Chapter 4: Hwang Aerin {the umma}

Summer 2011.

Note: This chapter will be on Aerin’s POV.


Last night was a good night. No wait, it was a great night. I opened my eyes and then stared at the ceiling. I could hear Hye’s soft snoring from her bed. I could distinctly remember that we were all very drunk last night. I just hope that I didn’t embarrass myself in front of Donghae. I yawned about three times before I decided to get up from my bed. I folded my blanket and then fluffed my pillows. I then picked up Hye’s clothes and other stuff that were scattered on the floor. I have to cook a big greasy breakfast for everyone soon. Apart from Yumi. She can have a big bowl of her favourite cereal.

As I put on my cute fluffy slippers, I heard Natsumi scream from her bedroom. “AHHHHHH! HELP! ERT! ! HELP!!! AHH!!”

Hye sat bolt upright in bed and then blinked her eyes a couple of times.

“Was that my wet dream?” She asked, still half asleep.

“HELP ME!!!!” Natsumi screamed again.

“Obviously not. Ga ja!” I told her and then ran out of our bedroom. We bumped into a very sleepy Yumi and Yurii out in the hallway that was on the way to Natsumi’s bedroom too. Yumi led the way and she put on a brave face. I kicked the door open and Yumi ran inside and posed into a ninja stance. I quickly scanned the room to look for Natsumi.

“What the--” Hye gasped. Natsumi was leaning against the wall, covering herself up with just a blanket. I looked on the bed and Kyuhyun was there, shirtless and was only wearing his boxer shorts on. My jaw dropped.

“Kyuhyun oppa, you didn’t!” Yurii exclaimed.

I ran to Natsumi’s side and gave her a comforting hug.

“Kyuhyun you are a very bad man.” Hye glared at him.

“Yumi get out of here, you can’t see any of this.” I told Yumi. She nodded and then walked out of the room. “Hye close the door.” I ordered.

“He took advantage of me…” Natsumi murmured.

“I didn’t! I swear!” Kyuhyun said.

“So you’re saying you both just decided to be but not do anything else?” Yurii interrogated.

“How romantic…” Hye commented as she rolled her eyes.

“Alright, we had but she wanted it too!” Kyuhyun said as he pointed his finger at Natsumi.

“I was drunk Kyuhyun. I would have done it with a tree with the amount of alcohol you bought me last night!” Natsumi shouted.

“You planned this???” My eyes widened at Kyuhyun.

“I promise I didn’t, it just happened. I walked her to the front door and she pulled me inside. I tucked her into bed and then she started taking my clothes off, I thought she knew what she was doing!” Kyuhyun explained.

“Please, I don’t need the dirty details.” Hye cringed.

“You still took advantage of her. You knew she was drunk.” I said.

“Where were we when you tucked her into bed?” Yurii asked.

“You were all already in bed. I’m sorry Natsumi, I really am.” Kyuhyun said.

“Get out of my room. I never want to see your face ever again!” Natsumi cried and then ran to the bathroom in rage.

“I really am sorry.” Kyuhyun said as he picked up his clothes from the floor, quickly put them on and then walked out of the room.

Yurii, Hye and I sighed out loud as we heard Natsumi’s cries from the bathroom. Just then, we heard a “ow!” from Kyuhyun. I walked out and saw Yumi grinning to herself, watching Kyuhyun limp outside the cottage in pain.

“What did you do?” I asked her.

“I kicked him in the shin.” Yumi flashed me a smirk.

“Nice one.” Hye sniggered.


After our big breakfast, Yurii helped me clean the kitchen while the others did what they wanted. Hye was trying to cheer Natsumi up in the living room while Yumi was changing upstairs.

“How was your night last night?” I asked Yurii.

“Quite eventful actually unnie,” She replied smiling.

“Do tell.” I grinned.

“I kissed Joon oppa.” She blushed lightly.

“YOU NEVER!” I exclaimed excitedly. She nodded and then bit her lip. Yumi entered the kitchen.

“Umma, I’m just going to the other cottage to go see Sungmin oppa okay?” She said. I eyed her up and down to check if she was wearing an appropriate outfit. Yurii was eyeing her up and down too but not because of my reason.

“Did Sungmin throw up on you?” Yurii grimaced.

“What?!” Yumi raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah, what?” I said.

“You’re wearing an all pink outfit. Yuck.” Yurii grimaced some more.

“Oh unnie… Bye umma!” Yumi said and then stalked off.

“Oh no, oh!” I heard Yurii groan. I looked at her and she was clutching her stomach. She took deep breaths and sweat started to appear on her forehead. Oh dear. A few minutes later, she ran to the sink and started being sick. I collected her hair and then held it up as she continued throwing up all the food she just ate for breakfast.

“How much did you drink last night?” I asked her as I soothed her back with my free hand. She wiped quickly.

“Enough for me to be this hangover.” She croaked.
“I’ll get you some medicine,” I said and then ran to the bathroom to pick up some tablets. I returned to the kitchen and then gave Yurii the tablets plus a glass of water. I then helped her to go to the bedroom so she can take a rest. Halfway up the stairs, she ran to the bathroom and started being sick again. I sat on the stairs and waited for her to come out. I saw Hye and Natsumi sitting down on the sofa facing each other even though the TV was on. Natsumi was laughing uncontrollably as she pinched Hye’s cheeks viciously. Hye was just scrunching her face up and not stopping Natsumi. That’s how she cheered up the leader.

“Umma, I feel awful!!” Yurii called as she leaned against the bathroom door.

“I know you do, come on I’ll take you to bed.” I said. I tucked her in bed, placing the glass of water by the bedside table and the trash can on the side of the bed just in case she throws up again. I fixed her hair as she closed her eyes and tried to sleep. A few moments later, there was a faint knock on the door. I turned around and saw Joon standing there looking worried.

“Annyeong Joon oppa,” I greeted him.

“Annyeong Aerin-shi, is Yurii okay?” He asked.

“She’s just hangover that’s all.” I replied.

“Do you mind if I take care of her?” he requested.

“Sure, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind that.” I replied and then I stood up from the bed, Joon taking my place by Yurii’s side that was now sleeping peacefully. I saw Joon took her hand and held it before I closed the door behind me. I went to the living room and found Natsumi on the sofa on her own. She had her arms folded neatly across her chest.

“Where’s Hye?” I asked her.

“Shisus wanted her.” She replied huskily.

“How you holding up?” I said.

“Well I’ve been last night by a guy I absolutely detest. So I’m doing great!” She answered sarcastically. I have a short temper but I know that she has a reason to be in a foul mood so I took a deep breath and decided to be patient with her.

“Mimi unnie, Kyu oppa already apologized. Are you not planning on forgiving him?” I said softly. She scoffed and then looked at me weirdly.

“I rather kill myself first before I forgive him.” She replied.

“You know, personally I think you have a little crush on him.” I smiled slyly.

I shouldn’t have said that. Natsumi is going to kill me.

“PISS OFF AERIN. Don‘t make me hate you too.” She growled and then walked away from me. She went outside and then I saw her started smoking. I sighed and decided not to follow her. Hye suddenly walks in from the outside with Siwon by her heel.

“No Siwon! I don’t want to go to church!” She argued.

“Just today, please.” Siwon begged.

“Oh please? Really? NO!” Hye yelled.

“But you might like it,” Siwon added with hope in his voice.

“Siwon oppa, as much as I like you, that’s one thing I wouldn’t do for you. I can’t step inside a church, I will burn!” Hye exclaimed dramatically.

“No you won’t, you’re an angel.” Siwon smiled warmly at her.

“Flattery won’t get you anywhere daddeh.” Hye flashed him a smirk.

“Oh come on Hye; just come to church with me.” Siwon pleaded.

“The answer is no oppa. I’m sorry.” Hye declared. I actually felt sorry for Siwon but I didn’t get why he wanted Hye to go to church with him so bad.

“Araso, I guess I’ll see you later then.” Siwon sighed and then left.

“Yeah bye!” Hye waved him off and then she went to sit beside me.

“You evil woman.” I told her.

“So the Lord will smite me down. Big woof.” She rolled her eyes and started playing with the buttons of the remote.

“Why don’t you want to go with him?” I asked.

“I’m an atheist. Atheists don’t go to church!” She replied.

“I know that but would it be that bad to go just this once?” I said.

“It’s a big deal to me okay?” She huffed.


I spent the whole afternoon checking up on Yurii even though Joon was taking care of her, I tried to cheer up Hye and I tried to ask Natsumi to talk to Kyuhyun.

“Here, try reading the bible,” I told Hye and handed her a bible.

“Oh look, my skin is beginning to catch fire just by being near a bible!” She said over dramatically.

“OH MY GOD, KYUHYUN GO THE AWAY!” Natsumi yelled by the front door. I looked and Kyuhyun was at the porch holding a bouquet of roses.

“Please Aerin, let me smoke here inside. That creep won’t leave me alone!” She yelped and waved her packet of cigarettes in front of my face.

“Well maybe if you two talk it out--” I started.

“ABSOLUTELY NOT!” Natsumi screamed and then stomped upstairs. I went outside to talk to Kyuhyun.

Mimi holds grudges and if she gets angry at you, don’t expect her to be your friend just a few hours later. She will not speak to you for days or even weeks.” I told him. He nodded and then smiled weakly at me.

“Please tell her that I’m really sorry.” He said and then handed me the roses. I walked back inside the cottage and then went to knock on Natsumi’s bedroom. I heard a ‘clash’ and a ‘crack’.

“MIMI! Stop breaking stuff! Let me in!” I banged on the door. She must be really angry. She’ll only break stuff when she’s really angry. She opened the door and I saw the mirror broken and a vase broken to pieces on the floor.

“What do you want?” She asked me.

“He said he’s really sorry. And he wants you to have this.” I said as I put forward the roses. She looked at it, took it away and then dropped it in the trash can. I actually expected her to do that. Without saying another word to me, she lay down on her bed and then started crying. I wanted her to talk to me but I thought it’s best if I leave her on her own. I saw Yumi running up the stairs with a massive frown on her face.

“Ya what’s the matter?” I asked her worriedly. I am the type of person who does everything in my ability to help those in need.

“My brother won’t return any of my calls. Plus Namine and Aeyla were teasing me when Sungmin oppa went to the toilet.” She murmured as she clutched on her pink phone.

“Which brother? And just ignore those childish bullies okay?” I clarified.

“Yesung oppa.” She answered. She looked like she was about to cry.

“Maybe he’s just really busy?” I said.

“Young Saeng oppa is really busy too but I’ve spoken to him a lot of times. We’ve been here for 2 weeks now and I haven’t spoken to Yesung oppa at all. He just wouldn’t return my calls!” Yumi whined.

I pulled her into a hug as she started crying softly.

“Doesn’t he love me anymore?” She asked.

“Of course he loves you Yumi-ah, I’m sure he has an acceptable reason why he hasn’t been returning your calls. You never know, he might call you back soon. Just be patient okay?” I told her.

“What if he never calls me back?” she pouted at me.

“Then we’ll go and find him so you can talk to him in person.” I said.

“Thank you Aerin umma.” She said and then hugged me tight. At least someone appreciates me helping them. The day went on with me trying to fix everyone else’s problems. I wanted to help everyone that I have forgotten my own problems. I was getting really frustrated because no one has even asked me how I am. I care about my friends but don’t they care about me? I have a massive headache and I’ve got a hangover from last night too but no one knows about it because no one has bothered to ask. I realized that my mood has become foul. More foul than Natsumi. I try to avoid my friends and family when I’m in a bad mood because I don’t like hurting others with my actions or words, so it’s my personal policy not to drag others into my problems. So before I started to become a to my friends, I called a taxi and left the cottage without a word to anyone.

“Where can I take you?” The female driver asked me.

“To the nearest beach please.” I replied. She nodded and then drove.

“My name’s Raena, Kim Raena. What’s yours?” She asked me.

“Aerin imnida!” I responded quickly.

“Nice to meet you,” she smiled as she focused on the road ahead.

“You too,” I replied.

“It might not be as bad as you think,” she spoke again after a few minutes of silence between us.
“Sorry what do you mean?”
“Your friends care about you and for sure they appreciate every little thing you do for them. They just don’t show their appreciation but it doesn’t mean that they don’t love you.” She said.

“You’re probably right but I just wish they show it sometimes.” I sulked.

“Talk to them about what’s bothering you. I’m sure they will understand.” Raena said. The taxi crawled into a stop.

“I promise you that when you come back to them, everything will be okay.” She told me as I paid her.

“I hope so, thank you very much.” I said. I got out of the taxi and then admired the beach in front of me. I took a deep breath and enjoyed the smell of the sea. I turned around to wave at Raena but the taxi wasn’t there anymore. I didn’t even hear it drive away. That was weird. I walked closer to the waves and then sat down on the sand. I watched the beautiful sunset and then took off my shoes so that I could exfoliate my feet with the sand. It was nice here. It was peaceful and quiet. The waves were making me relaxed and calm. The warm wind brushed against my cheeks and I suddenly wished that my friends were with me. I missed them. If they were here, Yumi would be making a sandcastle and then Hye would come along and then ruin it, Yurii would be taking photos of us and the surroundings while Natsumi would be trying to ride her skateboard along the sand. I smiled to myself as I thought about my friends. Even though they all annoyed me with their whining, complaining and foolishness, I still loved them to bits.

“Hey loner,” a voice made me jump out of my skin. I turned around and saw Donghae looking down at me with a sweet smile on his face.

“Hi oppa…” I greeted him. He sat down beside me, leaving a little gap in between us.

“What are you doing here on your own??” He asked.

“I wanted to think.” I replied and then rested my head on my knees. He copied me so now we were looking at each other. I was a hopeless romantic and I easily fall for guys. And I know for sure that I have fallen for this guy in front of me.

“What are you doing here?” I interrogated.

“This is the sea, I’m a fish. Need I explain more?” he laughed. I laughed along with him and then we fell silent again.

“Aerin-shi…” He called me, his voice sending shivers down my spine.

“Ne Donghae oppa?” I asked.

“Can I hold your hand?” He crooned. I saw his cheeks turn a faint pink.

“Sure.” I replied shyly and then held out my hand for him to take.

This vacation isn’t turning out so bad after all!



Author’s Note:

I hope I did justice on your character {BloodyRavens} !!

I really enjoyed writing this chapter, I hope you enjoyed reading it too !!
Next one will be on Choi Hye’s POV! (:


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CupcakeChoi93 #1
“Ya where did you find my chainsaw?” Hye asked surprise.

“You have a chainsaw?” Siwon gasped.

“You know I pack a chainsaw dear,” Hye winked at him.

This was so great... But I'm still sorry about Taemine couple...<br />
I love your style ^^
cute :)) i love it. :))<br />
thanks for this fic!
awww, that almost made me cry T^T. I was so close<br />
to not saying goodbye to Donghae Q_Q. This last<br />
chapter really was sad T^T, but hey you finished<br />
the story :D. I think you're the first author<br />
that's ever finished a story I applied for XD.<br />
Lol, it was great fun reading all the stuff<br />
that happened! Thanks so much for letting my<br />
character be part of your story! ^^
CupcakeChoi93 #5
Well Worth the wait my man :D <br />
Sure :D <br />
CupcakeChoi93 #6
Aww! Taemin and Namine broke up!? I hate that manager now -_-<br />
OMG EunHae XD "Do you want it to be?" Lol, that was hilarous!<br />
Natsumi actually had my favorite line in this chapter XD It's<br />
the "Alright chubby cheeks! Calm your !" XD I laughed so<br />
hard when I read that line. Lol, anyway, great update :D I'm<br />
looking forward to reading more ^^ ~화이팅!
CupcakeChoi93 #8
Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuy, Update ^_^
CupcakeChoi93 #9
“Ya where did you find my chainsaw?” Hye asked surprise.<br />
“You have a chainsaw?” Siwon gasped.<br />
“You know I pack a chainsaw dear,” Hye winked at him.<br />
<br />
Legend!! OMFG I'm never this happy in the mornings but hahahahahahaha. <br />
"Oh , the preist heard us..." I love this fic