Evil Plan In The Making

Will We Make It? (Sequel to Vampire NU'EST)

A girl about 20 years old was sitting at the head of a long table, looking at her many minions. Byeol was her name and she wanted nothing more than to split up the group of purebloods and aristocrats. Why you may ask. To get revenge upon JR for ruthlessly dumping her years ago. She wanted the pure aristocrat killed for taking JR away from her and she wanted the rest of the group split up. Now, that sounds a little goody-goody to be for a bad guy, right? Well, she also wants to use JR's status to help her with dictatorship over the vampires and for that to work, she also has to get rid of the others in the group. "So, why did you call us here, Byeol?" One of the minions asked.

"Yah! You work for me! Don't address me like you actually know me."

"Sorry, mistress..."

"We need to get that gang split up so that we can rule..."

"Yes...  But, how are we going to do this?" Another minion asked. "They've found the pure aristocrat, they're stronger now than ever before."

"You're right!" Byeol admitted. "But, the pure aristocrat is still weak from being turned into a vampire. Attack them while they're at their weakest time, which is now!"

"So, we attack them now?" The second minion who spoke in the meeting asked again.

"See, this is why I'm the leader and you are my minions! Of course we're not going to attack now. If we all attack, then the group will know our every move! Rather, we should send one of you. Who's the weakest in this room?"

"That would be me..." A female minion that was about 21 years old stood up.

"Youngmi, go and attack them or split them up somehow... I don't really care what you do as long as they are distracted." Byeol ordered.

"Got it!" The girl named Youngmi smirked before teleporting off into the night to put her plan into action. She teleported to a hospital to check something and to steal some DNA samples of Eli. After the tests were done, she frowned at the results that were given. With her powers, she changed the results into what she wanted and smiled, happy with her handy-work. Then, she took the DNA samples and used her powers once again to combine the DNA into a child that was about 3 years old. Picking up the child, she smiled triumphantly to herself. "Elvin, prepare yourselves for a break-up!"

A/N: Sorry, but I had to make the first chapter with the bad guys. There will be more chapters like this, but the next one will get back to our favourite guys. Can anyone guess who the first villain might be? Oh, and can someone please give me suggestions for a name for the group? Subscribe and comment, please! And, thank you for the readers who are still with me.

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I missed this :)
Chapter 27: ah, its sooo beautiful!
Chapter 27: omg. its finished. it was so beautiful. byeol is gone, couples are married, and everything is perfect. im gonna miss this...
miyoon_kim #4
Chapter 25: *crying and speechless*
Chapter 25: .....*speechless*......
Chapter 24: Update, pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaassseeeeee!!!! I love your story. :)