s a very bad girl just like her friends Namine and Marikit. 
“AEYLA!!” Marikit shouted from their cottage. She sounded really angry.
“YUMI!!” Natsumi shouted from our cottage. She was angry. I giggled again and Aeyla was giggling too. 
“What did you do?” I asked her.
“Two words: salty coffee.” She grinned triumphantly. “Marikit unnie puts a lot of sugar on her coffee so I switched the sugar to salt!”
“That’s genius!” I commented giving her a slight tap on the back. 
“Thanks! What did you do?” She asked me. 
“I put in ketchup inside my leader’s shampoo bottle.” I grinned like a fool.
“Didn’t she smell it before she applied it on her hair?” She asked.
“She’s got a cold. She can’t smell anything.” I laughed.
“Nice one… Magnaes rule.” She stated.
“Magnaes like us makes the leaders life hell!” I laughed evilly. Suddenly I saw Natsumi unnie by the porch, all dressed and quickly putting her shoes on.
“Come here! I’m going to murder you!” She shouted at me. Aeyla looked at their cottage and Marikit was also making her way out ready to get Aeyla. 
“OMO come on let’s go!” Aeyla laughed and then grabbed my wrist. Before Natsumi and Marikit could leave the cottages, Aeyla and I have run to the forest, laughing our heads off. We stopped when we were both sure that we were far away enough for our leaders not to find us straight away. 
“I didn’t know you were a prankster…” Aeyla spoke.
“We didn’t actually have the chance to get to know each other. We kind of instantly hated each other from the beginning.” I said.
“I know right, well I don’t know about you but I really want to be friends with you. We’re both magnaes. We both like pranking people.” She grinned.
“I’d like to be friends with you too Aeyla!” I smiled at her. 
We stayed in the forest for 45 minutes before we decided to come back and face our punishment from our leaders. I was actually quite scared. I waved goodbye at Aeyla as she skipped back to their cottage while I tried to be quiet as possible as I walked in to our cottage. Hye and Yurii unnie were sitting down on the sofa watching TV while I heard Aerin umma humming along to something while cooking in the kitchen. I scanned the living room and leader was nowhere to be seen. I blew a sigh of relief. I prepared to walk over to Hye and Yurii unnie to watch TV with them when suddenly I felt a weight on me. Natsumi unnie had jumped on my back!
“AHHHH! GET OFF!” I shouted. 
“I told you I will murder you!” Natsumi unnie grumbled as she stayed on my back and I ran around the living room like a headless chicken.
At 2pm after our very late lunch, I was in the porch cleaning Natsumi unnie’s skateboard. Besides jumping on my back, this was my other punishment. I sighed out loud as I brushed the wheels, trying to get the mud off. Aerin umma walked towards to me and then handed me a cold glass of apple juice. 
“Thank you umma,” I smiled at her and then took a great big gulp.
“She shouldn’t punish you; you’re only 8 years old.” She shook her head in disapproval. I narrowed my eyes at her and then pouted. 
“I’m 17.” I grumbled. 
“I know but in my eyes, you’re only 8.” She giggled and then left. I stuck my tongue out at her and then placed the glass of juice on the ground. 
When I finished cleaning the skateboard, I was jumping up and down with joy. That was probably the most boring thing I had to do. I washed my hands in the kitchen and then decided to go to the other cottage to see Sungmin oppa. Without bothering to knock, I just walked in and then called for my oppa. No one answered. A few more shouting later, Aeyla came running down the stairs with a grin on her face.
“Hey Yumi!” She greeted me.
“Hey Aeyla! Is Sungmin oppa around?” I asked.
“Anio, he went out with Heechul and Donghae. I’m sure they’ll be back soon though.” She replied. 
“Hey Yumi! Can I talk to you? I need your help!” A flustered looking Kyuhyun came running towards me.
“Hey I don’t like you!” I told him.
“Help him out Yumi; he’s been such a depressing git lately. See ya later.” Aeyla said and then she ran up the stairs. I eyed Kyuhyun up and down.
“I still haven’t forgiven you for what you did to my leader.” I growled.
“I know, I’m sorry. Please don’t kick me in the shin again!” He pleaded.
“Haha, okay I won’t. Now what do you want Kyu oppa?” I said.
“I want Natsumi to like me. I want her to be… mine. Can you help me?” He requested. I pursed my lips and then put on my thinking face. I was aware that Natsumi unnie liked Kyu oppa too but she won’t admit it even to herself. What can I do to make her realize that they are actually perfect for each other? A light bulb instantly in my head.  
“Come on, I’ve got the perfect plan!” I told Kyuhyun oppa excitedly. 
I ran out of the boys’ cottage and then ran to our cottage. I ran so fast that I couldn’t feel my legs when I stopped. I kicked the door open, creating a loud noise which caught the attention of all of my unnies who are playing Scrabble in the living room. I tried to catch my breath as they all looked at me worriedly. Actress Yumi is in session.
“What’s up Yumi?” Aerin umma asked.
“Something bad happened!” I yelped.
“Your pet unicorn fled?” Hye unnie sniggered. Yurii laughed out loud while I just pouted at my Hye unnie. Always the annoying one. 
“Mimi unnie! Kyuhyun oppa has been in a car accident!” I announced dramatically. Everyone gasped while Natsumi unnie stood up, her eyes widening and her jaw dropping. 
“Sungmin oppa just rang me, he said Kyu oppa is in critical condition.” I added. I watched as her eyes started welling up while the others were just as shocked and scared. 
“C-can I go see him at the hospital?” Natsumi unnie stammered.
“Of course, come on, I’ll come with you!” I said as I reached out for her hand. 
“Can we come?!” Aerin umma asked.
“Anio, just stay here umma, I’ll call you and let you know what’s happening!” I said and then pulled Natsumi unnie out of the cottage. 
“I’ll call a taxi now.” Natsumi declared as she took her phone out from her pocket. I stopped her speed dialling by snatching her phone away. 
“We have to go get some of Kyu’s stuff first. All of them are at the hospital now you see.” I lied. I could see that she’s really worried. My plan is working.
“Araso, araso.” She replied stiffly as we both walked to the boys’ cottage. To my surprise she started crying when we got to the porch. I felt guilty. I quickly opened the door and then turned the lights on. She looked and then she just continued on crying. Kyuhyun was standing in the middle of the living room, holding a bouquet of flowers, a smile plastered on his face. 
“Sorry unnie, but you can beat up Kyuhyun oppa now,” I grinned. 
She smiled and then wiped her wet cheeks. 
“I’m sorry Mimi,” Kyuhyun mumbled. I smiled triumphantly when I saw Natsumi ran towards him, cupped his face with her hands and then kissed him lovingly. 
Later that afternoon, I found myself in a taxi going to DSP Media Building to meet up with my brother Young Saeng. After I left KyuSumi to talk things out between them, Young Saeng rang me and said that he wanted to meet up with me today. I didn’t hesitate because I miss him a lot. I haven’t seen him for a couple of years. The last time I saw him was when SS501 was promoting in Japan. He’s not able to go back there just to visit me because of his schedules while I’m not able to come here anytime I want because of my studies. As you all know by now, I also have another famous brother, Yesung from Super Junior. Yesung is my actual blood brother. We have the same parents which is why my surname is ‘Kim’. My birth name was actually ‘Kim Jong Yumi’ while Yesung’s name was ‘Kim Jong Woon’. Our parents got divorced and our mum remarried. She married Young Saeng’s dad so I got another brother. I love both of my brothers and I wanted both their names on mine so I dropped ‘Jong’ and changed it to ‘Young’ which earned me my name ‘Kim Young Yumi’. You say I love them so much but I left Korea? That’s because I couldn’t handle the fame that came with being related to two very well-known celebrities. They were both singers and were in very successful bands. People expected me to enter the music industry too but I didn’t want to so I decided to leave Korea and go to Japan to focus on my studies. 
“We’re here Miss.” The taxi driver said. I paid him and then I ran towards DSP Media Building. I saw Young Saeng quickly standing by reception and I happily ran to him and hugged him tight.
“Dongsaeng! I missed you!” He said as he picked me up and then twirled me around. I giggled helplessly. I didn’t even care that people were looking at us. 
After more sweet hugs, he took me out to eat. We were eating pizza and drinking banana milkshake as we talked and talked. He told me everything he’d been up to with SS501 while I told him everything I do back in Japan. 
“Saengie oppa,” I called him.
“Ne Yumi-shi?” He smiled cutely at me. 
“Have you spoken to Yesungie oppa yet?” I croaked. I still haven’t spoken to Yesung at all. He still haven’t bothered returning my calls. 
“I haven’t spoken to him in a while, if you want we can go to SM so you can see him?” Young Saeng offered.
“That’d be great!” I grinned. Half an hour later, Young Saeng and I were walking towards SM Entertainment Building. I was excited and I was also quite nervous. I don’t know but I have a feeling that something will happen that I wouldn’t like. We went to the 3rd floor where Super Junior’s dressing is and Young Saeng was just keeping his cool acknowledging people who looked and stared at him or those who talked to him. We entered the packed dressing room and I saw the rest of Super Junior all doing their stuff. At the very far corner of the room, I saw Yesung with a huge grin on his face. Young Saeng pointed him at me but I was already looking. He was playing with a little girl about 6 years old. He looked really happy and the little girl was just giggling because of my brother acting like a dork.
“Who’s that?” I asked Young Saeng. 
“I think that’s someone’s kid.” He replied stiffly.
“Well now I know why he hasn’t been returning my calls. He’s forgotten about me.” I pouted and then walked out of the dressing room. Young Saeng grabbed my wrist and then wiped my wet cheeks.
“You don’t have anything to be jealous of Yumi,” He told me sincerely.
“I don’t care, I’m still jealous and I’m going home now.” I said sternly.
“Araso but I’m driving you home.” He stated. I nodded weakly. I kept quiet on the way back to the cottage even though Young Saeng kept talking. He then started singing for me, my favourite SS501 song, “Find” and I smiled a little. I gave him a tight hug and told him that I loved him dearly before I got out of his car. I then greeted Aerin umma who was in the living room with Donghae watching Jaws. I could hear Hye unnie and Siwon talking about God in the kitchen. Hye unnie didn’t want to listen but Siwon oppa was just blabbering on and on. I couldn’t find Natsumi unnie anywhere while I found Yurii unnie in our bedroom just cuddling with Joon oppa. I ignored them and jumped on my bed, covering my face with my pillow.
“Joonie oppa, can I talk to you later? I’m gonna talk to magnae…” I heard Yurii unnie say. 
“Okay, see you later. Hope you’re okay Yumi!” Joon oppa shouted before closing the door behind him.
“Merrr.” I grumbled underneath the pillow. 
“What’s going on Yumi-shi?” Yurii unnie asked me as she took the pillow off my face. I told her everything and being the great listener that she is, she only said what she thought when I finished talking.
“Maybe you’re just overreacting.” She said firmly.
“What should I do then unnie?” I asked feeling helpless.
“Talk to him and tell him what’s bothering you,” She said and then gave me a quick hug. She then left me because she saw Sungmin standing by the door. 
“Hi oppa,” I waved at him. Yurii unnie then gave me two thumbs up before she closed the door behind her. Sungmin sat down beside me.
“Gwaenchana Yumi-ah?” He crooned.
“Will you come with me to meet my brother tomorrow?” I requested.
“I thought you already seen Young Saeng today?” He clarified.
“I did and I meant my other brother,” I said.
“Oh sure no problem. I need to go to SM anyway,” He replied with a smile. 
After a while, Sungmin and I just hanged out in my room and cuddled without any interruption from anyone; but not for long. Sungmin played with my hair, making me look up at him. He stares at me for a moment and then he started to lean in. I closed my eyes as I prepared to kiss him but Hye unnie suddenly walks in the room without knocking and then quickly scans the whole room. 
“Sorry for being such a blocker but have you seen Siwon?” She asked.
“Why would he be here Hye??” Sungmin replied frustratingly. 
“We’re playing hide and seek.” Hye grinned like a Cheshire cat. 
“He’s not here unnie.” I sighed out loud. 
“Araso, mianhe again!” She said and then prepared to close the door but I called her again. 
“Unnie! You owe me a unicorn!” I shouted. She laughed at me while Sungmin just looked at me in a very strange way.
The next day, Sungmin and I walked in the SM building and greeted everyone who we bumped to. Everyone knew me because apparently I’m the spitting image of Yesung some say I’m the female version of Yesung but I really don’t see it. Sungmin oppa rests his arm over my shoulder as he led me to a dressing room where Yesung was supposed to be at. We walked in and I instantly saw Yesung cheerfully talking to a woman who looked really formal in a red outfit and high heels. 
“Who’s that woman?” I immediately asked Sungmin.
“Oh that’s Choi Yi Jin noona, she’s our manager’s assistant. She’s great!” 
Sungmin was suddenly then pulled away by someone. I continued to stare at my brother until he finally turned around and saw me.
“Yumi--” He gasped. I gave him a little wave and then a frown. I watched as he excused himself from Yi Jin unnie and then comes running towards me with open arms.
“You’re here!” He exclaimed as he picked me up and then gave me a big bear hug. I hesitated at first but I hugged him back anyway.
“You have some explaining to do oppa,” I told him sternly. 
“I know,” He nodded weakly. Yi Jin then appeared beside us and she looked at me in admiration. 
“Yesung-shi, you should tell your sister to follow your steps and audition for SM Entertainment.” she mentioned as if I wasn’t there in front of her.
“No thanks, I won’t be able to handle all the pressure.” I quipped.
“My Yumi here will be successful whether she decides to audition or not.” Yesung smiled proudly. 
“If you change your mind, here’s my number. Call me and I’ll help you start your career.” Yi Jin unnie said handing me a card. 
“Kamsahamnida!” I bowed at her gratefully. When she left, Yesung had pulled me outside of the dressing room and then led me to a café. 
“Why haven’t you been returning my calls oppa?” I asked him as soon as we were both sat down.
“I’m sorry, I’m just really busy.” He replied.
“That’s it? You’re sorry?” I demanded.
“What do you want to do Yumi?” He hissed. 
“Is it because of that little girl?” I asked through gritted teeth. 
“What little girl?” 
“Don’t even bother lying Yesung oppa, I saw you yesterday. You were playing with this little girl. You looked really happy with her. Is that why you don’t even have time to call me? Cos you found yourself another sister?” I blabbered like a fool. Before he could explain himself, I already walked from him. I walked away again. Sungmin appeared and then he wiped the tears on my cheeks. 
“Come on, let’s get you home aein…” He crooned.
I cried all the way home. Sungmin did his best to comfort me but I just couldn’t stop crying. I can’t believe I just walked away just like that. I can’t believe my big brother didn’t even run after me. Sungmin helped me out of the car and before I could walk over to the cottage, he hugged me tight, my face slamming onto his chest. I cried again.
“Please stop crying, it hurts me seeing you like this.” He said as he my hair lovingly.
“I’m sorry oppa,” I sniffed.
“No need to say sorry. Everything’s going to be okay.” He said and then kissed the top of my head. He held my hand as we made our way to go to their cottage. Maybe I could hang out with Aeyla for a little while since were friends now. 
“Yumi-ah!” Someone called me. I turned around and saw Sim Jang unnie waving her hand at me.
“Hello unnie.” I greeted her in a flat voice.
“There’s a package waiting for you.” She smiled at me.
“Okay, I’ll check it later, gomawo!” I replied.
“Oh, your unnies wants to open it now so you better go over there.” Sim Jang stated with a hint of worry in her voice. I nodded and then ran over to the cottage. Sungmin and Sim Jang followed behind. I opened the front door and saw Yesung. My older brother Yesung sitting down on the sofa waiting for me. Hye unnie and Aerin umma were sitting down on the floor watching something. As I looked closely, they were actually watching Ddangkkoma crawl on the floor. They looked so amazed. Yurii unnie and Natsumi unnie were both just staring at Yesung oppa in a very erted way. I looked back and Sim Jang unnie winked at me while Sungmin oppa smiled at me and told me to go on. 
“ you look like Yumi.” I heard Natsumi mention to Yesung.
“Well I am her brother.” Yesung flashed a smirk. Yurii unnie started fanning herself with her hand while Natsumi unnie just continued to stare. 
“Oppa, what are you doing here?” I squeaked.
“Oh Yumi! Please don’t run away from me again!” Yesung said as he hugged me again. I was just glad that he ran after me. 
“I’m so sorry for not making an effort. I haven’t seen you for a long time and what I did to you is unforgivable. Please understand--” I cut him off.
“Oppa, I forgive you. Let’s not say anything else, I love you.” I said.
“Araso, araso. Saranghae dongsaeng!” He grinned.
“I’m so glad my girlfriend is happy again!” Sungmin exclaimed. My eyes widened and then waved my hands frantically in the air. Yesung doesn’t know that Sungmin and I are actually boyfriend-girlfriend now.
“Wait-- are you two going out?!” Yesung asked.
“Oh hyung! I can explain! I-- I forgot to tell you!” Sungmin stammered.
“Yesung oppa, remember I love you!” I gulped as I tugged on his arm. He was already glaring at Sungmin.
“Sungmin-ah, are you doing my sister??!” He shouted. 
“Anio hyung! Not yet! I mean--” Sungmin gaped. I held on to Yesung’s wrist but it was no use as he was now running after my boyfriend around the living room. Natsumi unnie and Yurii unnie started laughing their heads off while Hye unnie and Aerin umma took the chance to take Ddangkkoma away.
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CupcakeChoi93 #1
“Ya where did you find my chainsaw?” Hye asked surprise.

“You have a chainsaw?” Siwon gasped.

“You know I pack a chainsaw dear,” Hye winked at him.

This was so great... But I'm still sorry about Taemine couple...<br />
I love your style ^^
cute :)) i love it. :))<br />
thanks for this fic!
awww, that almost made me cry T^T. I was so close<br />
to not saying goodbye to Donghae Q_Q. This last<br />
chapter really was sad T^T, but hey you finished<br />
the story :D. I think you're the first author<br />
that's ever finished a story I applied for XD.<br />
Lol, it was great fun reading all the stuff<br />
that happened! Thanks so much for letting my<br />
character be part of your story! ^^
CupcakeChoi93 #5
Well Worth the wait my man :D <br />
Sure :D <br />
CupcakeChoi93 #6
Aww! Taemin and Namine broke up!? I hate that manager now -_-<br />
OMG EunHae XD "Do you want it to be?" Lol, that was hilarous!<br />
Natsumi actually had my favorite line in this chapter XD It's<br />
the "Alright chubby cheeks! Calm your !" XD I laughed so<br />
hard when I read that line. Lol, anyway, great update :D I'm<br />
looking forward to reading more ^^ ~화이팅!
CupcakeChoi93 #8
Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuy, Update ^_^
CupcakeChoi93 #9
“Ya where did you find my chainsaw?” Hye asked surprise.<br />
“You have a chainsaw?” Siwon gasped.<br />
“You know I pack a chainsaw dear,” Hye winked at him.<br />
<br />
Legend!! OMFG I'm never this happy in the mornings but hahahahahahaha. <br />
"Oh , the preist heard us..." I love this fic