Chapter 3: Park Yurii {the expert on hot boys}

Summer 2011.

Note: This chapter will be on Yurii’s POV.


“And they lived happily ever after…” Aerin unnie finished and then shut the fairy tale book with a gentle “thump”. Yumi yawned and then gave our umma a big hug.

“Goodnight Yumi, sweet dreams.” Aerin crooned. Yumi closed her eyes and in a matter of seconds, she fell asleep. Aerin stood up from her bed and placed the book by the nightstand.

She looked at me and then gave me a warm smile.

“Yui…” She called. I looked up from the fashion magazine that I was reading. I flashed her a smile and then she sat on the edge of my bed.

“Do you want me to read you a bedtime story too?” She asked.

I made a face and then sighed. Out of all of us in the group, she’s the one who knows me pretty well. Why is she asking me such nonsense?

“Umma, I don’t believe in fairy tales or those happy ending crap. You know that…” I mused. She tucked some of her hair behind her ear and then pulls it back after just a few seconds.

“I do know that, I don’t know why I asked,” She laughed at herself, covering in the process. She and her habits.

“Well I’m going to bed, I’ll see you in the morning.” She said and tapped my leg before she headed towards the door.

“Goodnight umma,” I told her.

“Oh by the way, you have to think of something fun that we can all do tomorrow. Goodnight!” She grinned and then closed the door.

Something fun… Hmmm…

Only one thing has entered my mind.


The next day I went over to the little house where Sim Jang unnie lived. Poor Yumi was doing the dishes in the kitchen but Aerin umma is helping her; I left Hye in the cottage watching TV and texting someone while I passed Natsumi unnie at the porch, smoking. I knocked three times on the door and Sim Jang unnie greeted me cheerfully. I really like her, she’s lovely.

“Annyeong haseyo Yurii-shi! Come in!” She said as she opened the door wider. I got to the living room and I saw Hana {Ji Yong oppa’s girlfriend} sitting down on the couch. She greeted me with a smile.

“You have a really nice house.” I commented.

“Oh gomawo, it’s tiny but yeah it is nice.” Sim Jang unnie said.

“Yurii-ah, do you want anything to drink?” Hana asked me nicely. It makes sense that she and Sim Jang unnie are close because they are both dating BIGBANG members. They are both so lucky too.

“No thank you, I’m not going to stay long, I just wanted to ask you something unnie,” I said and then turned to face Sim Jang again.

“Oh what is it?” She asked.

“Are there any nightclubs around the area?” I asked. I hope she says yes.

“Actually yeah, there is one 15 minutes away from here. It’s a very popular nightclub, celebrities always go there.” She responded. Brilliant.

“Oh that’s great! Can you give me directions on how to get there?”

“Sure, I’ll draw you a map.” She grinned.

A few minutes later, she has drawn me a map and she explained to me how exactly to get to the nightclub. I thanked her afterwards and I said goodbye to her and Hana. I walked back to the cottage and Mimi unnie was still on the porch smoking her 50098th cigarette.

“You’re going to die of cancer unnie,” I told her.
“You’re going to die if you don’t go away.” She glared at me.

“Alright, easy! I’ve got good news.” I said as I smiled from ear to ear. She looked at me and then waited for me to talk.

“Get your dancing shoes on, we’re going clubbing tonight!” I declared. A smile slowly formed on her face and then it turned into a cheesy grin.

“Ah there’s a reason why I’m friends with you Yurii!” She said and then stood up from the porch. She walked in the cottage but as she took two steps inside, Aerin unnie had already shouted, “Finish that cigarette first!”

Mimi unnie groaned and returned to sitting down on the porch. I giggled quietly and then sat down beside Hye on the sofa.

“Hello Yurii. I sensed it was you.” She mumbled, not taking her eyes off her phone.

“Who you texting?” I asked as I flicked the channels on the TV.

“Shisus.” She replied with a smirk on her face.

“You’re an atheist.” I said.
“Oh don’t you know me well. I’m texting Siwon oppa. Hehe!” She winked at me.

She’s always had a thing for Siwon I knew that much. And these past few days, they’ve been getting along really well. They always talk to each other, she laughs at his lame jokes, he shows off his perfect body to her like all the time, she doesn’t even mind that he’s like super religious and Siwon who is a skin ship addict would always pull her into cuddles. Hye wasn’t fond of skin ship but when it comes to Siwon, she doesn’t mind. Come to think of it, the rest of my friends are getting along well with their biases apart from me and well, Mimi unnie. Aerin unnie is smitten with Donghae and Donghae oppa is smitten with her too. They don’t talk much and sometimes they seem to be so shy with each other but I can see in their eyes that they like each other. It was cute. I wouldn’t mind Fishy Hae to be my appa! Maknae Yumi is pretty much the same with Sungmin oppa. Despite their age difference, Sungmin adores Yumi. We all do. The way he looks at her, the way she looks at him. It was more than cute, it was love? I often catch those two holding hands and Sungmin giving her the occasional kisses on the cheek. Since Namine attacked Yumi, I think Sungmin and our maknae got closer. Mimi unnie is just complicated. She is pretty much obsessed with Heechul oppa but Heechul is with someone else. When I ask her about it, she would just shrug and say nothing. But when she sees Marikit and Heechul oppa together, I could see that it’s really hurting her even though she doesn’t say it. She’s not the person to come in between other peoples relationship and isn’t certainly the type of person who would ruin other peoples relationship. She would rather hang back and get herself hurt rather then her being the cause of other people being hurt. On the other hand, there is Kyuhyun oppa who OBVIOUSLY has a massive crush on our leader. I think it’s funny; Mimi unnie is our leader while Kyuhyun oppa is Super Junior’s maknae. He follows her everywhere and I know that he knows that Natsumi unnie likes Heechul oppa.

And then there’s me. The type of girl who doesn't believe in fairy tales and happy ending and will just choose to die rather than to fall in love and cry. I don’t want to fall in love because for me it only makes a girl weak. However, I don’t hate boys. In fact I really like boys who look so manly with hot abs. Enter Joon oppa. He’s so hot. That’s all I could say. Aerin unnie and Hye said that he likes me but I don’t want to believe it. Sure we hang out and we get along but I don’t want to get close to him that much. I don’t want to get hurt. Not that he would hurt me I don’t think.

“Yui! Have you thought of something fun we can all do today?” Aerin unnie asked as she wiped her hands with a tea towel. Yumi walked out of the kitchen and then jumped on Hye’s lap.

“HEY!” Hye shouted at her. Natsumi unnie appeared from the outside and then rode her skateboard around the living room.

“Actually yes, we’re going clubbing today!” I announced, making Aerin unnie gave me a thumbs up and Hye cheering and clapping like a retarded seal. Yumi however was pouting like a fish.

“What’s the matter?” I asked her.

“I can’t go with you. I’m too young.” She mumbled as she made her lower lip tremble. I instantly felt sorry for her.

“That means one of us have to stay with Yumi,” Aerin said.

“That’s no need, I can ask Sungmin oppa to accompany me!” Yumi squeaked.

All of us narrowed our eyes at her.

“Ya! We can’t let that happen. She’s too young to have ! She’s still a B-A-B-Y!” Hye hissed.

“Unnie, you can say in front of me. And EW! I’m not going to do it with Sungmin oppa!” She made a disgusted face.

“But you will do other stuff which you’re too young to even know about.” Natsumi unnie said. I nodded my head in agreement.

“I think we can trust Sungmin.” Aerin unnie announced.

“The guy with all the pink stuff? Really?” Hye and Natsumi chorused.

“Yes.” Aerin giggled a little.


The night finally arrived and all of us were in a taxi on the way to the nightclub. We all felt sorry for leaving little Yumi behind but she didn’t seem to mind as Sungmin oppa was more than happy to accompany her. Natsumi being the fierce and overprotective leader gave Sungmin a mouthful. Yumi was embarrassed but Sungmin just laughed it off. He was a good guy.

“Do you think the 3 es will be at the club as well?” Hye asked.

“I certainly hope not.” Natsumi unnie answered.

“Namine and Aeyla are the same age as Yumi so if were lucky Marikit will be the only whose going to be there.” Aerin umma said.
“If we’re lucky?? I don’t want to see her out of all people!” Natsumi commented. I’m pretty sure that deep inside she wants Marikit to be at the club too because that would mean Heechul would be there. The taxi crawled into a stop and we all pinched in to pay for the fair. We entered the club, smiled to each other as the fun, exciting atmosphere hit us. The music was blaring, the club was packed and the night is about to start!

Natsumi and Hye didn’t waste any time and went straight to the bar to get started on drinking. Aerin umma stayed with me as I walked slowly, looking at every part of the nightclub. It looked like the nightclub where the MV for “High High” {GD & TOP} was shot. There were a fair amount of hot boys and some of them tried making eye contact with me and Aerin. We would giggle uncontrollably but then we won’t look at them again. Aerin was looking for a certain someone and I knew who.

“OMO they’re here!” She whispered in my ear and then pointed at a corner. I looked and there they were drinking and chatting. Donghae saw Aerin and he ran towards her side. They went to the bar and I was left on my own. Hye appeared with a drink in hand.

“Where’s Aerin gone?” She asked.

“Gone with the fish.” I replied.

“Oh don’t worry Yurii, I’ll stay here with you! We’re gonna have some fun!” She chirped as she danced on the spot, spilling some of her drink on the floor. Just then Siwon approached us.

“Hye! Hello! Hi Yurii!” He grinned cheesily at us. I waved a little at him because I knew that he would now take Hye away and I will be left on my own again. I was right, a few minutes of flirting later, Siwon pulled Hye to the dance floor. Aerin and Donghae were chatting by the bar. Natsumi appeared beside me with two drinks.

“Here you go Billy-no-mates.” she said in a teasing tone. I took the drink and took a big gulp. I was starting to become frustrated because I couldn’t see him anywhere.

“She has to be here doesn’t she…” Natsumi muttered as I saw her glaring at someone. I followed her glare and I saw Marikit sitting comfortably on Heechul’s lap. She was giggling, whispering into Heechul’s ear and acting all flirtatious. This must be killing Natsumi. But unfortunately for her, she can’t do anything. Suddenly, Kyuhyun oppa popped up behind us.

“If looks could kill, she would have been dead by now.” She said. Natsumi unnie finally blinked but now she’s glaring at Kyuhyun oppa.

“How about I buy you a drink?” He asked her.

“I still have a drink. Thank you though.”

“Then drink that quickly.” Kyuhyun said.

“Excuse me?” Natsumi raised her eyebrow.

“Finish your drink so I can buy you another one.” Kyuhyun ordered.

“I don’t need you to buy me a drink.” Natsumi said through gritted teeth.

“But I insist.” Kyuhyun pouted.

“I insist harder.” Natsumi pouted too. They were now glaring at each other and then suddenly for some reason, they both started laughing out loud. I stared at them in confusion. I thought they were going to bite each other’s heads off. Just as I watched them nearly die with laughter, someone tapped me lightly on the shoulder. I turned around and there he was, smiling down at me with his pearly white teeth.

“Joon oppa!” I said with glee.
“You look nice.” He commented.

“Thank you.” I blushed.


Hours passed and I spent the night with Joon oppa. We sat in a corner, drinking, talking and laughing about absolute nonsense. Hye and Siwon would occasionally take a break from the dance floor and sit with us while Aerin and Donghae didn’t dare leave the bar. They were just there, talking and whispering sweet nothings to each other. By the end of the night, I’m gonna have an appa I think. Kyuhyun oppa as usual didn’t leave Natsumi alone and would keep buying her drinks. He somehow knew what her weakness was: alcohol. She loves drinking but she is a lightweight. She easily gets drunk. Maybe Kyuhyun had other plans?

Good songs were being played in the club and I was itching to dance. I looked at Joon and his feet were tapping along to the beat of the music. I took a deep breath and was just about to ask him to dance when a girl approached him. I made a face.

“Would you like to dance with me?” She asked Joon.

Joon looked at me as if to get my permission. I would have said no but I was in no right to say that so I nodded and flashed him a fake smile. I watched as she pulled him by the hand to go to the dance floor. Then bam, a romantic slow song started playing. My jaw dropped. If I asked first I would have been the one dancing with him right now!! I sighed and then looked at my empty glass. I needed another drink. I walked to the bar and saw Marikit getting a drink herself. She looked at me and then smiled. Wait, did she just smile at me? Maybe she’s just drunk. When she got her drink, she nodded at me and then murmured, “Have a good night”. I shook my head and then waited for someone to get me my drink. A pretty barmaid approached me.

“What can I get you?” She asked. I looked at her name badge and it said “Nanie.” I smiled at her quickly. She looked really familiar. I swear I’ve seen her before. I just can’t remember where.

“Just a glass of red wine please.” I told her. She got me my drink quickly and I paid while I still figured out where I’ve seen her before.

“I’m sorry you look really familiar, have we met before?” I asked her.

“I’m not sure but I did use to date someone who you might know,” she mumbled shyly. How intriguing.

“Who?” I asked.

“Hyun Joong from SS501?” She said.

“AH! When SS501 was promoting in Japan! That’s where I’ve seen you before!” I said.

“Probably. Lee Nanie imnida.” She smiled and then offered her hand. I shook it gladly. She used to date a celebrity. Wow. I personally think that she’s too pretty to be working as a barmaid.

“Why are you on your own? Where are your friends?” She asked me.

“Oh they’re dancing with their soon to be boyfriends.” I sighed.

“Where’s your soon to be boyfriend?” She asked again.

“I don’t have a soon to be boyfriend, that’s the thing.” I pouted.

“Sure you do. You were with that hunk from MBLAQ just earlier on before that girl asked him to dance.” She said. I looked at her and she was just smiling at me. Is she like cupid or something?

“You like him right?” She said. I nodded at her.

“He likes you too. You should let him know.” She said.

“But I don’t want to get hurt.” I admitted.

“None of us wants to get hurt. Let yourself go just this once. He might be your prince charming, don’t let him go.” She smiled.

I turned around and looked for Joon. He was still dancing with that girl but not in an intimate way or anything like Hye and Siwon. They really need to get a room. I then decided that I’m going to follow my heart this time. I turned around to say thank you to Nanie but she was gone. She just disappeared into thin air just like that. What on earth??

The song finally finished and Joon and that girl parted. Joon walked towards me with a smile on his face. My heart was thumping and I had butterflies in my stomach.

“Do you want to dance?” Joon asked me.

I shook my head at him.

“Oh okay,” His smile faded but I smiled.

“Joon oppa,” I called him. He looked up at me.

“Joahaeyo,” I declared and then went on my tiptoes to kiss him on the lips.




Author's Note:

What do you guys think of this update? ^^

Next chapter will be on Hwang Aerin's POV!

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CupcakeChoi93 #1
“Ya where did you find my chainsaw?” Hye asked surprise.

“You have a chainsaw?” Siwon gasped.

“You know I pack a chainsaw dear,” Hye winked at him.

This was so great... But I'm still sorry about Taemine couple...<br />
I love your style ^^
cute :)) i love it. :))<br />
thanks for this fic!
awww, that almost made me cry T^T. I was so close<br />
to not saying goodbye to Donghae Q_Q. This last<br />
chapter really was sad T^T, but hey you finished<br />
the story :D. I think you're the first author<br />
that's ever finished a story I applied for XD.<br />
Lol, it was great fun reading all the stuff<br />
that happened! Thanks so much for letting my<br />
character be part of your story! ^^
CupcakeChoi93 #5
Well Worth the wait my man :D <br />
Sure :D <br />
CupcakeChoi93 #6
Aww! Taemin and Namine broke up!? I hate that manager now -_-<br />
OMG EunHae XD "Do you want it to be?" Lol, that was hilarous!<br />
Natsumi actually had my favorite line in this chapter XD It's<br />
the "Alright chubby cheeks! Calm your !" XD I laughed so<br />
hard when I read that line. Lol, anyway, great update :D I'm<br />
looking forward to reading more ^^ ~화이팅!
CupcakeChoi93 #8
Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuy, Update ^_^
CupcakeChoi93 #9
“Ya where did you find my chainsaw?” Hye asked surprise.<br />
“You have a chainsaw?” Siwon gasped.<br />
“You know I pack a chainsaw dear,” Hye winked at him.<br />
<br />
Legend!! OMFG I'm never this happy in the mornings but hahahahahahaha. <br />
"Oh , the preist heard us..." I love this fic