The Truth Is Revealed

Will We Make It? (Sequel to Vampire NU'EST)

It has been days since Kevin has talked to Eli. In fact, he isolated himself in a ball of water, yet another power of the aristocrats. They can isolate themselves in a ball of their given element if they really don't want to talk to anyone. For all the days that Kevin has isolated himself, Eli has been worried sick about him. "Kevin, please come out... You can't live in there forever." Eli cooed to his boyfriend. As expected, there was no answer from the saddened angel. Eli sighed a sigh of disappointment and left. That girl... I swear, I used protection... That kid must belong to someone else Eli thought.

"Eli... We need to figure out what's going on here or else the group will be seperated one by one." JR pointed out, flashing into the room.

"Geez, I know that. But, that isn't my child!" Eli persisted.

"He looks like you though!" JR retorted. All of a sudden, Youngmi flashed in with the child in her arms.

"So, are you going to take responsibility for your child?" She asked.

"He's not my son!" Eli told her firmly.

"Yes he is!" She retorted. "You saw the paper-work, no, both you and Kevin saw the paper-work. Two sets of eyes don't lie... This is your son." She put him down and then glared at Eli.

"Nope, I don't believe it!" Eli said. "And I will beg for Kevin's forgiveness even if it takes me forever, I will get him to forgive me." Eli said with the most confidence JR's ever heard in his voice. However, Youngmi didn't like what she heard and attacked him.

"Just forget about him! Am I not pretty enough to replace him?" Youngmi asked Eli. By now, she was about an inch away from losing her temper. Unknown to the group, Kevin was watching everything and having an internal battle with himself if he should go help Eli or not.

"You don't get it... I love Kevin!" Eli told Youngmi. "I can't replace him, no matter how hard I try I just can't replace him."

"I'll make you then!" Youngmi smirked and attacked Eli continuously with her powers. She hoped that she could give him a brain damage to forget about Kevin and love her instead. Kevin was watching everything, but just couldn't find it in his heart to help Eli out. It's not that he hated him, no, he still loves him very much. It's just this thought that kep bothering him; would I regret helping him? JR used his powers and made her freeze in place, not turned her into an icicle like Kevin would have, but just made her paralyzed. I wonder if I can use telepathy to call Minhyun here like he called me to the living room JR thought and tried it out.

"Minhyun, come to the Elvin couple's house." Seconds later, Minhyun flashed in and gave JR a weird look when seeing the situation. "Uh, long story short, we need your powers."

"Didn't I say that I couldn't tell if she was lying or not?" Minhyun asked.

"Yes, you did." JR assured. "But, there's another way... Just torture her."

"Aren't I the pure one?" Minhyun asked again. "Will my powers let me torture someone."

"In this kind of situation where your friends, family, or you yourself is being hurt, yes! In other situations, no." JR explained, letting her go from her paralyzed state. Minhyun let out a sigh and tried out the power. Instantly, her arm twisted a little bit. "So, is that actually Eli's child?"

"Yes, it is!" Youngmi said. Her arm twisted a bit more and she flinched at the pain that shot through her body.

"You're lying!" JR accused.

"How would you know?" Youngmi scowled.

"If you were telling the truth, your arm wouldn't have twisted more..." JR explained. "Who's child is that really? And, tell the truth or your arm will be twisted more!"

"It's no one's child!" Youngmi confessed, not wanting her arm to get more damage. Her am didn't twist anymore and the MinJ couple gave her a confused look.

"How can this be?" Minhyun asked.

"Show us what you did." JR ordered.

"What in the world makes you think I would do that?"

"If you don't, we have our ways of finding out..." JR warned.

"What ways?" Youngmi spat. JR looked to Minhyun.

"Let her go." Minhyun did so and her arm went back to normal. But, before she could even take a step, JR paralyzed her again. "Minhyun, you can not only use telepathy with me, but you can see into other people's minds." JR whispered this part into his boyfriend's ear.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive! Just concentrate on her mind and you'll be able to see her thoughts. Try it." JR suggested. Minhyun gave him a doubtful look, but tried it. What he saw really shocked him. He saw that she had gone into the hospital and stole some of Eli's blood samples and then used her powers to make a kid with the blood samples that she had collected! Before Minhyun could tell JR about what she did, the kid disappeared and turned back into the stolen blood samples. Minhyun blinked in confusion and turned to JR for an explanation. JR looked really impressed by what he just saw.

"Wow, usually you don't get that power until the rest of your powers come in! But, you got it pretty early!" JR cheered.

"What did I get?" Minhyun asked.

"The ability to make thoughts into reality!" JR said proudly. As that was said, Kevin came out of his isolation and looked sadly at Eli who was on the ground with bruises.

"Sorry..." Kevin apologized, squating down beside Eli and touching his lover's cheek. There was a bright light surrounding the couple for a moment. When the light was gone, Eli opened his eyes, weakly smiling at Kevin. "I should have believed you."

"What just happened there?" Minhyun asked JR.

"Well, since Kevin is an angel, he has healing powers. You do too, but you can heal anyone you want to heal. Kevin can only heal friend, family, or in this case, the love of his life." JR explained.

"Don't all vampires have healing powers though?" Minhyun pointed out.

"Yes." JR admitted. "But, the difference of you and Kevin is that you can heal deep cuts and even serious injuries. We can only heal minor scratches, burns, or bruises."

"No, I won't lose to that angel!" Youngmi growled and used all her power to break free from JR's paralyzing state.  She made a purple-colored ball of energy, which also consisted of poison, and shot it right at Kevin. It hit, but looked like it didn't do anything, until Kevin fell to the floor unconcious!

"Oh... Cover your eyes right now!" JR warned and close his own eyes, not wanting to watch what would happen to Youngmi. Minhyun did as his boyfriend had told him, in case he would regret it later if he didn't. A few seconds passed and JR peeked, letting out a sigh of relief. "Okay, the worst is over, you can look now." When Minhyun re-opened his eyes, Youngmi layed dead on the floor. There were deep scratch marks on her body and it was just a horrible sight.

"What the..." Minhyun started.

"Us vampires, purebloods especially, can get really feisty when you hurt the ones we love." JR smiled.

"What about Kevin, then?"

"You can heal him... That is, if you have that power."

"Okay, I'm willing to try it! What do I have to do?"

"Same thing!" JR said. "Just concentrate on Kevin being fully recovered and he will be." Minhyun nodded and did as JR said. After a few minutes, the poison was gone and Kevin opened his eyes. Eli immediately tackled him into a hug.

"Kevin, you're okay!" Eli cheered. Kevin pushed him off and started to walk off until Eli grabbed his arm, pulling him into a back-hug.

"Eli... Maybe you should find someone else, I keep hurting you. That and the fact that I can't seem to trust you." Kevin pointed out, tears starting to form in his eyes.

"No, I can't find someone else..." Eli admitted. "You're the only one I will ever truly love." Kevin was going to say something, but Eli took the oppurtunity and roughly kissed him. After pulling away, Eli was smiling at Kevin. "I don't care if you can't trust me... It's understandable with your past experience." Kevin gave Eli a surprised look.

"You still remember that?"

"Of course!" Eli smiled. "I remember everything that has to do with my angel."

"So cheesy..." Kevin smiled, a smile that no one has seen for a couple of days.

"At least it made you smile!" Eli pointed out. The MinJ couple smiled at the Elvin couple, knowing that with the girl gone, they wouldn't have anymore problems. They decided to just flash out silently, to not wreck the moment between Eli and Kevin.

"JR, I have something to admit..." Minhyun said when they came back home.

"What is it?"

"Well, remember how I said that she was blocking my lie detector abilities?" JR nodded. "Yeah, I was lying! I knew that she wasn't being honest with us."

"Why didn't you tell us then? We could have solved everything a lot faster if you had!" JR pointed out, sounding a bit irriatated.

"Do you really think Kevin would have believed us with his past experience?" Minhyun questioned, remembering what Eli had told them. "I knew that we had to show Kevin that she was lying to us, but I didn't know how... Until you mentioned the mind reading abilities that I have. So, I just acted as if I didn't know anything." After hearing Minhyun's explanation, JR smiled to his boyfriend.

"You will make a great leader for the aristocrats!" JR commented.

"Where did this come from?" Minhyun asked.

"Well, you already knew how to help Kevin and you don't even know all of your powers yet. It shows that you're a good leader!"

"Thank you."

A/N: Yay, Elvin worked everything out! Best part being that Youngmi is gone! But, there will be more villains and the others will have the same test that the Elvin couple had to go through. I'll update on the weekend. Subscribe and comment.

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I missed this :)
Chapter 27: ah, its sooo beautiful!
Chapter 27: omg. its finished. it was so beautiful. byeol is gone, couples are married, and everything is perfect. im gonna miss this...
miyoon_kim #4
Chapter 25: *crying and speechless*
Chapter 25: .....*speechless*......
Chapter 24: Update, pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaassseeeeee!!!! I love your story. :)