
My Cold Bride
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Luhan and Seohyun had just arrived home when she asked to speak with him in private. He agreed and took her to one of the parlors and shut the door. Since she sat in a chair, he sat in another chair that was across from her. She sat for a couple of minutes and stared at her hands, as if trying to determine what to say. He shifted uneasily in his chair, knowing this wasn‘t going to be a good conversation.

"Do you remember the important matter I had wished to discuss with you on Thursday evening?" she finally asked.

"Yes," he replied. He patiently waited for her to continue.

"I never got the chance to tell you what was on my mind. I‘ve been trying to tell you since then. Yesterday, I even went by your work but the receptionist wouldn‘t let me see you. He said you had important meetings half the day and had to prepare for the wedding. Then today, before the wedding, you were at another business meeting and I couldn‘t talk to you then either. Apparently, you are difficult to get a hold of."

"I‘m sorry. No one told me you were trying to talk to me, and my uncle insisted that the business meetings I had to go to were crucial. I made sure that he understood that he is not to intrude on our time together for the rest of this weekend. I have to go to work on Monday, but as I explained on Thursday, I won‘t be able to get a day off for another two weeks so we can go on our honeymoon."

She glanced at the door.

"Is it too soon?" he softly asked.

She looked back at him. "Too soon for what?"

"To consummate the marriage?" He hated to even ask the question since he had been wishing to make love to her ever since he learned of their engagement. He had thought of little else for the past two days.

"Well, that‘s just it. I don‘t want to consummate the marriage at all."

He could only stare at her in shock.

She continued. "We are wrong for each other. I tried to tell you. I told my father but he wouldn‘t listen. I asked him to let me out of the engagement so I could move to Seoul with him or stay in town and support myself. He wouldn‘t budge. And I wasn‘t able to talk to you so here we are. One small thing has turned into a huge mess, but before this becomes a disaster, I have to put a stop to it."

"I thought you wanted to marry me." He could barely speak the words. His heart felt like it was being ripped apart.

"No," she softly replied. "I don‘t know who gave you that idea but they were wrong. Don‘t you understand how we don‘t suit each other? I mean, we don‘t even know each other. We probably don‘t have anything in common."

"You‘re wrong."

She looked startled. "What?"

"We do have things in common. We have the same faith, similar backgrounds, poor dancing skills, and a love for the beach. I assume we have more similar interests too. It‘s true we don‘t know each other well, but don‘t we know of each other well enough to start a marriage?"

She sighed and put her head in her hands. When she looked at him, he could tell that she felt guilty for revealing this to him. "I thought you felt the same way I did. I..."

The tension in the room was so strong he almost bolted out of the room. After a long moment, he finally asked, "Why did you say , I do‘?"

"I tried to say no but the words wouldn‘t come out and then I got nervous with everyone waiting for me to speak. It was a very awkward moment."

"Not as awkward as this."

She turned her attention back to her hands which were folded in her lap.

"What do you want now?" He felt hollow as he asked the question. He already knew her answer.

"An annulment."

"Do I have any say in this?"

"I assumed you would be in agreement with me.

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arinlikha #1
I've read a novel titled the cold wife
R u the same writer of the one I refer to???
well done. this is one of my favorite fanfics
Chapter 22: Aaaaaaw <3
Chapter 2: :') i am excited to see how kai will react 'jogin'
Chapter 1: Well well well.. This is just my style as i see i liked this fan fics fron the beginning and i hope it's gonna be the same opinion at the end :)
OtakuKat #6
This is scary.
It says OtakuKat don't forget to upvote etc. and my name is OtakuKat
Coincidence much?
Chapter 22: Awwwwwwwww.......this is wonderful. I enjoyed every chapter of it. ^^
Chapter 21: My goodness! Im glad Jongin isn't involve with his father's dirty works. And....Yoogeun! Baby! Where are you!
Chapter 20: Oh Jun Young...C'mere you! I'm single! Lol xD
Chapter 19: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ they did it!