
My Cold Bride
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The next morning, Seohyun dressed in her favorite pink dress and pulled her hair back with a pink ribbon. She wanted to look as nice as possible when she saw Jongin. She went out for a walk to Jongin‘s house after she got her measurements done for her wedding dress. She could only hope she wouldn‘t need to wear it. She was on her way to the florist to select the flowers for the ceremony. She wondered why Luhan felt it necessary to give her so many tasks. She also had to choose the colors, the decorations and the music. She was so exhausted from all the running around she was doing that she barely had time to think of how much she was dreading the marriage.

One look at the wedding gowns surrounding her in Mrs. Lee‘s shop reminded her that time was quickly running out and if she wished to get out of this marriage, she had to talk to Jongin. When she arrived at Jongin‘s house, her pulse was racing. Jongin did seem to care for her. They weren‘t close but she had spent more time with him than she had with Luhan.

His butler answered the door. "Good afternoon, Miss Seo. How may I help you?"

"Good afternoon," she greeted, aware that her voice slightly shook, betraying her anxiety. "I would like to speak with Mr. Kim."

"I will see if he is available. Would you like to come in and wait in the parlor?"

She shook her head. "No thank you. I will wait here."

"As you wish." The butler left the door slightly open while he went to get Jongin.

She turned around and examined her surroundings. She was used to living in the wealthy section of town. She didn‘t understand how her life would change if she were to live without the comforts of wealth. Certainly, it would be preferable to go without riches than to live with Mr. Xi.

The butler returned to the door. "He will be with you shortly."

She thanked him and sat on the chair on the porch. It was early afternoon. A couple of women walked down the street but no one paid her any mind. She took a deep breath to calm her racing heart. She was still upset that Luhan didn‘t take the time to listen to her the night before. A business meeting took precedence over her? She suddenly realized that Luhan‘s opinion of her was poor. She was no more than a means to an end. Married men often fared better in the business world since they were viewed as more stable and loyal than the single men. Luhan was merely out to make himself more appealing as a businessman. He had no personal interest in her.

She couldn‘t believe he had the nerve to bring up their honeymoon or dancing. As if she had any desire to touch a man who only valued her for what she could do for him! He had a lot of nerve. He never once approached her all the years that he and her brother talked at dinner parties. Then last night, he was acting as if he was happy to be with her. It made her sick to her stomach. He only acted interested in her because he was expected to. He was in front of their family and friends, so he had to put on the mask of being a devoted fiancé. She was sure that he would put the same mask on in public after they married as well. She couldn‘t tolerate such a show. She refused to play into his game, which was why she had rested in his guest bedroom upstairs.

She was shocked to see that every guest bedroom had a theme to it. One bedroom looked like it came out of the European medieval time period. The second one looked like it belonged to the Roman Empire. The third one was reminiscent of Ancient Egypt. The fourth one was decora

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arinlikha #1
I've read a novel titled the cold wife
R u the same writer of the one I refer to???
well done. this is one of my favorite fanfics
Chapter 22: Aaaaaaw <3
Chapter 2: :') i am excited to see how kai will react 'jogin'
Chapter 1: Well well well.. This is just my style as i see i liked this fan fics fron the beginning and i hope it's gonna be the same opinion at the end :)
OtakuKat #6
This is scary.
It says OtakuKat don't forget to upvote etc. and my name is OtakuKat
Coincidence much?
Chapter 22: Awwwwwwwww.......this is wonderful. I enjoyed every chapter of it. ^^
Chapter 21: My goodness! Im glad Jongin isn't involve with his father's dirty works. And....Yoogeun! Baby! Where are you!
Chapter 20: Oh Jun Young...C'mere you! I'm single! Lol xD
Chapter 19: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ they did it!