The Love Of A Brother

The Red String Of Fate using song joong kis actual sisters name cuz im not creative enough to come up with one...also this story is gonna progress really fast in the next couple chapters cuz writing the flashbacks are hard!!!!yup...thats it...enjoy reading!!!!

Coming home that day, you were feeling nostalgic, so you dug out a box from the basement and dragged it upstairs to your room. Opening it, you find the treasures of your childhood; diaries, toys, pictures and random little things that held a special memory for you. Pulling out one of your kindergarten writing books, you opened it up and began to read the childish entries you had made. Reading through, you came across an entry about the first time you’d visited Seul Ki’s house, which wasn’t too long after you had met. Smiling embarrassedly to yourself you recall the memory. Oh gosh, the admiration I had for him! He seemed so big…


It had been a month since that first meeting with Seul Ki and the two of you had become absolutely inseparable during school and Seul Ki often came over to your house for a couple of hours after. Seul Ki and her family had just moved into your neighborhood so they had been busy unpacking, but finally they were done. You walked home with Seul Ki and her mom that day and the first thing you noticed was that there was a park right in front of their house.

“Swings!”, you shrieked loudly.

Seul Ki nodded her head excitedly and turned to her mom. “Mommy, can we go to the park?”

“Only if Joong Ki will take you.”

Turning to Seul Ki, you whispered loudly, “Who’s Joong Ki?”

“My oppa! He’s so nice, he’ll take us!”

“Really? Yay! I like him!”, and with that the two of you ran quickly ahead giggling, eager to go and play.

Upon entering the house, Seul Ki’s mother ushered the two of you into the kitchen for a little snack. The two of you talked excitedly about what you were going to do.

“I’ll show you my room and we can play house and we can use my dolls as babies and then we’ll go to the park and we’ll swing and build castles! We’re gonna have so much fun!”

Hearing footsteps approaching the kitchen, you quieted down and turned around to face the newcomer shyly. You saw a boy and when he caught you staring at him, he gave you a smile and a wave. Being the awkward little kid you were, you blushed, ducked your head and turned back in your seat. It must be Seul Ki’s brother…Waah…he’s so big!

The aforementioned brother took a seat next to you, turning your shyness on full blast. “Hi! You must be ____! I’m Joong Ki, Seul Ki’s oppa.”, he said cheerfully.

Not used to talking to older kids, you mumbled out an introduction, your head bent toward your chest as far as you could go.

Seul Ki poked you and whispered into your ear. “That’s my oppa.”

You nodded in reply, but you kept quiet. Peeking a look at Joong Ki, you saw that he was smiling. Despite your silence, he kept talking to both you and Seul Ki, asking the two of you about your day and the like, but he didn’t press you for an answer. Slowly you got used to his presence and started opening up. When you finally replied to one of his questions, he broke out into a huge smile. He’s so nice!

After the three of you finished your snack, Seul Ki asked, “Oppa, can you go to the park with us? Mommy said we could only go if you go.” Both you and Seul Ki stared up at him with wide expecting eyes, pleading with him to say yes silently.

Laughing, he ruffled the hair on both of your heads. “Let me just finish my homework and then we’ll go.”

“Yay!”, both you and Seul Ki jumped up and down excitedly.

In the time that he finished his homework, the two of you played with Seul Ki’s dolls.

“Seul Ki, how old is your brother? He’s very big…”, you asked. Since he was quite tall, he seemed like a giant compared to your’s and Seul Ki’s petite frame.

“He’s two years older! He goes to the big school now.”, Seul Ki said proudly.

It was quite a big thing moving from the small nursery school to the big one and it was something everyone in your class was looking forward to. Finally Joong Ki finished his homework and off you went to the park. Despite there being two of you, Joong Ki pushed both of you on the swings without a complaint, he chased after you guys while you ran away shrieking and gave you both piggybacks until night fell. Your mother came to pick you up from the park and you left happy, eagerly awaiting the next time that you could play with Joong Ki. I like him! He’s not like my cousins ignoring me cuz I’m younger…


Laughing, you come back to reality. “God I was such a kid. Just because he played with me I held him on a pedestal, not that he doesn’t deserve it of course.”

As you packed away everything once more, other memories started to filter through your mind. The hours he spent playing with the two of you and once you joined the elementary school, taking you with him wherever he went, helping you with homework and so forth. He treated you like you were his second sister and it had a lasting impact on you. I guess that childish awe with him is still stuck with me…he seriously is the brother I never had. Holding Joong Ki oppa as my ideal type is so impossible, no one can ever match up to him! Well boo him for being so perfect!

Stretching, you got up and took a look at the time. “Yikes! It’s already 7? Gaah, so much homework to finish!”

Grabbing your stuff, you sat at your desk and began to work, but you couldn’t shake off the nostalgia.

so howd yall like it????please leave me a comment!!!!id luv to know if i have to fix something!!!!

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YasleYang #1
Waaah!! I love this so much please please please~ update soon!!
Chapter 4: WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!AWESUM!!!!pliiiiiiiizzzzzz update soon*-* °~°
Chapter 4: sdkfhsodfh update soon!!!
I love it so far!! ;DD
Keep up the awesome work!
I'll be waiting for the next Chapeter,
OMG A SONG JOONG KI STORY ;U; imma read later. :3