
My Cold Bride
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Luhan didn‘t bother to glance up from the stock reports on his desk as Mr. Nam entered the building. He could see the man from where he sat in his office but knew the receptionist would take care of the situation. Whatever the older man wanted, his uncle could take care of it. Being around the man the previous day had been a test in patience and being quiet. The man spouted off his mouth about everything and it seemed that nothing made him happy. He was miserable and seemed to drag other people under his cloud of doom and gloom. If the sun was out, he complained that it was too bright. If it was raining, he complained that he got wet. If it was cloudy, he whined that it looked too dark for the daytime. With him, nothing was right. His son, Minhyuk, had a better disposition and even ventured to look on the bright side of things, but his father quickly gave him reasons not to. Minhyuk simply ignored him, which Luhan had to admit was the best course of action.

Luhan heard his uncle so he glanced back up from the stock report in his hand and saw Cheng smile and shake the client‘s hand. How does Uncle do it? He honestly looks happy to see Nam.

Mr. Nam was loud enough for everyone to hear. “I am having a dinner party tonight. You and your nephew need to bring Miss Kwon by. I plan to play some friendly games against Choi Minki. I can‘t wait to see the look on his face when he loses. I wouldn‘t have thought it possible to look at her, but that young lady is one of the best billiard players I‘ve ever seen. She may not be as attractive as other women, but I suppose her looks don‘t matter when it comes to making me money.”

“Miss Kwon is actually a beautiful young lady,” Cheng quickly interrupted.

Luhan raised an eyebrow. Since when did his uncle notice a woman‘s looks?

“Really? I hadn‘t noticed—perhaps because of her disgraceful clothing,” Mr. Nam replied.

“I already explained that the dress she was wearing is for the upcoming play,” his uncle smoothly stated.

“Still, to wear it in public? People are apt to believe the Kwon family is a pack of vagabonds.”

“Mr. Nam, please refrain from talking about her that way. A woman is to be treated with respect.”

“Are you telling me what to do?” The man clearly looked offended.

“I‘m just saying that if you wish for her to help you win the game, then it‘s a good idea to be polite. You are welcome to your opinion, but I would rather not hear it when it concerns her.”

“Yes, about the game. The dinner party is at six. I expect you all to be there.”

“My nephew may have plans with his wife.”

“Tell him to cancel them. I understand that the Kwon woman likes to be with your nephew‘s wife at dinner parties. She will be happy to attend with Sooyoung there.”

“Seohyun,” Cheng corrected him. “My nephew‘s wife is Seohyun.”

“Whatever. It doesn‘t really matter, does it? I mean, she‘s just a woman.”

Luhan decided it was time to get up and join them. “Good afternoon, Mr. Nam.”

“Boy,” the man greeted.

“My wife and I are hosting a dinner party tonight,” Luhan informed him. “We planned it earlier this week. She wanted to invite some close friends over.” He took it as a good sign that she was warming up to him since she was willing to openly acknowledge him as her husband to the people she cared about the most.

“Well, there you have it.” Cheng clapped his hands together. “I‘m sorry, Mr. Nam but tonight will not work.”

Mr. Nam looked sourly at Luhan. “Surely, you cannot let a woman dictate how you run your life.”

“Don‘t you remember what it was like to be a newlywed?” Cheng asked the man. “Luhan already gave up his lunch date with his wife to join us and your son to a business lunch and for some friendly games of billiards afterwards. You received a sizable profit that day, thanks to Miss Kwon. I suggest we let Luhan and Seohyun settle into their routine together before making any more demands on their time.”

“I won‘t protest if your nephew and his wife don‘t attend, but I am very much interested in having Miss Kwon there.”

“Miss Kwon is Seohyun‘s closest friend,” Luhan informed him. “I can‘t have the dinner party without her there.”

“Jongin. stopped by today and assured me that he can get Miss Kwon to my dinner party if I wish. His fiancée and Miss Kwon are close friends as well.”

Cheng glanced at Luhan.

“Seohyun has already invited Miss Kwon to our house tonight,” Luhan argued, though he had the sinking feeling that it wasn‘t going to make a difference to Mr. Nam.

He was right, for the man replied, “Apparently, her plans will change. Mr. Kim has assured me that Miss Kwon will be available if I wish.”

“With all due respect, wouldn‘t it be wise to ask Miss Kwon is she wishes to attend your dinner party?” Cheng asked.

“I don‘t see how a woman‘s opinion matters in a situation like this.”

Luhan raised an eyebrow at his uncle as he recalled Seohyun‘s feelings about marrying him. “That sounds oddly familiar,” he muttered so only his uncle would hear him.

Cheng ignored the comment. “I disagree. A woman is a person, not an object. You will not be getting my assistance in this unless she agrees to it, and Luhan and his wife will hold their dinner party for their friends.”

“I suppose I can take my business to Mr. Kim,” Mr. Nam warned.

“Then do so. I will not force a woman into something that‘s not in her best interest.”

“I‘m disappointed. Withdraw my accounts immediately.” The man sniffed and left the building.

“I smell a hypocrite in the room,” Luhan remarked.

“Oh, you can‘t compare this to what I did to get you and Seohyun together. I only did what was best for the two of you. Besides, she was upset yesterday when I saw her at lunch. She really wanted to have lunch with you. Obviously, things are going well with her.”

“She was at the restaurant?”

“Yes. Once I explained the situation with Mr. Nam, she felt much better. I couldn‘t let her be upset with you after seeing you talking to Nam Minhyuk. I mean, she assumed you ditched her to have fun. I assured her that you weren‘t having fun.”

“So how is this different from Miss Kwon?”

“Mr. Nam wants to use her to further his own gain. Mr. Seo and I arranged for you and Seohyun to marry for her benefit. You are a good man. She‘s already happy with you and it‘s only been six days. I suspect by this time next week, the annulment won‘t be a possibility.”

“It‘s amazing how you rationalize things.”

Cheng didn‘t comment on his nephew‘s statement. Instead, he grabbed his hat.

“Where are you going?” Luhan wondered.

“To explain the situation to Miss Kwon and let her know that she has the freedom to say no. I‘ll see you later.”

Luhan sighed and returned to his work.


When Luhan came home that night, he was pleasantly surprised to see Seohyun leave the parlor to walk to the front door to welcome him. “I got your flowers.”

He smiled. This time he had sent her pink roses to represent love. He figured that at this point, they had established a good foundation for friendship. Sure, it wasn‘t based on years of knowing each other, but he figured they knew each other well enough to start their marriage. He already bought her a crystal heart but wouldn‘t give her that until he sent her the red roses to represent passion. He hoped that this would be the night they would finally consummate the marriage, which he was getting more and more eager to do with each passing day.

“Do you like roses?” he asked her as he hung up his hat.

“Of course, I do. What woman doesn‘t?” She stepped closer so she could kiss him on the cheek. “Thank you.”

Encouraged by her affectionate move, he took her in his arms, dipped her and gave her a long kiss on the mouth.

“If you‘ll come up for air, I‘d like to get the door,” Baekhyun stated, grinning. “I believe I heard the doorbell. Your guests are starting to arrive.”

Luhan reluctantly let go of her. He pleasantly noticed that she seemed happy about the kiss. He smiled at her and whispered, “Anytime you‘re ready, give me the word and I‘ll join you in bed.”

She blushed but didn‘t protest, so that was a promising sign. He was beginning to believe that things would work out as his uncle said they would.

Baekhyun opened the door and began letting their guests in. Luhan was ready to join Seohyun in welcoming Cho Heran and Mr. and Mrs. Jung when he realized Kris was shouting at Kyungsoo again.

“Please excuse me,” he told Seohyun and his guests as he rushed to take care of the situation before it got out of hand.

As soon as he entered the kitchen, Kris turned to him. “Mr. Xi, I found this cheater‘s card on Kyungsoo‘s forehead when

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arinlikha #1
I've read a novel titled the cold wife
R u the same writer of the one I refer to???
well done. this is one of my favorite fanfics
Chapter 22: Aaaaaaw <3
Chapter 2: :') i am excited to see how kai will react 'jogin'
Chapter 1: Well well well.. This is just my style as i see i liked this fan fics fron the beginning and i hope it's gonna be the same opinion at the end :)
OtakuKat #6
This is scary.
It says OtakuKat don't forget to upvote etc. and my name is OtakuKat
Coincidence much?
Chapter 22: Awwwwwwwww.......this is wonderful. I enjoyed every chapter of it. ^^
Chapter 21: My goodness! Im glad Jongin isn't involve with his father's dirty works. And....Yoogeun! Baby! Where are you!
Chapter 20: Oh Jun Young...C'mere you! I'm single! Lol xD
Chapter 19: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ they did it!